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What is hypothermia?
• Hypothermia occurs
when the core body
temperature goes below
98.6 degrees F.
• As a result of
– The body works really
hard to try to warm itself
– The body is using more
energy than it is
• First Aid for
– Remove wet/damp
– Put on Dry Clothes
– Give patient warm
sugary fluids
– Put patient into a
warm place
– Do not rub frostbite or
frostnip, warm
When you fall into cold water, you risk getting

Hypothermia causes the

– Cold muscles- cant
– Cardiac Arrest- death
– Cold Lungs- cant yell for
– Gasp Reflex- water
inhalation risk
– Loss of Consciousness
1. Discuss five ways to stay warm in the
cold when outdoors especially if
you fall into an ice cold river/lake…
(5 bullets)
2. Did the pulse of the student change
before and after the activity? What
was it B4 and after?
3. Was it easier or harder to pick up
objects before of after the student
was exposed to the cold water?
What was the time B4 and after?
4. What is the best body position to
retain warmth?
• Pulse: Pick one student. Take the pulse
of one student
• Paper Clips: Dump the Paper Clips and
have the same student pick up all the
paper clips one at a time with one hand.
Time Them
• Record: Time
• Dunk: Immerse student’s arm into ice
water to elbow two to an ice chest for 60
seconds (or less if its too cold)
• Paper Clips: Then have the student will
pick up the paper clips and put them into
the empty coffee can one at a time with
the cold hand only. Time Them
• Record: Time
• Pulse: Take the student’s Pulse

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