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By Team Scarletta
1.Buzz marketing/Viral Marketing
 Promotion at schools and colleges
Target: Students(Age: 15- 25), in and around urban areas
Strategy 1: (a)Take a 100 colleges and 100 schools with at least 500 students per
…………………college across 25 cities
(b)Use the theme of making best movie posters for promoting “Parindey”,
//////////////// a movie depicting condition of women in India and share it on social
………………… media. Top 3 posters from each college will get cash prize and movie
………………… tickets
Strategy 2 : (a)Take 100 colleges/universities and contact drama groups across semi-
………………… urban areas
(b)Tell to create a play on plight of women in India and perform street
………………… plays in and around the city and make them carry “Parindey” posters
………………… and give them each a prize for performing best drama per city
Strategy 3 : (a)T-shirt design competition for student to promote the movie
(b)Top designers get free movie tickets and t-shirts
(c )Urge people to wear the “Parindey” t-shirt and promote that 5% of the
……………… cost price would go to an NGO for women
2. Posters/Billboards/Print media
 Promotion at traffic signals/busy areas
Target: Working population(Age: 25-55)
Strategy 1 : (a)Posters/billboards in 5-10 traffic signals&2-5 busy areas across 10 major
… //////////////cities and 100 villages
(b)Make posters/billboards with help of artists which have an emotional
………………….impact on the viewers and relate it to the movie depicting the heroic
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; portrayal of an ordinary Indian women.
Strategy 2: Hold Wall painting competitions by public in popular areas on same theme

 Promotion using Magazines

Target: Women (18 and above) in all areas
Strategy 1: (a) Take the second-best magazine in the city(for 100 cities, use analytics
………………..driven data)
(b) Create an interactive ad using one cellophane paper and a poster of
……………… a woman. For e.g., when the cellophane is on the paper it shows, the
……………… picture of a bruised woman like given above. But when you lift the sheet
……………… up, the face is clear.
(c )Use a tagline like - ”India, its time to turn over a new page for your
………………… daughters…”
3. Celebrity endorsement and social causes
 Promotion in TV ads/TV shows/Mass media
Target: Families ,mostly entire TV population
Strategy 1 : (a) Create a unique trailer/teaser video and make famous female
……………………celebrities of yesteryears comment on it at the end
Strategy 2 : (a)Make a theme song to promote the movie on social media and
………………….,,,include it in the movie
(b) Use mass media agencies to promote
Strategy 3 : (a) Take a popular or upcoming TV show and let actress Zoya make a
…………………….cameo and promote the movie
(b)The show can be a regular TV show or reality TV
Strategy 4 : (a) There are websites which promote content on social causes for a
………………… .meagre amount. They would love to have a tie-up with a celebrity like
………………… . Mr.Bhoopathy and Zoya to promote.
… Strategy 5 : (a) There are some very popular websites/pages which create and
………………… share viral videos. From the week before release they can urge people
………………… to come see the movie
Strategy 6 : (a) Tie up with NGO’s by showing emotional videos and providing them
…………………..with a donation. This has to be heavily publicized in all mass
4. Social media and other ventures
 Promotion in social media
Target: Internet users across India
Strategy 1 : Facebook : (a) Promote the theme song to movie on social media
…………… and, use help of popular movie websites and other international pages
Strategy 2 : (a) Use a hashtag campaign for maximum promotion. Use celebrities
……………… and people from media agencies dig up more news.
Strategy 3 : (a) Award free movie tickets for people who take pictures ,wearing
/////////////////,”Parindey” merchandize and get maximum likes
… Strategy 4 : (a) Promote the movie premiere heavily across all tabloids
(b ) Include male and female celebrities to endorse
(c ) Make sure that all page-3 articles promote the movie
Strategy 5 : (a ) Use of upcoming bands in live shows/concerts to create
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;./.;;;;;;;; songs for the movie. Use the album for further promotion
Strategy 6 : Make famous male celebrities like Farhan Akhter, Arjun Rampal etc
………………….state facts and statistics about women in India and campaign in the
……………… form of a video and urge the new Indian #MARD to show how India
……………… can be a lot better if men respect women . Make it go viral.
IMC plan
1.Buzz marketing/Viral Promotion at schools and Movie poster competition Street plays and dramas T-ahirt design competition
Marketing colleges

2 Promotion at traffic
Posters at busy areas Wall painting event
signals/busy areas
2.Posters/Billboards/Print media
Promotion using

3 Trailer Video Theme song TV shows

3. Celebrity endorsement and
social causes
Promo websites Viral videos NGO’s

4 Facebook Hashtag Merchandize

4. Promotion in social media

Tabloids Live concerts #MARD campaign

Cost Analysis

1. Buzz marketing/Viral Marketing 2a. Promotion at traffic signals/busy areas

Total Cost- Rs.15.5 Lacs Total Cost- Rs.65.5 Lacs
Target Audience – 13.75Crores Target Audience – 55Crores including
including overlap overlap

TOTAL COST – 4.85 Crores

Total audience is calculated by
2b.Promotion using Magazines assuming multiple response rate 3. Celebrity endorsement and social causes
Total Cost – Rs. 20Lacs to remove overlap and to find Total Cost- Rs.2.69 Crores
Target Audience – 5Crores final response. Target Audience – 65Crores including
including overlap Thus, overlap
final viewers – 29.46 Crores
Click for excel

4. Social media and other ventures

Total Cost- Rs.1.15Crores
Target Audience – 10 Crores including

-A true story
of Indian

Thank you

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