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Lecturers : Kurniawan, S.Kom., M.M.

Internet Programming Practicum

Credits : 4
Information System Study Program

Internet Programming Practicum 1

Lecturers : Kurniawan, S.Kom., M.M.

• Internet Programming : Internet-based
application programming (Internet applications)
• Internet applications is a kind of applications
that implement a distributed system
architecture using the Internet as a medium of
communication between its components

Internet Programming Practicum 2

Lecturers : Kurniawan, S.Kom., M.M.

Internet-based applications vs.

Web-based Applications

Internet-based Applications
• Using the protocol-existing application or define their own protocols
• Application on the server side to communicate directly with the client
• Application on the client side can be either stand-alone application or embedded in
other applications

Web-based Applications
• Using the HTTP protocol
• Application on the server side to communicate with clients via a web server
• Application on the client side is generally in the form of a web browser

Internet Programming Practicum 3

Lecturers : Kurniawan, S.Kom., M.M.

Technology Developer
Web-based Applications
• Web client (web browser)
• Web server
• URL : Uniform Resource Locator
• HTTP : HyperText Transfer Protocol
• HTML : HyperText Markup Language
• CSS : Cascading Style Sheet
Internet Programming Practicum 4
How does the web work?

• user typing the URL in the browser

• contact the server that the browser at the URL
• after connect, the browser sends an HTTP request
• servers respond by sending an HTTP response (with headers and contents of the document)
• to document that consists of several files (eg document image), the browser must send another
HTTP request for each file • browser displays all the contents of the documents to the user

Internet Programming Practicum 5

Web Client (Web Browser)

Web browser
• Is a software
• Run on the computer-user
• A navigation device on the web
• View web documents
The software popular web browsers currently:

–MS Internet Explorer (Windows)

–Mozilla Firefox (Windows & Linux)
–Netscape Navigator/Communicator (Windows & Linux)
–Opera (Windows & Linux)
–Konqueror (Linux)
–lynx, berbasis teks (Linux)
Internet Programming Practicum 6
Web Server
• Is a software
• Run on the computer server
• Function for a web document stored on the server can be
accessed by users on the Internet

• –Apache (Linux & Windows)
• –MS Internet Information Server / IIS (Windows)
• –Tomcat, untuk Java (Windows & Linux)

Internet Programming Practicum 7

URL (Uniform/Universal Resource Locator)
• URL is the addressing system files that are
used on the internet
• Format URL

Internet Programming Practicum 8

Web Server
• Is a software
• Run on the computer server
• Function for a web document stored on the server can be
accessed by users on the Internet

• Apache (Linux & Windows)
• MS Internet Information Server / IIS (Windows)
• Tomcat, untuk Java (Windows & Linux)
Internet Programming Practicum 9

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