Final Test English Guide: Teacher: Ana Laura Arias Medina English Iv

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 I. Order the words to make the sentences
 that / said / she / only / it / joke / was / a :
 could / he / me / help / he / me / told / that :
 she / our / teacher / told / lost / homework / had / us / our :
 wanted / to my party /said / that / they / to go:
 ____________________________________________________________
 she / me /told / had /boyfriend / her / that /cheated on her:
 _____________________________________________________________
 Jerom: I don’t like English, I rather French

 Name + say (past) + pronoun + simple past + complement (would)

 *NOTE: The complement is not always necesary
 Jerom said He didn’t like English, he would rather

 Jonas: My brother’s girlfriend is annoying

 Jonas said his brother’s girlfriend was annoying
 II. Complete the text using ‘be allowed to’ or ‘let’

 I wanted to go to the party, but my mom 1.(not)

________________me go, so I wrote in my facebook that
I live as a prisoner, while my brothers 2.
_________________ (go) everywhere they want; I have
to stay at home taking care of my little sister. I asked
my mom why she 3. (not) _____________________ (go),
and she said that I’ll 4. _________________ (go) when I
have better notes. And I think is more probably the hell
freezing that she 5._____________ (go.)

 TO BE ALLOWED TO: is used when I don’t need to know who

gives the permission

 Ex. My brothers are allowed to go everywhere

 LET: is used when I know specifically who gives the permission

 Ex. My mom always let my brothers go everywhere
Where is the mistake?

 If Helena had heard the phone, Mike would had talked to her

 Chelsea say she was going to buy a new car

 If we was talked before, probably we wouldn’t broke up

 If I had study for my test, I would pass with better notes

 We would get married if we have loved each other

 After ‘If’ there’s always a verb in past

 Cause/ desire:
 If I had listened the alarm

 Consequence / something I can’t change:

 We would arrive early to work
 TOO MUCH SUGAR From BBC News report

 Do you really know how much of the sweet stuff you eat? The BBC had the work to reveal the true
about the sugar taste in the society that could be even dangerous for our children. Many
associations to prevent infant diabetes has forbbiden the tv commercials with crazy colors,
announcing products with sugar with the argument that the color and music stimulate the brain
making young people want more sugar of that they need, taking advantage of their sweet

 The millenial society have a completely different way to feed in the families, while in 60’s the
products with sugar were on the top of the food pyramid for young and old, now the people still
like sweet but rather processed food, mean any food that has been changed in some way, by
freezing it or putting in tins, or by combining foods or adding chemicals; in fact, some of the
sugars we eat nowadays are hidden in food that we think of as healthy. Such as yoghurts, low fat
snacks, and fruit drinks.

 People don’t take the time to check the information on the back of food packets, to see what’s
in them, according to several marketing studies population think the info behind can be very
confusing, besides there’s so much information, people not always sure how much of a certain
thing is bad. In response of that some food products have colour coding on the packaging to
help you understand the information, like red for high levels of sugar, salt or fat, orange for
medium, and green for low, you can see at a glance what’s good or bad for you.
 Read & connect the expressions with the correct meaning, there’s one

A. fat-free B. processed C. At a glance D. Have a sweet E. To demonise

food tooth

 Has been changed in a way, by freezing it or adding chemicals ( )

 Do everything you can to avoid it ( )
 With a quick look ( )
 Make someone or something seem very bad ( )
 Like sugary things ( )
 Without any fat ( )

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