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Shashwat Singh (38)
Raghvendra Pande (39)
Shantanu Bhardwaj (40)
Shankar Mahanti (41)
Arpit Bansal (42)
Prashant Chaudhary (43)

ÈVivide up the work, select good people to

lead and judge
ÈGive adequate and clear instructions,
training, and expectations to the person,
and then let them do the work.
ÈVon͛t give a task to one person, and then
give it to another person. The first person
will feel humiliated.
ÈVetermine when you will follow up and
check how things are going.
È This Bible teaching about stress management
gives a holistic overview of bringing tension
down to a controllable size. You will find relief,
whether you feel overwhelmed, helpless,
frustrated and out of control, are drinking too
much to unwind, have painful head and
muscle aches from unrelenting tension, live in
a constant state of desperate anxiety ʹ or have
just burned out and given up.

or example, we get caught up in traffic, miss an appointment,

become frustrated, and then lash out with anger.
È some examples of possible pressure provoking events in
the environment.
È ͻInadequate communication skills or systems.
È ͻInadequate skills in relationships that cause conflict.
È ͻPoor time management skills that keep you behind your
È ͻProblems in the workplace such as problems with fellow

È how you perceive things determines your
response. Your basic personality type also
comes into play.
È That way you see reality the way God does.
Your priorities and perceptions become more
accurate and clear ʹ though never perfect in
this life.

ortune telling is what you tell yourself when
faced with some imagined threat. It is telling
yourself, ͞What if this or that happens.͟ It is
borrowing trouble that never comes.
or example, you tell yourself, ͞What if I fail in
this class!͟ The answer back is ͞So what? It is
not the best result, but I have learned
something, and next time I will study harder.͟
This is another lie we tell ourselves. Perhaps you
think your boss doesn͛t like your work. You
stew about it and worry yourself sick. The fact
is you don͛t know, because you cannot read
your bosses͛ mind. It is best to go ask him or
her, and then you will know ʹ and make any
needed corrections.
È This is another lie we tell ourselves. Perhaps
you think your boss doesn͛t like your work.
You stew about it and worry yourself sick. The
fact is you don͛t know, because you cannot
read your bosses͛ mind. It is best to go ask him
or her, and then you will know ʹ and make any
needed corrections.

È irst, we must develop and maintain the

capacity to forgive. Such forgiveness doesn͛t
mean that we ignore the wrong committed
against us. Rather, it means that we will no
longer allow the wrong to be a barrier to the
relationship. orgiveness, according to King,
͞is a catalyst creating the atmosphere
necessary for a fresh start and a new

È Second, we must recognize that the wrong

we͛ve suffered doesn͛t entirely represent the
other person͛s identity. We need to
acknowledge that our opponent, like each one
of us, possesses both bad and good qualities.
We must choose to find the good and focus on

È Third, we must not seek to defeat or humiliate

our opponent, but to win his or her friendship
and understanding. Such an attitude flows not
from ourselves, but from God as his
unconditional love works through us.8


God's formula for dealing with anger?

È A 





The terms ͞stupid͟ and ͞fool͟ in Proverbs refer to sin
and error, not mental ability.

È AY  




Proverbs as a whole doesn͛t tell a story. It is a
disjointed collection of ͞sayings͟. The first verse talks
about not letting the king get mad. The next verse
that deals with anger says it͛s better to have some
self-control than to be a ruler.



Wisdom, peace, patience and sensibility are the fruit

of controlling our anger and temper. When anger
rises within us and we let it control our actions, the
results are helplessness, trouble, bad consequences,
impatience and arguments
Ô a  
È ͞Control of one͛s feelings, desires or actions
by one͛s own will; the power of controlling
one͛s external reactions, emotions, etc.

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