Advertising & Promotion Management: Nature & Scope of Advertising

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Advertising & promotion

Nature & Scope of Advertising
Origin & Meaning of Advertising
Latin word -“advertero”, “ad” –towards, “vertero”–to
Literally means “totally turn people’s attention to a
specific thing”.
French word -“Advertir”, which means “to notify, to
inform, to give notice of / to give public information
or announcement of”.
Dictionary meaning – “to give public notice / to
announce publicly”.
“Advertising is any paid form of non-personal
presentation of ideas, goods, & services by an
identified sponsor” –Philip Kotler.

“Advertising is any paid form of non-personal

presentation & promotion of ideas, goods, & services
by an identified sponsor.” –American Marketing
Association (AMA).
5 Phrases Used in the Definition
Any form

Paid form

Non-personal presentation

Ideas, goods, & services

An identified sponsor

Characteristic Features of Advertising
Advertising is one of the methods of promotion mix.
It is a paid mass communication, not aiming at a
specific individual.
It is a form of publicity, i.e., dissemination of info
regarding a product, service or idea.
It is salesmanship in writing / printed salesmanship.
It is a mass non-personal communication. Either
written, spoken / visual means, & not through
It is sponsored publicity or communication.
Characteristics -continued
The sponsor of ad is usually identified in the ad itself.
It is undertaken to influence the buying behavior of the
It guides the buyers towards a more satisfactory
expenditure of their hard earned money.
It persuades buyers to purchase the goods advertised.
The communication media are diverse such as,
print –newspapers, magazines
broadcast –radio, TV
direct –mail, billboards
Nature of advertising
Element of marketing mix –important component
Element of promotion mix –essential element
Mass communication –basic purpose
Messages –motivates & inspires
Price of advertising –space, time, language, etc., are sold by the
advertising agencies.
Sponsor –identified advertiser
Persuasive –motivates potential customers
Element of control –make them effective & purposive
Identifiable –sponsor’s & audience point of view
Target group –influences target group.
Scope of Advertising
Effectiveness of messages -success depends
Appropriate media -1.type of customers,2.capacity of the
Merchandise-attributes of the product, not criticize,.
Advertising Functions-creates demand, builds image, helps
middlemen, promotes marketing system.
Responsibility of Advertiser-cautious on messages & methods
Fulfillment of objectives -sales, awareness, NP introduction,
sustaining old product
Generates various activities-mass communication, carrying
messages, creating image.
Advertising as Art & Science –has both characteristics.
Advertising Situations
1.Product–market variations
2.Upgrading a Product
3.New application, usage or benefit of a product
4.Special offers
5.Change in the brand name
7.Distribution & service
8.Institutional advertising
9.Seasonal products
10.Raising capital
11.Technology & other inputs
13.Educating the public

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