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It was cold at night. It started to rain. It was raining cats

and dogs. Then,it was a big thunderstorm. Amirul was afraid.
Suddenly,a big tree broke and fell on the ground.
Amirul peeped from the window. He was shocked.The
tree blocked the road. He rushed to his parents’ bedroom. He
woke them up. Amirul told them about the incident. His
father quickly went to the scene. He called the fireman.
A few minutes later, the firemen arrived. They cut the
tree and moved them aside. They thanked Amirul’s father for
his quick action. They were very happy.
-101 words-
Missing child
It was holidays.Ryan was at the mall. He wanted to buy new
shoes.As he was busy choosing the shoes, Ryan saw a little girl was
crying sadly.
He approached the girl. The girl is about five years old.He asked
her what had happened. The girl told him that she was lost. She
couldn’t find her mother.
Ryan held her hands and tried to find her mother. At last, he saw
a woman. She looked very tired and worried.The girl called loudly.
As she turned , the girl ran and hugged her mother. She was
grateful and thanked Ryan.
-101 words-
Din, Don and Dan were very excited. They decided to go for a fishing.
The river was not far from their house.After lunch, they packed their things.
They brought fishing rods, some baits, food and drinks.
Then, they cycled together happily. At about 3.30 p.m. they arrived.
They parked their bicycle under a tree. Then, they found a good spot and
began to fish.
As they were preoccupied fishing, they heard a boy shouted for
help.Din and his friends ran to the sound and saw a boy was drowning. Din
jumped into the river and pulled the boy to the bank. They were released
because the boy was safe.

-111 words-
It was raining heavily. Adli was at his grandparents’ house.
His grandmother, Puan Limah was worried. The rain did not stop.
The water level rose very fast. It began flowing into the house.
Adli and his grandparents were panicked. They quickly lifted
and moved the things to the higher place. The house was full of
water. They went up to save themselves on the roof. His
grandmother was very sad.
Luckily, they saw the rescuers. They waved their hands and
shouted for help. Then, they were sent to the evacuation centre.
They were very grateful because they were safe.
-109 words-
House on fire
It was a sunny day. Faiz and Najmi were walking home
frome school. As they were talking, they saw smokes from a
house. The house was on fire. It was their neighbour’s house,
Encik Dan.
Faiz and Najmi were panicked. They shouted for help.
Then,Faiz rushed to the public phone. He called the fireman. A
few minutes later, the firemen arrived. They managed to put
out the fire within fifteen minutes.
Encik Dan was grateful because nobody was injured. It
was only a few things had damaged. He thanked Faiz and
Najmi. Their parents were very proud of them.
-100 words-
Snatched theft
It was a fine day. Insyirah and Arif were at the bus stop. They
wanted to go to the library. As they were talking,they saw a young
girl. She was crossing the road alone. She carried a handbag.
There was a man following her. Suddenly,he snatched her
handbag. The girl shouted for help. Arif and Insyirah were
panicked. Luckily, there was a policeman. Arif ran towards him. He
told him about the incident.
The policeman quickly chased and caught him. The girl was
very grateful and thanked them. The policeman praised Insyirah
and Arif of their quick action.

-100 words-
Road accident
Jay, Jon and Jan were at the bus stop. They were waiting for
the bus.They were worried because it started to rain. Then, it fell
As they were talking, they heard a big bang sound. It came
from the road. They ran to the sound and saw a car had an
accident. The driver hit a tree by the road side. He could’nt see the
road. He was badly injured. His car also damaged.
Jan, immediately called the ambulance. A few minutes later,
the ambulance arrived. They sent the man to the nearest hospital.
Not long after, the policemen arrived. They thanked the boys of
their quick action.
-109 words-
It was recess. Hazim was reading alone in the library. As he was
preoccupied reading, a boy named Rodi came approached him.He was
a big bully. His face was fierce.
Hazim felt very afraid. Rodi demanded some money from him.
Hazim refused and began to shout. The boy punched on his face but he
Luckily, the prefect saw what had happened. He was caught in
red handed. The prefect sent Rodi to the office. He reported to the
headmaster about the incident. Then, Rodi was punished by the
headmaster.From that day onwards,Rodi became a good boy.
-100 words-
Camping trip
It was a weekend. The scout members of Sekolah
Kebangsaan Raja had organized a campign trip at the campsite in
Kuala Jengal. It was about 50 kilometres from their school. Nabil
and his friends were very excited to join the camp. They went
there by bus.
At about two hours, they arrived. They found a good
spot.Nabil and his friends pitched the tents nearby the river. A few
of them were busy cooking for lunch. After lunch, they went for a
At night, they set a campfire. They sat around it.They sang
together.They enjoyed themselves. It was unforgettable day for

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Fallen from tree
It was a fine day. Lan and Lee were walking home from school. As
they were passing by Mr. Wong’s orchad , they saw a rambutan tree.
The tree was full of ripe fruits. They decided to steal the fruits.
Lee started to climb the tree. As he stepped on the branch, his
leg slipped. Lee fell on the ground.His leg was broken. Lee cried in pain.
Lan was panicked. He shouted for help.
Luckily, Mr. Wong was there. He ran to the scene and helped Lee.
He advised them for not to be naughty. They were regretted and asked
for his forgiveness.
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