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The Extended Essay:

Final Reflection Session

Files available on ManageBac

Teachers: Groups  DP
Teachers  2018  EE
Students: IB Manager  Files
 EE
Reflection, Planning, and Progress
Form (RPPF)
 All students are required to fill out 3 reflections on
ManageBac during the EE research and writing process.
 First reflection session
 Interim Reflection
 Final Reflection
 Criterion E (6 points, 18% of the overall EE mark) is
determined entirely by the Reflections on the RPPF.
The EE Assessment Criteria

Total Marks = 34
Criteria E
Markband Level descriptor
The work does not reach a standard outlined by the description or a RPPF has not
been submitted.
Engagement is limited:
 Reflections on decision-making and planning are mostly descriptive.
 These reflections communicate a limited degree of personal engagement with
the research focus and/or research process.
Engagement is good:
 Reflections on decision-making and planning is analytical and includes
reference to conceptual understanding and skill development.
 These reflections communicate a moderate degree of personal engagement
with the research focus and process of research, demonstrating some
intellectual initiative.
Engagement is excellent:
 Reflections on decision-making and planning are evaluative and include
reference to the student’s capacity to consider actions and ideas in response to
5–6 challenges experienced in the research process.
 These reflections communicate a high degree of intellectual and personal
engagement with the research focus and process of research, demonstrating
authenticity, intellectual initiative and/or creative approach in the student voice.
 It may help supervisors to think in terms of the three
mandatory reflection sessions corresponding to the three
levels of reflection. Students are expected to
demonstrate how their understanding of the research
process has developed while undertaking the EE. They
may move through the three levels of reflection as they
undertake each mandatory reflection session.
 • Session 1—more descriptive reflections
 • Session 2—more analytical
 • Session 3—evaluative
Requirements of RPPF
 Word limits :
 First reflection : 150 words
 Interim reflection: 150 words
 Final reflection: 200 words
 No more than 500 words in total.
 写汉语EE的同学用汉语完成,不超过
Requirements of RPPF

 Please don’t mention any name in your

reflection comment. You can replace it like
“my supervisor”.
 Where to write the RPPF: on ManageBac
 The RPPF on ManageBac automatically
lock 5 minutes after the student saves each
reflection. Once you save it, you can’t
change anymore.
Fill in the final reflection here
Final Reflection Timeline (May 2019
Exam Session)
Year Deadline Activity

Supervisors read the completed original essay.

7 December (Friday) Students read preparation material for the
viva voce.
10 December - Do the viva voce with supervisors. Supervisor
14December (Friday) arranges specific date and time with students.
18 December Students finish the final reflection on RPPF on
(Tuesday) ManageBac. After saving, the reflection locks.

Supervisors finish write Supervisor comments

28 December (Friday)
on RPPF and grade the essays on ManageBac.
Final Formal Reflection
 Before the meeting: Before 7 December
 Supervisor reads the student’s completed original essay.
 EE Coordinator and supervisor provide preparation materials to the
student for the third meeting.
 The Supervisor and student agree on a date and time to meet.
 Students and supervisors read the preparation material and prepare for
questions the supervisor may ask during the final reflection meeting.
 During the meeting: 10 December - 14 December
 The student and supervisor discuss the progress and ideas of the student.
 The meeting should last 20-30 minutes.
 Student should share the Researcher’s Reflection Space with Supervisor.
 After the meeting: Within 2 days of the formal meeting
 Students should complete the final reflection on the RPPF on ManageBac
within 2 days of the formal meeting with the supervisor. The last day to
complete the reflection is 18 December (Tuesday).
 The final reflection should be 200 words or less.
 The RPPF locks 5 minutes after the student completes the reflection.
Final Reflection Preparation
 在讨论前,导师需要阅读学生的定稿.
 学生应准备:
(1)RRS(Researcher's reflection space)
 Viva voce可以:
 通过一些开放性的问题,全面了解学生
 让导师确认学生论文的真实性(是否抄
 让学生能够对论文完成过程中获得的收
 为导师完成评语提供依据
The RPPF on ManageBac
automatically lock 5 minutes after the
student saves each reflection.
Evidence from my
Stage Types of questions you may ask yourself researcher’s
reflection space

 Do I have a reasoned argument that can be

sustained throughout the essay?
 Am I able to make coherent links between
different points made and the evidence
 To what extent have I answered my research
 What reasons may have affected my ability to
answer my research question?  An outline of the main
Final: Writing  If I have been selective in the evidence presented argument
stage in my essay, can I justify my choices?  Timeline
 Is there a clear summative conclusion, and does  Working bibliography
this reflect the discussion that has taken place?
 To what extent do I think I have fulfilled the
expectations of the extended essay as a task?
 Has my research resulted in me changing my
perspective or views on the topic in question?
 What strategies have I employed that have
worked particularly well at this stage of the
Evidence from
Stage Types of questions you may ask yourself my researcher’s
reflection space

 To what extent has my thinking been

confirmed or changed about my chosen
topic as a result of my research?
 What strategies did I employ that proved
particularly effective in the research
 What skills have I developed and how
Viva voce
might these be useful in the future?
 What improvements might I suggest to my
own working practices?
 How might different research strategies
have impacted my outcomes?
 What did I learn about myself as a learner
in this process?
Different levels of reflection

Level of Example of the kinds of questions students may

reflection have asked and answered of themselves

 What did I do?

 How did I undertake my research?
 What were the problems I faced?
Descriptive  Did my approach or strategies change
throughout the process?
 What have been the high and the low points of
the research and writing process?
Level of Example of the kinds of questions students may have asked
reflection and answered of themselves

 Was my research successful?

 If I changed my approach or strategies during the
process, why did I do this?
 What did I learn from the experience in terms of my
understanding of the subject area and/or the skills
needed to undertake research?
 How has my understanding of the topic and research
process developed throughout the task?
Level of Example of the kinds of questions students may have asked and
reflection answered of themselves
 If I were to undertake this research again, would I do it
differently—if so, why or why not?
 What has affected this?
 If I did do the research again, would I change the theories
applied or the methodological approach? Would this have led
to a different outcome?
 What can I conclude from this?
 Were the strategies I used for undertaking my research the
most appropriate for achieving my outcomes?
 What, if any, questions emerged as a result of my research
that I was not expecting? Would these questions influence
my approach if I were to undertake the research again?
Example RPPFs
RPPF exemplar Mark /6
Studies in language and literature (1) 3
Studies in language and literature (2) 4
Studies in language and literature (3) 3
History (1) 5
History (2) 4
Psychology 4
Biology 5
Maths (1) 3
Maths (2) 4
Visual arts (1) 3
Visual arts (2) 4
World studies (1) 4
World studies (2) 6
 More supporting materials on the
“Reflection and the EE” page:


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