Apicomplexa: Parasitology Department Medical Faculty University of Sumatera Utara

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Parasitology Department
Medical Faculty
University of Sumatera Utara
Toxoplasma gondii
• Phylum : Apicomplexa
• Class : Sporozoasida
• Order : Eucoccidiorida
• Family : Sarcocystidae
• Genus : Toxoplasma
• Species : gondii
Toxoplasma gondii
• T. gondii is an obligate intracellular parasite
• Definitive host : cat, familiy felidae
• Intermediate host : rodent, mammallian, man
• Habitat : nucleated cells
• Exist in 3 forms: • Oocystn :
1. Oocyst - Size : 10-12 µm
2. Tachyzoite
3. Cyst
• Tachyzoite
- Crescent shape
- Size : 4-8 µm
• Pre cyst
- shape : ovoid, ussually spheroid
- size : 10-20 µm
- RBC : (-)
• Cyst
- size : 200 µm
• Ingestion of tissue cysts in raw or poorly
cooked meat
• Ingestion of oocysts
• Transmission from mother to fetus
• Transmission via transfusion of whole blood
• Transplantation of organ from seropositive
• Laboratory accidents
• The prevalence of Ab specific to T. gondii is
directly proportional to the age of the
• Toxoplasmosis is most common in warm, wet
areas with a large cat population
1. Susanto L, Gandahusada S. Toxoplasma gondii. Dalam : Sutanto I, Ismid IS, Sjarifuddin PK,
Sungkar S (eds.). Buku Ajar Parasitologi Kedokteran. Edisi ke-4. Jakarta:FK-UI;2008.p.232-40
2. Taxonomic classification. Available from https://www.msu.edu/course/zol/316/tgontax.htm
(accessed on 19th of July, 2010)
3. Schmidt GD, Robert LS. Foundations of parasitology. 7th ed. New York:Mc Graw Hill;2005.p.135-
4. Sandjaja B. Sarcodina. Parasitologi Kedokteran Buku I Protozoologi Kedokteran. Ed.1.
Jakarta:Prestasi Pustaka. 2007. p. 93-97
5. Oocyst Toxoplasma gondii. Available from https://www.microbeworld.org/index.php (accessed
on 19th of July, 2010)
6. Tachyzoite Toxoplasma gondii. Available from
http://www.dpd.cdc.gove/dpdx./image/parasiteImages (accessed on 19th of July, 2010)
7. Cyst Toxoplasma gondii. Available from http://www.vet.uga.edu/vpp/clerk.addante (accessed
on 19th of July, 2010)
8. Chahaya, I. Epidemiologi “ Toxoplasma Gondii ”. Digital Library Universitas Sumatera Utara.
Available from : http://library.usu.ac.id/download/fkm/fkm-indra%20c4.pdf (accessed on 19th
of July, 2010)
Cryptosporidium parvum
• Phylum : Apicomplexa
• Class : Coccidea
• Order : Eucoccidiorida
• Family : Cryptosporidiidae
• Genus : Cryptosporidium
• Species : parvum
Cryptosporidium parvum
• Cryptosporidiosis commonly occurs i patients
with AIDS, and it is an important contributory
factor in deaths of some infected patients who
have AIDS
• Living on the brush border or just under the
free surface membrane of host
gastrointestinal or respiratory epithelial cells
• Oocyst:
- Small (4-5)µm
- Dark granules with large vacuole
- Only seen in feces
• Infective stage:
o sporulated oocyst;
o direct fecal-oral
• Route of transmission:
• Inside host:
o sexual (schizogony or merogony) cycle
o asexual (gametogony) cycle
• Infection is by fecal-oral contamination
• A number of animal can serve as eservoirs of
• It maybe on of the three most common
causative agents of chronic diarrhea in
1. Schmidt GD, Robert LS. Foundations of parasitology. 7 th ed. New
York:Mc Graw Hill;2005.p.141-43
2. Cryptosporidium parvum. Available from
http://www.practicalscience.com/crypto.html&usg (accessed on 19th
of July, 2010)
3. Susanto L, Gandahusada S. Cryptosporidium. Dalam : Sutanto I, Ismid
IS, Sjarifuddin PK, Sungkar S (eds.). Buku Ajar Parasitologi Kedokteran.
Edisi ke-4. Jakarta:FK-UI;2008.p.121-22
4. Sandjaja B. Sarcodina. Parasitologi Kedokteran Buku I Protozoologi
Kedokteran. Ed.1. Jakarta:Prestasi Pustaka. 2007. p.158-166
5. Prasad, K.N., Nag, V.L., Dhole, T.N., Ayyagari, A. 2000. Identification of
enteric pathogens in HIV positive patients with diarrhea in Nothern
India. J. Health.Popul Nutr 18(1) : 23-26.
Isospora belli

• Phylum : Apicomplexa
• Class : Conoidasida
• Order : Eucoccidiorida
• Family : Eimeriidae
• Genus : Isospora
• Species : belli
Isospora belli

• Cause : diarheal disease

• Epidemiology: increasing incidence with AIDS
and other immunocompromised conditions
• Oocyst
o Elongated & oval
o 20-30 um
o Narrow at one pole with
oneck-like, restricted
• Discharged
unsporulated, mature in
48 hours at room temperature
• Immature oocyst
Divide into 2 sporoblast,
transformed into oocyst with
formation of cell walls
1. Isospora belli. Available from
(accessed on 19th of July, 2010)
2. Susanto L, Gandahusada S. Isospora belli. Dalam : Sutanto I, Ismid
IS, Sjarifuddin PK, Sungkar S (eds.). Buku Ajar Parasitologi
Kedokteran. Edisi ke-4. Jakarta:FK-UI;2008.p.159-62
3. Sandjaja B. Sarcodina. Parasitologi Kedokteran Buku I Protozoologi
Kedokteran. Ed.1. Jakarta:Prestasi Pustaka. 2007. p.166-70
4. Isospora belli. Available from http://btinternet.com/Isospora_bell
i.html (accessed on 19th of July, 2010)
5. Schmidt GD, Robert LS. Foundations of parasitology. 7 th ed. New
York:Mc Graw Hill;2005.p.132-33
Cyclospora cayetanensis
• Phylum : Apicomplexa
• Class : Conoidasida
• Order : Eucoccidiorida
• Family : Eimeriidae
• Genus : Cyclospora
• Species : catayensis
Cyclospora cayetanensis
• The 1st reported outbreak in the US was
evidently among staff physicians at Chicago
hospital in July 1990
• In HIV (+) patients – asymptomatic if CD4 cell
count is within normal limit
• Transmitted through contaminated food and
 Spherical, 8-10 μm
 Eccentrically placed morula
1. Sandjaja B. Sarcodina. Parasitologi Kedokteran Buku I Protozoologi
Kedokteran. Ed.1. Jakarta:Prestasi Pustaka. 2007. p.171-76
2. Susanto L, Gandahusada S. Cyclospora cayatenensis. Dalam : Sutanto I,
Ismid IS, Sjarifuddin PK, Sungkar S (eds.). Buku Ajar Parasitologi
Kedokteran. Edisi ke-4. Jakarta:FK-UI;2008.p.175-78
3. Cyclospora cayatenensis. Available from
(accessed on 19th of July, 2010)
4. Ghimiri TR, Sherchan JB. Human infection of Cyclospora cayetanensis:
a review on its medico-biological and epidemiological pattern in global
scenario. Jour.of Nep. H.Res. 2006. 4(2):25-40
5. Schmidt GD, Robert LS. Foundations of parasitology. 7 th ed. New
York:Mc Graw Hill;2005.p.132-33
Pneumocystis jiroveci
• Phylum : Ascomycota
• Class : Archiascomycetes
• Order : Pneomocystidales
• Family : Pneomocystidaceae
• Genus : Pneumocystis
• Species : jiroveci
Pneumocystis jiroveci
• Epidemic form
oReported in Europe and Vietnam
oInvolves premature or malnourished (marasmic) children
oInsidious onset, 3-4 weeks to become severe
• Sporadic form
• Exclusively in immunocompromised patients
- Lymphoma, leukemia, organ transplant and autoimmune diseases
• PCP in AIDS usually with CD4 cell <200/uL
• Before chemopropylaxis, almost 50% AIDS patients
developed PCP
• With chemopropylaxis, 28% AIDS patients still develop PCP
1. Sandjaja B. Sarcodina. Parasitologi Kedokteran Buku I
Protozoologi Kedokteran. Ed.1. Jakarta:Prestasi Pustaka.
2007. p.242-48
2. Pneumocystis jiroveci. Available from
http://commons.wikimedia.org (accessed on 19th of July,
3. Pneumocystis jiroveci. Available from
http://www.doctor fungus. org (accessed on 19th of July,
4. Schmidt GD, Robert LS. Foundations of parasitology. 7th ed.
New York:Mc Graw Hill;2005.p.142-43

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