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solar photovoltaic

(solar powered
water pumping
 Solar photovoltaic (SPV) water pumping systems
have the potential to provide clean
Drinking water to millions of unserved people
around the world. The abundant solar energy
Resource and groundwater availability in the East
African Countries can be combined
To make much needed potable water available to
remote rural communities in these
Countries. This project looks at the feasibility of
using a SPV pumping system in one of the
Villages in the Ethiopian rural area.
 Like most other developing countries
the energy situation in Ethiopia rural
areas are extremely critical. So the
Electricity generation from the
alternative sources has become the
crying need for our country. Ethiopia is
blessed with renewable energy resources
and the availability of alternative energy
creates Opportunities for utilization in
power sector.
 Among different renewable energy
sources like Solar, wind,and others, the
abundant availability of solar energy
makes it the most Promising one for
Ethiopia is situated 36º 77' N, 3º 04' E
which is an ideal location for abundant
solar radiation. The daily average solar
radiation in Ethiopia is which is better
compared to many nations who are
working on solar energy in a large scale.
 The solar-powered pumping system can be used
anywhere but it is appropriate for rural areas of Ethiopia
which is facing energy crisis. Due to geographical
position, Ethiopia has ample sunshine through the year
which makes it ideal location for utilization of solar
energy. Small farms, Villages and animal herds in
developing countries require hydraulic output power of
less than a Kilowatt. Many of these potential users are
too far from an electrical grid to economically tap that
Source of power and engine-driven pumping tends to be
prohibitively expensive as well as Unreliable due to the
high cost of purchased fuel and insufficient
maintenance and repair Capabilities.
 by comparing installation costs
(including labor), fuel costs and
Maintenance costs over 10 years with
other conventional fuel based pumping
system, the solar PV water pumping
system can be a suitable alternate option.
This system has the added Advantage of
storing water for use when the sun is not
shining, eliminating the need for battery,
simplicity and reducing overall system
Statement of problem
 There are many systems of pumping water that
are currently used in Ethiopia including engine
driven pump, manual powered pump and
generator driven pump. However, there are
Inconveniences associated with these systems as
 Due to the steady increase in the price of fuel for
the past few years
Most of these systems require high maintenance
since they have many moving parts.
The engine and the generator driven pump
devices causes air pollution as a result of their
flammable fuels.
 To overcome the inconveniences, there is a
need to design and construct a solar powered
water pumping system.
 The project “Solar photovoltaic (SPV) (Solar
powered) water pumping system”, as the title
suggests is aimed to construct a water pumping
system based on solar energy. General objectives
of the project are defined as:
To practically implement the academic
knowledge in the service of rural communities.
To apply the knowledge gained from various
courses in carrying out electrical and
Electronic system design and its
To develop skills in goal setting,
planning, investigation and
assessment, report writing and
To develop practical skills required for
real engineering practice, from
To effective realization.
 This research project was intended to find
out how the solar powered water pumping
system is more advantageous than that of
other water pumping system. However the
use of rechargeable battery on our devices in
order to use The pump on the night when the
sun is not shining is not included in this
research project .
Literature Review
 scientist already discovered that the
advancement of technology and the
continuousness increment of the fuel based
motors enormously exposes our mother planet for
an extreme increment of global warming. As a
result most scientist stated that it’s more advisable
as well as preferable to use the solar powered
products instead to make our planet more safe and
guaranty for our existence. And the solar powered
water pumping system have a great role for this
special reason.
Expected outcomes
 The spread of the solar powered
water pumping systems can solve the
extreme and the critical electric
situations as well as clean water
situations of the rural areas of
Ethiopia. In addition to that it can
have a great role for the decrement of
the current global warming
conditions on our planet.
1.Initial survey and
2.Site visit and case study
3.Collection of information
and data
a. Literature Survey
b. Market Survey
 The proposed solar water pumping system has long
lifetime and it is maintenance free. Together with
decreasing PV module costs and increasing efficiency,
PV is getting more pervasive than ever. Issues like energy
and global warming are some of the biggest challenges
for humanity in the 21st century. Therefore ensuring
energy resources and minimize the global warming, the
utilization of renewable energy becomes a crying need
for today. Among different types of renewable resources,
solar energy has great prospect for utilization in
electricity generation. Ethiopia is blessed with sun light
throughout the year due to its global position. Therefore
solar water pumping system has great prospect of
utilization in this country

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