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A new Student of Medical Faculty of Bosowa University

feel confused after getting the introductory lecture book 1𝑠𝑡 .
They will undergo the problem based learning (PBL) process
as one of student centered learning (SCL) strategy that requires
student activeness in self-directed learning (SDL). They were
previously accustomed to teacher centered learning (TCL).
When the process of PBL tutorial with seven jumps method, it
was difficult to determine who became the chairman and the
secretary in group because they are worried not eing able to
perform the task well. At the end of the second week will be
an independent learning evaluation and they are confused in
developing learning strategy with their learning style.


SDL : Self-directed learning is defined as a process where by
a person has initiative, with or without the help of others to
analyze his own learning needs, formulate his own learning
objectives, identify sources of learning, select and implement
learning strategies appropriate and evaluate the results his
own study.
SCL : Student-Centered Learning is an educational learning
activity centered on students or students.
TCL : Teacher center learning (TCL) is a learning that
makes the teacher as a source of information. Students
much more listen to many explanations from teachers than
try or practice, learn independently and discuss.
PBL : Problem Based Learning is a learning method that
focuses on the root of the problem and then solves the
problem (Abuddin, 2011 :243)

1) Why are bosowa university medical students

confused about PBL and SDL method?
2) Why are bosowa university medical students
confused to determine the chairman and their
3) What should they do to develop their learning

1. Bosowa university medical students confused about PBL

and SDL method because they haven’t experience about
learning methods like PBL and SDL.
2. Bosowa University medical students are confused to
determine the chairman and their secretary because they are
worried not be able to perform the task well. They are also
confused because they just face this kind of learning method.

3. To develop their learning strategies Crowl, Kaminsky &

Podell (1997) suggests three approaches, that is :

• First, Advance Organizers from Ausubel,

• Second, Discovery learning from Bruner and
• Third, learning events from Gagne
 To know the learning strategy
Gerlach & Ely (1980) says that learning strategies are
the means chosen to deliver the subject matter in a
particular learning environment, which includes the nature,
scope, and sequence of activities that can provide a learning
experience to the students.
 To know the advantages and disadvantages of TCL and
SCL learning methods
 To know the comparison of learning in Indonesia and
other contry
Indonesia (lowest Japan (high
learning result) learning result)
learning outcomes)
Teachers are involved in Teacher guides Learners Complete that problem
solution to problem developing techniques challenging and complex,
simple, answer together problem solving for then share results and
with learners, problems challenging, complication methods
demonstration method participants give educate
settlement, assigning response to teacher
participants educate to questions
do a similar matter

Learning objectives
Riview lessons Riview lessons
Riview lessons earlier
predecessor and check predecessor and check
Homework Homework

Teacher Demonstrate
Presents the topic and Presentation of the the
How complete the
the problems problem
Training participants Teachers develop Learners work
doing the same thing procedure for complete independent or flocking
similar the problems to solve problems

Training participants Teachers develop Learners work

doing the same thing procedure for complete independent or flocking
similar the problems to solve problems

Training participants The student discussed

Master helps improve
Working on a similar about the method of
problem completion

Teacher gives a Teacher gives a Summarizes Important

homework homework things

From the table above we can concluded that very much

different learning method between indonesia with some contries
hight quality education like Germany and Japan. This defference
can make us as student in indonesia aware and trying to change our
learning style to catch up education in our country.
By looking the problems and development the highly
competitive wordl now, aplly the SCL methode is needed for a
student own interest, educational institute and more for the
progress of the nation and stage. Because SCL or more
specific method of PBL can emphasizes the students to be
active in the learning process and make learning becomes
more effective and efficient. Beside of that, students will also
be more critical and analysis in thinking and improve their
ability to solve the problem.
My advice to bosowa university medical students is to
further improve or develop their learning style and menage
their time by making the management agenda. Because if not,
it will be very left behind with the faculty of medicine at the
university level of Indonesia or even the world. With the
application of SCL method, the quality of education or quality
of university graduates will increase and can follow the
progress of education in countries that the quality of education
like japan.

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