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연구계획서 작성


• A proposals for a research grant or a study scholarship

What is expected?

• a carefully conceptualized and comprehensive

- detailed and precise description on

‣ study or research proposal

‣ information on any previous study of research


• for members of board and for yourself

What is expected?

• Identification of scientific problem: what you will do?

• Theoretical background

• Methodical way to solve the problem within a realistic

framework of time and expenses: how you will do it?

• With the research, add a new aspects to the scientific

discussion: what new contribution your work will make?
Good research proposal
• Depends on good idea
 depends on the familiarity with the topic

 depends on a longer preparative period of reading, observation, discussion and


✓ Read everything that you can in your area of interestFigure out what are the
important and missing parts of our understanding

✓ Live and breathe the topic.

✓ But need not to be exhaustive, only relevant!

• Don’t make a proposal too big!

연구계획서 구성
• 연구제목 (요약문)

• 연구의 배경 (및 필요성)

• 연구목표 (및 범위)

• 선행연구 결과

• 연구방법

• 예상 연구결과

• 소요예산

• 참고문헌
연구 제목

• Title: clue the reader into the topic

- brief, accurate, descriptive and comprehensive,

clearly indicating the subject of the investigation
연구 배경
• Topic: introduction including overview of what the proposal is about

• 문헌고찰 (매우 중요!!)- 연구목표와 연계

- to situate your research in the context of what is already known

about a topic

- to provide theoretical basis for your work

- to show what has been done in the area by others, and set the
stage for your work

- to show your question is outstanding!

연구의 목표
• Question

- What are you doing? What specific issue or question will

your work address?

• Significance

- Why to answer this question is important?

- What are the implications of doing it?

- Why I would want to support, or fund, the project?

선행연구 결과

• the feasibility of your research

• should give a sense that you are in a position to add to

the body of knowledge
연구 방법
• Overview of approach

• Data collection

- description of instruments and methods, field site,

resource accessibility in the time frame and budget to
demonstrate feasibility

- describe specifically what data will be used

- to detect flaws in the plan in advance

연구 방법

• Data analysis

- statistical or other techniques for processing the data

- should include an indication of the range of outcomes

• Interpretation
예상연구 결과

• It should join the data analysis and possible outcomes

to the theory and questions that has been raised.

• A good place to summarize the significance of the work!

• 전체 proposal 구성에 backbone 역할.

• Read, Read, Read and note!!

• Very early on, generate the research question, critical

observation, interpretation of the possible outcomes and
the expected results

• Word processor with bibliographic database software


• Keep in mind from the outset that this project is neither

the last nor the greatest thing you will do in your life.
연구사업의 종류와 성격
지원기관에 따라
• 정부지원

• 교육과학기술부: 한국연구재단

• 보건복지부: 보건산업진흥원

• 기획재정부

• 기관지원

• 서울대학교/병원

• 암연구재단

• 기업지원
최근 3년간 정부 R&D 투자현황 2011년 부처별 R&D 투자계획
1조 2,324억원
14조 8,902억 3371억원
6,288억원 8%
13조 7,014억 2%
6,161억원 4%
4조 7,497억원
12조 3,437억 7,827억원
5% 31%
2조 164억원
4조 5,269억원
’09 ’10 ’11 30
한국연구재단 지원사업 ‘11

(단위 : 억원)
구분 사업명 사업 목적
’10 ’11

기초연구사업 창의적 도전적 기초연구를 통한 8,385 9,451

국가과학기술역량 기반확충
주요 전략분야 핵심원천기술확보 3,749 4,200

인공위성 발사체, 핵융합 대형

거대과학연구개발사업 융·복합 장치개발 및 기술확보 2,069 2,920
대형 융·복합
원자력연구개발사업 미래원자력 기술개발 2,069 2,284

국제화 과학기술국제화사업 해외 우수연구지원 효율적 활용 822 920

학술인문사회연구 지원사업 인문사회 학술연구 조성 및

학술단체 지원 2,073 2,415
학술 및
인력양성 대학 대학원 교육 및
교육 인력양성 지원사업 4,772 4,762
연구 역량 강화
한국연구재단 지원사업

(단위 : 억원)

19% 12%
12% 3%
8% 11% 15%

2010년 예산 2011년 예산

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