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Reasons why people commit suicide and

how to prevent this from happening.

Hellen Gomez
6 t h period
Why people decide to commit suicide.
People commit suicide because they get picked on,
mistakes they have done , sexual abuse , bullying , love
, and depression.
One reason why people decide to kill themselves is
because they are homosexual and people tease them.
Another reason why homosexual kill themselves is
because people cannot approve of their decisions.
Another reason why people commit suicide is because
they have done mistakes in their life and they regret it.
And they know that they cannot do anything to fix it
so they are feeling regretful of it and feel that their
only way to fix their problem is to commit suicide.
Sexual Abuse
The last but not least reason why people kill themselves
is because of sexual abuse. They are being abused and
are scared to tell people so they feel like they have too
take matters in their own hands. Also because they get
How they kill themselves
There are lots of ways to commit suicide. But the most
common way they commit suicide is by overdosing on
drugs, cutting themselves and last but no least
hanging themselves.
One way they kill themselves is by overdosing on
drugs. They either take prescription drugs. And or
illegal drugs.
Cut Themselves
Another reason how people kill themselves is that they
cut themselves.
The third reason how people commit suicide is by
hanging themselves.
Teenage Suicide
Teenagers are the ones that commit the most suicide.
Bullying Suicide
Bullying is one of the most common suicide for
teenagers because they don’t really have trust in a lot
of people so they feel like they cant go and tell them
about what’s going on.
Love hurts
Lots of teenagers kill themselves because of
relationship problems. Their in love and they break up
with their love ones and feel like the
Family trouble
Lots of teenagers commit suicide because their going
through family problems. Their parents can be going
through a divorce. They feel like their parents don’t
love them.
We can do so much to prevent. One way to prevent
people from comiting suicide is them seeing a
therapist or having someone to talk to about their
problems. Another way is by joining a afterschool
activities. Having lots of friends is also one way to
prevent suicide because you feel like you have
someone to comfort you.
Need help ?
Suicide prevention lifeline 1-800-273-8255
Suicide.org (California Suicide Support Groups )
San Francisco
Name of Group: Self Help Grief Group - Goldman Institute on
Center for Elderly Suicide Prevention
3330 Geary Blvd.
San Francisco, CA 94118
Contact Person: Patrick Arbore
(415) 750-4180 ext. 230
Meetings per Month: 8 week group and monthly drop-in
Fee: No
What I learned from this project is that lots of people
go threw so much pain and struggles and they feel like
they’re not needed in this world. So that causes them
to kill themselves. I also learned that lots of teens
don’t know how to deal with their stress or get help.
What goes through suicidal minds
Not all of us are happy !

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