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Evolution of the Atmosphere

Environmental Science
Benz and Kan
Huge changes
3.4 billion years ago
Cooling of the Earth -photosynthetic bacteria
created sulfur instead of
Once the Earth was less than 100 C,the water
2.7 billion years ago
vapor in the air began to condense and it began -cellular organism that
to rain which then created the first ocean.The produced oxygen as a waste
product. Carbon dioxide and
4.5 billion atmosphere is now 10% water vapor, 50% carbon
3.8 billion sulfur became dissolved in
dioxide, 30% ammonia, and 10% methane from
years ago the ocean. The dead
the volcanos. The ocean is now mostly water years ago organisms floated down
created ocean sediments.
from the rain, but include other molecules that
-Multicellular plants appear!
fell with the rain. The ocean is 94% liquid water Plants performing
molecules, 2% sulfide, 3% carbon dioxide, and 1% photosynthesis added a lot
more oxygen to the
other gasses.

The beginning of Life

In the beginning The first life formed. These early bacteria
There was no liquid due to the absorbed carbon and sulfur compounds from
the ocean water as they grew. They did not
Earth’s surface that was extremely
perform photosynthesis.When they died, they
hot. The atmosphere was
composed of 74% water vapor, 12% 3.8 billion sank to the ocean floor and the carbon and 3.4 billion
sulfur became locked up in ocean-floor
carbon dioxide, 9% sulfur oxide, 5% ….years sediment. (98% liquid water, 1% carbon dioxide, years ago
nitrogen, and less than 1% other and 1% other gasses), the atmosphere-(10%
gasses. water vapor, 50% carbon dioxide, 30% ammonia,
and 10% methane)
Key for the Activity
Blue circles represents water

Red circles represents carbon dioxide

Yellow circles represents sulfur dioxides

Green circles to represents nitrogen

Black circle to represents ammonia

Purple circle to represents oxygen

Brown circle represents other gasses

The Beginning

In the beginning, there was no liquid on Earth due to the Earth’s surface that was
extremely hot. The atmosphere was composed of 74% water vapor, 12% carbon
dioxide, 9% sulfur oxide, 5% nitrogen, and less than 1% other gasses. Gases in this
early atmosphere are likely similar to those produced by volcanoes.

3.8 billion years ago - Once the Earth was less than 100 C,the water vapor in the air began to condense and it began to
rain which then created the first ocean. Some of the molecules like carbon dioxide and sulfur oxides combine with the water
molecules when it rains. Water from volcanoes condenses and becomes the ocean. Comets also add water to the ocean.


Around 3.8 billion years ago, the first life formed.These early bacteria absorbed carbon and sulfur compounds from the
ocean water as they grew. They did not perform photosynthesis.When they died, they sank to the ocean floor and the carbon
and sulfur became locked up in ocean-floor sediment. Ocean Sediment

3.4 billion years ago, the first photosynthetic bacteria evolved which created sulfur instead of oxygen. 2.7 billion years
ago, the first cellular organism that produced oxygen as a waste product evolved. More carbon dioxide and sulfur became
dissolved in the ocean and where they became part of the biosphere. in 1.2 billion years ago multicellular plants appear!
Plants performing photosynthesis added a lot more oxygen to the atmosphere. Ocean Sediment
Discussion Questions:

1.How will the atmosphere in the room change if the room is sealed with everyone inside?
ANS: It will change because there will be lesser Oxygen.

2.What effect did early bacteria have? (describe all the types of early bacteria)
ANS: The early bateria created sulfur instead of the sulfur. It will all of the circle of the life because it changes the oxygen
to sulfur.

3.What effect did the multicellular plants have?

ANS: When the plant do the process of photosynthesis there will be more oxygen and add the oxygen to the atmosphere.

4.What does the circle represent? How did the atmosphere change? Does the end result look like what you
ANS: The circle represent the percentage of the molecule for example there 94% of water molecule so there will be 94
circle. The atmosphere change because of the early bateria there are more oxygen. The natural disasters and the
environment can also play an important role to change the atmosphere. The end result is just like we have expected

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