Bible Trivia

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What happened to Daniel after he gave thanks to God by his

open window?

A. He was thrown in the fiery furnace.

B. He was thrown into the lions den.
C. He was beheaded.
D. He was put in a muddy dungeon.
2. What occasion did David write Psalm 105 for?

A. Defeating the Philistines

B. Killing Goliath
C. Receiving forgiveness for his adultery
D. Bringing the ark back to Jerusalem
3. What instruments were used to praise God when the temple
foundation was rebuilt?

A. Many stringed instruments

B. Sackbut and psaltery
C. Trumpets and cymbals
D. Harp and lyre
4. At the Last Supper what items of food and drink did Jesus give
thanks for?

A. Honey and milk

B. Fishes and water
C. Bread and wine
D. Locusts and nectar
5. During what traumatic event did the apostle Paul take bread and
give thanks?

A. Sea voyage
B. Earthquake
C. Fire
D. House falling down
6. Who did Jesus raise from the dead by a prayer of thanks to

A. Moses
B. The widow of Nain son
C. Malchus
D. Lazarus
7. In the parable of the Pharisee and the Publican, what did the
Pharisee thank God for?
A. That he was not sinful like other men
B. For all his material possessions
C. That he was able to keep God’s law daily
D. For his family and friends
8. Where was Jonah when he prayed to God with the voice of

A. Nineveh
B. On board a ship heading for Tarshish
C. Tarshish
D. In the fish's belly
9. Who gave thanks to the Lord when they saw the baby Jesus?

A. Herod
B. Anna the Prophetess
C. The shepherds
D. Simeon
10. How did Paul say we should let our requests be made known to

A. With hearts full of thankfulness

B. By thanking God for all our blessings first
C. By prayer & supplication with thanksgiving
D. By praise, worship and thanksgiving
11. Out of the ten lepers Jesus healed, what nationality was the one
who returned to thank him?
A. Jew
B. Samaritan
C. Roman
D. Assyrian
12. What human qualities does Paul list as being signs of the last
A. Kindness, meekness, thankfulness, gentleness.
B. Those who choose the narrow path of thankless evil.
C. Covetous, boasters, proud, unthankful people.
D. Lovingkindness and thankfulness to all nations.
13. In the Sermon on the Mount to who does Jesus say God is kind?

A. The unthankful and the evil.

B. The lowly, meek and thankful.
C. The ungrateful and the lascivious.
D. Those who thank him for their blessings.
14. Who does Paul thank God for because their faith and love grew

A. The Corinthians
B. The Galatians
C. The Ephesians
D. The Thessalonians
15. Paul thanks God that he did not baptise any of the Corinthians,
except for which people?
A. Peter, James and John.
B. Crispus, Gaius and the household of Stephanus.
C. Timothy, Eunice and Lois.
D. Luke, John Mark and the household of Aquila
16. Who thanked King David for allowing his son Absalom to return
to Jerusalem?

A. Absalom himself
B. Abishai
C. Joab
D. The wise woman of Tekoah
17. On Paul’s journey to Rome, at what location did he meet brethren
whom he thanked God for?
A. Malta
B. Appii forum
C. Rome
D. Syracuse
18. What did God specifically command concerning the thanksgiving offering
that the Israelites made?
A. They must eat it on the day it is offered.
B. It must consist of two turtledoves or pigeons.
C. The animal must be without defect.
D. No yeast must come into contact with the offering.
19. Complete this common phrase of thanksgiving found in the Bible: O give
thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his __ __ __ __ __
endureth for ever.

What was the first temptation of Christ?

To turn a stone into bread

(Matt 4:3)

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