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B’s Classroom

Bree Baumgartner
Classwork Projects Tests Labs Class Total
Homework Quizzes Participation
20 Points 20 Points 10 Points 40 Points 10 Points 100 Points

A (+ -) B (+ -) C (+ -) D (+ -) F (+ -)
100-90% 89-80% 79-70% 69-60% 59-0%

Academic Dishonesty:
Cheating is not allowed in Ms. B’s classroom or anywhere on campus. There are three levels of cheating that have various levels of
Level 1: Homework/Classwork
Consequence: Students work will be discarded and ALL students involved will receive a score of 0% on that assignment.
Level 2: Labs
Consequences: Students work will be discarded and ALL students involved will receive a score of 0% on that assignment.
Level 3: Tests/Quizzes
Consequences: Student will fail the entire unit and will be sent to the office for further district consequences.
Classroom Expectations Cont.
Consequences and Rewards:
Good behavior and respect along with the classroom expectations should always be followed. Students will
participate in a class competition for an end of the year pizza party. These points can be given or taken away to
each class based on whole class behavior, or singular student instances.

Consequences Rewards
Students who cannot follow the expectations on Students who follow the expectations on the
the previous slide can receive the following levels previous slide can receive the following levels
of consequence. of reward.
Level 1- Point deducted from class point tally
Level 1- Point addition to class point
Level 2- Call home, and/or parent teacher tally
Level 3- Sent to the principals office for Level 2- Call home of affirmation
further intervention with call
home. Level 3- Student of the month
Academic and Classroom Routines and Procedures
i. Absences and Tardies:
Students who are frequently absent or tardy will be constantly marked as
such. If student is absent or tardy to class more than 5 times, student will receive a
call home.
ii. Collecting and returning work.
Students work will be collected and graded with in a week of completion. ALL
student work can be turned into the turn in box for the appropriate class period.
When work is graded, students can pick up their assignments in the return box for
the appropriate class period.
iii. Managing late or missing work
Students are allowed to make up missing work, if they have an excused
absence the day the assignment was due, students who were absent when
something was assigned is responsible for asking Ms. B or other students what the
assignment was. Students are allowed to turn in late work with one day forgiveness,
if the work is handed in after the forgiveness day, 10% will be taken off for each day
missing thereafter.
Academic and Classroom Routines and Procedures
iv. Daily routine for starting and ending class:
Students will complete a bell work warm up at the beginning of every class, pizza party points will be given to the
student called upon with the correct answer.
v. Procedures for group work, transitions, and moving about the classroom (This can include pencil sharpening,
obtaining and returning supplies, and use the restroom).
Students will adhere to the classroom expectations when participating in these procedures, if students need to
use the restroom just ask Ms. B and take the restroom pass.
vi. Requesting help (when can students ask for help? Is there a designated time to ask questions? Receive tutoring?).
Ms. B will be in her room during lunch and after school if students need more assistance or need to talk. Ms. B
also has 6th period as her prep class if you need to see her for an extended period of time.

vii. Academic routines for notebooks, weekly assignments, journals, vocabulary, concept maps, and/or warm ups/do
Students will complete a daily bell work that will be collected for points every two weeks.
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I am so excited to have your child in my classroom, I cannot wait for a wonderful school year with
us working together as a team! It is so great to meet you, my name is Ms. B. Let me tell you a little bit about
myself, I earned my Bachelors Degree at California State University, Fullerton in Earth Science. CSUF is where
I also earned my Single Subject Credential, Go Titans! While I was completing my degrees I worked as an art
teacher for almost 5 years. I have a passion for art and truly believe that it is beneficial to bring art into a
science classroom. With that experience I plan on having my students use their creativity through out our
scientific journey, I hope they are as excited as I am to get those creative juices flowing! My teaching
philosophy is that all students deserve an education that is tailored to their specific needs and strengths,
with my artistic and creative background I will try my best to tailor my scientific curriculum to fit all student
needs. Please know that I am always here to listen, and help your child through their high school experience.
My goal is to have us all working together as a team that will build each other up; and help each other work
through a challenging but fun academic journey. During our Oceanography course, students will learn that
the ocean is a large body of water that overlies the majority of planet Earth, the ocean and life in the ocean,
shapes the features of Earth. The ocean is a major influence on weather and climate and allows the Earth to
be habitable. Earth's oceans support a great diversity of life and ecosystems and humans are inextricably
linked. Students will finally learn that the majority of Earth's oceans are unexplored.
Ms. B
Where to Contact Ms. B
Contact Information:
School Phone- (714) 111-0000
Classroom # 239
Ms. B’s Class website:

Communication Plan:
Your child will have all of this information on our first day of school as
we go over the syllabus together. Students and parents will also have 24/7
access to this presentation on the classroom website located under, “Very
Important Documents”
Parents, You’re Invited!
Please come to our very first Back to School night on September 1st,
2019 at 7pm! Here you can check in with Ms. B to see what the latest
happenings are in the Oceanography classroom! Get a chance to see your
child’s AMAZING projects and learn more about where they will be heading
next in their oceanic academic journey! Refreshments and snacks will be

Please Join Us!

Ms. B

(RSVP to Ms. B on the class website under “Very Important Documents” )

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