Quality Engineering - Week01

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Introduction to Quality

Syed Tassuduq Hussain

▶ What is Quality
▶ What is Quality Management
▶ What is Quality Engineering
▶ What is Quality Policy
▶ Quality Pillars
▶ Life cycle of Quality Strategy
▶ Effective way of implementing quality
What is Quality

▶ General philosophies that comes in mind

▶ Customer satisfaction
▶ Inspires customer
▶ Excellent or Superior
▶ Perfection
▶ Consistency
▶ Eliminating wastes
▶ Speed of Delivery
▶ Compliance with policies and procedures
▶ Doing it right the first time
What is Quality

▶ Quality Definition by Experts

▶ Quality is fitness for use. (Juran, 1974)
▶ Quality means conformance to requirements (Philip B. Crosby, 1979).
▶ Quality consists of freedom from deficiencies (Joseph M. Juran, 1988).
▶ Quality is not an act, it is a habit(Aristotle).

▶ Conformance to explicitly stated functional and performance requirements, explicitly

documented development standards, and implicit characteristics that are expected of all
professionally developed software. (Pressman)
▶ Quality means best for certain conditions...(a) the actual use and (b) the selling price.
(Feigenbaum, 1983)
▶ Quality] means that the organization's culture is defined by and supports the constant
attainment of customer satisfaction through an integrated system of tools, techniques,
and training. (Sashkin & Kiser, 1993
What is Quality

▶ Quality Definition by Institutions

▶ Degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils requirements (ISO)
▶ The degree to which a system, component, or process meets specified
requirements. (IEEE)
▶ [Quality is] a system of means to economically produce goods or services which
satisfy customers' requirements. (Japanese Industrial Standards Committee, 1981)
▶ Quality is a degree of excellence... (Webster)
▶ Quality is the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that
bear on its ability to satisfy given needs. (American Society for Quality)
▶ Quality, an inherent or distinguishing characteristic, a degree or grade of
excellence. (American Heritage Dictionary, 1996)
What is Quality

▶ Quality Definition
▶ Quality is how you Inspires customers and Fulfilling their needs, requirement and
expectation within defined time, budget and resources.
What is Quality Management

▶ Quality management is making sure that the product or service meets a

certain quality
▶ The act of overseeing all activities and tasks needed to maintain a desired
level of excellence.
What is Quality Engineering

▶ Quality management is making sure that the product or service meets a

certain quality
▶ The act of overseeing all activities and tasks needed to maintain a desired
level of excellence.
What is Quality policy

▶ Vision of any organization with respect to quality

▶ Derived from ISO 9001
▶ Ensure following points before
▶ Is appropriate to the organization
▶ Includes a commitment to requirements or/and continual improvement
▶ Is communicated and understood within the organization
▶ Is periodically reviewed for suitability
Pillars of Quality Engineering

▶ Quality Control (Software Testing)

▶ Quality Assurance
▶ Quality Improvement (Process Improvement)  
Pillars of Quality Engineering

▶ Quality Control
▶ Software Quality Control is the set of procedures used by organizations to ensure
that a software product will meet its quality goals at the best value to the
▶ Software Testing
▶ Software testing is a method of assessing the functionality of a software program.
▶ Manual testing
▶ Automated testing
Pillars of Quality Engineering

▶ Quality Assurance
▶ Software QA is defined as a procedure or set of procedures intended to ensure that
a product or service under development (before work is complete, as opposed to
afterwards) meets specified requirements
▶ Quality assurance is a systematic process of checking to see whether a product or
service being developed is meeting specified requirements.
▶ A quality assurance system is said to increase customer confidence and a company's
credibility, to improve work processes and efficiency, and to enable a company to
better compete with others.
▶ Today's quality assurance systems emphasize catching defects before they get into
the final product.
Pillars of Quality Engineering

▶ Quality Improvement (Process Improvement)

▶ Quality Improvement is the purposeful change of a process to improve the
reliability of achieving outcome.  
Life Cycle of Quality Strategy

▶ Plan Strategy
▶ Identify problem area
▶ Prepare for change
▶ Establish goals
▶ Implement Strategy
▶ Implementation changes
▶ Monitor Strategy
▶ Evaluate progress and criteria
▶ Assessment or Reassessment
▶ Evaluate outcome.
▶ What worked, What didn’t  
Effective way of implementing quality




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