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Scalable Content-Aware

Collaborative Filtering
for Location Recommendation
 Recommender systems help users explore a large data set by
proposing items in that data set that the system expects to be of
interest to that user.
 Location recommendation plays an essential role in helping
people find attractive places.
 The use of context, information that describes in which situation
a user interacts with the recommender system, has shown to
increase the effectiveness of recommender systems in several
 The recent research has studied how to recommend locations
with social and geographical information, few of them addressed
the cold-start problem of new users.
 Recommender systems are information filtering systems that present relevant item
suggestions to users from a large collection of possible items, for this purpose
recommender systems traditionally rely on the historic interaction of the user with the
system to build and accurate representation of the user's interests.
 We understand relevance defined in as the: "utility or usefulness of the information in
regard to the user's task and needs".
 There are two types of recommender systems use in order to predict the relevance of an
item for a user:
 Explicit feedback consists on the direct feedback of the user on an item. Ratings are
usual representation of the user opinion of a user for an item, for example a numerical
rating (1 to 5), a rating on like a scale (Strongly disagree, Disagree, Neither agree nor
disagree, Agree, Strongly agree) or binary ratings (like, dislike).
 Implicit feedback on the other hand is the collection of actions users exert on items,
these actions indirectly reflect the opinion of the user on the item, and for example a user
can view, click or buy an item.
 According to recommender systems can be divided into two general categories according
on how the systems employ the user information to calculate the relevance of an item:
 Content based filtering (CB) which uses the features or characteristics of the items to
find out the relevance for the user.
 Collaborative filtering (CF) which uses only the opinions of the users on the items
Existing Work
 The Existing algorithms are mainly designed for explicit
feedback with both positively and negatively preferred samples,
and optimized only over non-zero entries from user-item rating
 The time complexity is only in linear proportion to the number
of non-zero entries in the rating matrices .
 To positively preferred items being provided in implicit
feedback, feeding them together with user/item information
into these existing frameworks requires drawing a comparable
number of negatively preferred items with the positive ones for
the sake of efficiency.
 This may incur suboptimal recommendation performance.
Existing Work - Limitations
 Limitation of Content based filtering (CB)
 Limited content analysis
 Overspecialization
 New user problem
 Limitation of Collaborative filtering (CF)
 Sparsity
 New item problem
 Scalability
 Complexity and explainability
Porposed Work
 Scalable Content-aware collaborative filtering is the
integration of content-based recommendation and collaborative
 User information should be more important than location
information when addressing the cold start problem since it is
available earlier for inferring user interest.
 Additionally, we propose a general framework for location
recommendation based on human mobility data, which can
incorporate any features without a deep understanding of the
factorization model.
 Such an objective is difficult to satisfy in prior works since the
incorporation of any other feature requires expert knowledge to
modify the learning procedure.
Proposed - Advantages
 We extend implicit feedback based collaborative filtering
through a sparse and rank-one weighting scheme, thus it
subsumes three existing weighting schemes for modeling
negative preference and naturally introduces a novel mixed
weighting method.
 The effectiveness of the proposed sparse and rank-one weighting
schemes has been extensively evaluated, showing its significant
benefit for improving recommendation, in particular for
locations at long tails.
 We implement the extended implicit feedback based
collaborative filtering system using Sparse Linear Method
System Architecture
System Configuration:
 H/W System Configuration:
Processor : Intel Core I3
Ram : 2 GB (min)
Hard Disk : 80 GB
Key Board : Standard Windows Keyboard
Mouse : Two or Three Button Mouse
Monitor : SVGA
 S/W System Configuration:-
Operating System : Windows/98/2000/XP /7/8
Application Server : Apache Tomcat
Front End : HTML, Java, Jsp
Database : My SQL
Database Connectivity : JDBC.
 We Implement a framework for content-aware collaborative
filtering from implicit feedback datasets, and develop coordinate
descent for efficient and effective parameter learning with large
set of database using python and mysql Environement.
 We are try to improve the accuracy for Location
 Scalable Content-Aware Collaborative Filtering for Location
Recommendation “Defu Lian, Yong Ge, Fuzheng Zhang, Nicholas
JingYuan, Xing Xie,Tao Zhou, andYong Rui”
 D. Lian, Y. Ge, F. Zhang, N. J. Yuan, X. Xie, T. Zhou, and Y. Rui,
"Content-aware collaborative filtering for location recommenda-
tion based on human mobility data," in Proceedings of ICDM'15.
IEEE, 2015, pp. 261-270.
 W. Zhang and J. Wang, "Location and time aware social collabo-
rative retrieval for new successive point-of-interest recommenda-
tion," in Proceedings ofCIKM'15. ACM, 2015, pp. 1221-1230

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