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• be in hot water

• be in trouble.

• get my cold feet

• decide not to do something as
you had planned

• pull the rug out from under sb

• don't do what you had

• with all my heart

• with 100% commitment

• can't take the plunge

• can't go through with

• jump to that conclusion

• conclude something
• a big deal

• of great importance

• something freaks you out

• sth scares you

• it's not the end of the world

• not a big deal

• have a minor case of the

• be just nervous

• mark my words

• remember my words

• just chill

• wait a bit
• Empathy
• feeling something for someone in need

• Mentor
• an advisor from whom someone receives
support and encouragement
• Spokesperson
• a person who represents and speaks for
a group of people
• Handicap
• a physical or mental disability

• conflicts
• strong differences of opinion

• sign language
• a system of communication using hand
• Brave
• dealing with danger with courage and
• confident
• believing that you can do something well

• courageous
• being able to control fear in dangerous
• fearless
• not being afraid

• heroic
• being very brave or courageous

• willing
• happy, ready, and able to do something
• Empathy
• feeling something for someone in need

• Mentor
• an advisor from whom someone receives
support and encouragement
• Spokesperson
• a person who represents and speaks for
a group of people
• Handicap
• a physical or mental disability

• conflicts
• strong differences of opinion

• sign language
• a system of communication using hand
• Brave
• dealing with danger with courage and
• confident
• believing that you can do something well

• courageous
• being able to control fear in dangerous
• fearless
• not being afraid

• heroic
• being very brave or courageous

• willing
• happy, ready, and able to do something
• Empathy
• feeling something for someone in need

• Mentor
• an advisor from whom someone receives
support and encouragement
• Spokesperson
• a person who represents and speaks for
a group of people
• Handicap
• a physical or mental disability

• conflicts
• strong differences of opinion

• sign language
• a system of communication using hand
• Brave
• dealing with danger with courage and
• confident
• believing that you can do something well

• courageous
• being able to control fear in dangerous
• fearless
• not being afraid

• heroic
• being very brave or courageous

• willing
• happy, ready, and able to do something
• Empathy
• feeling something for someone in need

• Mentor
• an advisor from whom someone receives
support and encouragement
• Spokesperson
• a person who represents and speaks for
a group of people
• Handicap
• a physical or mental disability

• conflicts
• strong differences of opinion

• sign language
• a system of communication using hand
• Brave
• dealing with danger with courage and
• confident
• believing that you can do something well

• courageous
• being able to control fear in dangerous
• fearless
• not being afraid

• heroic
• being very brave or courageous

• willing
• happy, ready, and able to do something
• be in hot water
• be in trouble

• get my cold feet

• decide not to do something as you
had planned

• pull the rug out from under sb

• don't do what you had promised

• with all my heart

• with 100% commitment

• can't take the plunge

• can't go through with something

• jump to that conclusión

• conclude something
Grammar clauses with no matter
No matter often introduces clauses in statements that express
frustration or encouragment, No mater is commonly combined
with who, what, when,why, where, or the intensifier how + an
adjective or adverb
•No matter how carefully/ eat my colesterol
•No matter who makes the coffee, its always too strong
•No matter whom they asked, the anwere was always the same
•No matter when we call, its always the wrong time
•No matter where she looked, she couldnt find what she needed
Vocabulary. Encouragement and Discouragement and writting
•lift someones spirits: its when you, chear up someone when its on crisis
or on a terrible situation or a bad mod Give support or confidence to
•Encourage someone: My mother allways encourage me to be a dancer,
to inspire or tu persuate someone to do something Praise or wncouraging
with shouts, to lift upn the spirit when you are down
•Keep at it/ stick with it/ refuse to give up: To continue doing something, I
keep on it for speaking french and I finally can talk it, Persist or force
someone to persist with
•Discourage someone/ talk someone out of: I wanted to quit school but
my mother dicouraged me from doing it, to reduse the intensity Caue
someone to lose, confidence or enthusiasm
•Let something get into you/ let someone let you down: when you felt
annoyed and bored from something When something bothers you,
srustrates you, worryies you
•Feel like given up/ feel dicouraged: stop doing the action did on the past,
feel like given up from something so I stoped doing it because y felt
dicouraged A verbal act of renouncing
a state or instance of serious or continued difficulty or
misfortun fortune or fate; a condition marked by misfortune, cala
mity,or distress.

Adversity my own definition

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