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Terrorism Plot Exposed

Group B
Network Diagram
Figurehead: Ayman al-Zawahiri
● Took control of Al Qaeda after bin Laden's death in 2011.

● Calls for attacks on the west multiple times

● Precipitates the terrorist plot

Mastermind: Seyed Hassan Firuzabadi; “Sarlashkar”
● Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces

● Believed to have coordinated unsanctioned covert military missions

● He is believed to have strong ties with Hezbollah leaders

Gatekeeper: Abdol Ali Najafi
● Brigadier General and Commander of the Bassij

● Known to have connections with high ranking Iranian political and and military


● Works side-by-side with prolific Iranian leaders

Gatekeeper: Ali Mussa Daqduq
● Senior Hezbollah Leader

● Involved in 2007 Attack on USA troops in Iraq

● Risks further acts of terrorism

● Intel Officers argue heavily strengthens Iran Connection

Surveillance: Sharif Mobley
● American
● Supporter of the radical islamist group
● Traveled to Middle East
● Arrested and sent to a Yemen Prison
● Escaped 2010
● Skilled in the use of firearms
● Martial Arts expert
● Contractor at several nuclear plants
Transportation and Surveillance: Jaber Elbenah
● Yemeni-American

● Lackawanna 6

○ Bin Laden

● Jailed in Yemen Prison where he escaped

● FBI’s most wanted list

Recruitment: Michael McKevitt
● Born in Ireland

● Convicted by an Irish criminal court of directing terrorism

● Leader of IRA

● Part of new group

● Current Location
Facilitator: Mohammed Ali Hamadei aka “Castro”
● Lebanese citizen, member of Hezbollah

● Convicted by a German court for illegal explosives

and murder

● Listed as fugitive by U.S. Department of Justice

● Involved in planning the “festival”/terrorist attack

with “Sarlashkar”
● Whereabouts unknown
Weapons: Viktor Bout
● Russian, known arms dealer

● Evidenced to be in possession of the weapon, or the


● Helps to organize payment to Castro

Image: Wikipedia
Weapons: Shamil Basayev
● Chechen militant Islamist, leader of Chechen separatist


● Former vice-Prime minister of Chechnya

● Accused of helping to train al-Qa’ida

● Believed to be behind Russia’s worst terrorist attacks

● Believed to be dead, but this was fabricated by his allies Image:
Weapons: Hisako Ishii
● Served as “Minister of Finance“ for Aum Shinrikyo

● Vast knowledge in chemical and biological agents

● Imprisoned in connection to 1995 Tokyo Subway sarin gas attack

● Released from prison after renouncing connection with Aum Shinrikyo

○ Believed to still be in contact with Aum Shinrikyo and other international terrorists
Weapons: Seiichi Endo
● Head of Aum Shinrikyo “Health Ministry”

● Studied genetic engineering and viruses

○ Ph.D. in molecular biology

● Produced the sarin used for the 1995 Tokyo subway attacks

○ Sentenced to death by the Tokyo District Court

● Escaped during an escorted Tokyo medical facility visit

Weapons and Facilitator: Shoko Asahara
● Founder of Aum Shinrikyo terrorist group

● Master mind behind sarin gas attack and anthrax

dispersal attempts

● Awaits execution for attacks

Finance: Ramadan Shallah
● Head of Finances

● Ph.D in Banking and economics

● Secretary-General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)

● Speaks Arabic and English fluently

Finance: Nicola Panaro
● Second in Command Finance

● Member of the of the Casalesi clan of the Camorra

● Specializes in financial transactions

● Utilizes his many connections to secure funds

○ Drug trafficking
○ Human trafficking
○ Construction
Finance: Jamal Saeed Abdul Rahim
● Computer Security Specialist

● Born in Iran

● Known for money laundering for international cartels

● Participated in 1986 Pan-am flight 73 highjacking

● Believed to have survived a US missile strike in 2010

Finance: Giuseppe Ali Saheli
● Involved in money laundering/drug trafficking

and support of international terrorism

● Lebanese-Colombian dual national

● On the Treasury Department’s list of “Specially

Designated Nationals”
Finance and Transportation: Jorge Torres Victoria

● Member of the Estado Mayor group

○ Arranged cocaine distribution routes

○ Foreign Terrorist Org in Colombia (FARC)

■ Cocaine Production
■ Distribution

● Aka (Pablo Catatumbo)

Other: Abdul Rahman Yasin
● Involved in bombing of the World Trade Center
in New York City
● Sentenced to 30 years for first degree murder
● Released on parole in 2017
● Currently believed to reside in the state of New
● Began through Najafi and Daqduq who recruited Shallah,
Panaro, Mobley, Bout, and Ishii, respectively
○ Bout and Ishii were recruited for weapon procurement
○ Shallah and Panaro were recruited for financing
○ Mobley was recruited for surveillance
● Transportation

● Weapon

● Communication
Terrorist Finances
● Funds used to:
○ Travel around the world
■ Private flights
○ Purchase untraceable burner phones
○ Purchase the weapon
● USD 1,165,000
○ Deposited by Islamic Charity
■ The Global Relief Foundation
○ Transferred to account listed as
■ Haseeb Abdol Sheik
Terrorist Finances
● Top of priority list:
○ Anthrax
■ (no longer in use)
○ Radiological weapon
■ “Son”
● Raised funds through:
○ Cocaine sales
○ Money laundering
● Viktor Bout is the Weapons Liaison

○ Shamil Basayev

● Radiological Weapon

○ Referred to as “sons”

○ Came from Russia
● 1st Round of Attack: Suicide Vests

○ Copperwire

○ Fabric

○ Adhesive

● 2nd Round: Radiological

○ C4

○ Basement
Weapon Locations and Transportation
● The Weapon was flown from Russia to Venezuela

● Submarine was used to get it to the Florida Coast

● The weapon was picked up by Sharif Mobley

● Transfer point: Thomas Edison High School

● Guns

○ Purchased for a hunting trip

○ Later, the men who purchased the guns did not know hunting facts

○ Guns were linked to the stolen Canadian C4

● Plastic Explosives

○ Viktor Bout was attempting to obtain them

○ Too expensive

○ Stole from Canadians

● Radiological Attack

● Ambush

● Date: November 12-15 (Congressional Hearing)

● Attack on Congress
● The following inscription was found
on a picture circling the US capitol
○ ‫عدد خيار واحد‬
■ Means “Option One”
● Attack is November 12-15

Map of Washington DC
Attack Images
● October 29, 2019
○ Driver and passenger killed in a crash
resulting from a chase with Washington DC
Metro Police

● Senate Chamber
False Lead- New York City, NY
● The United Nations building in New

York City

● Surveillance/Attack team in Upstate

New York

○ Abdul Rahman Yasin

False Lead - Anthrax
● Abdol Ali Najafi reached out to Hisako Ishii
to procure anthrax for the attack.

● Ishii contacted Seiichi Endo to weaponize

the anthrax.

● Endo would not have the anthrax

weaponized in time for the attack.

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