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Presentation prepared by: S M Ahamed Ali

The pest control in the past has resulted in the following

Phenomena, particularly in the last three decades (Dent et al,
1995) which are largely applicable to cotton, rice, vegetables and
others crops

•Over dosing with pesticides leading to the development of

resistance and pollution of natural resources like soil, water and air.

•Loss of Biological control largely through indiscriminate use of


•The introduction of high yielding varieties with Pest susceptibility

with large monocultures.

•Agronomic changes such as the abandonment of cultural control

(crop rotation ) and the more from mixed cropping to monoculture.

•Destruction of bio-diversity including forests.

Non-Pesticidal Management (NPM)
of Insect Pests
“It is a system that, in the context of the associated
Environment & Population dynamics of the pest
species, utilizes all sustainable techniques as
compatible a manner as possible & maintains the pest
populations at levels below those causing economic

Balance in Nature – Pests & Parasites - Predators.

It is simply not the juxta-position or super-imposition of two
or more control techniques but the integration of all suitable
management techniques in a harmonious manner with
natural regulating and limiting elements of the environment.
The primary focus is on replacing the external inputs with
the local knowledge, management skills, labour, and
effective utilization of natural products and processes
available locally.

The Farmer understands the Pest Biology and life cycle and
modify the crop management practices to keep the insect
population under check, from reaching a pest status.
It involves,

•Replacing external chemical products with Farmers

knowledge, skills, local resources.

•Instead of resorting to control measures during

damaging stage, pest is managed not to reach damaging

•Increasing the knowledge base of the Farmers to

identify the stage in which pest can be easily controlled.
•Increasing the technical skills of the Farmers to use the
locally available materials.

•To organize the community for group action on large

scale which multiplies the effectiveness of the pest
management practices
NPM Components
1) Deep Summer Ploughing:

Deep summer ploughing exposes resting pupal

stages of insect pests in soil, get killed due to strong
sunlight and predated by birds. Also conserve
moisture, weed seeds and disease causing fungi gets
killed due to strong sunlight.
2) Growing resistant variety to pests and disease:

Growing resistant varieties of major pests and

diseases is the important step in NPM. Pest / disease
incidence is much less on a resistant variety which
can be easily controlled with NPM methods.
3. Seed treatment with bio-fungicides:

Seed treatment with bio-fungicides prevents seedling mortality

due to fungal infestation in soil there by seedlings grow healthy.

4. Growing Inter Crops & Border Crops :

Farmer can grow intercrop in between rows for additional

income and also helps in augmentation of parasites and
Predators of insect pests besides increasing soil fertility. Growing
4 rows of border crops like Maize and sorghum around farm
boundary helps in augmentation of parasites and predators.

Border Crop Inter Crop

5. Growing Trap Crops:

Plants more preferred by the pest fro egg laying and

feeding are grown as trap crops on the bunds of the main
crop or at random. Insect pests are more attracted to trap
crops, lay eggs on leaves / flower buds which can be
clipped off and destroyed.

Marigold for Helicoverpa

Sunflower as trap crop for Spodoptera
Crops Pest Trap Crop
Cotton, Spodoptera Castor, Sunflower
Cotton, Helicoverpa Marigold
Pigionpea Helicoverpa Marigold
Groundnut Spodoptera Castor
Cotton Spotted Bollworm Bhendi

Cabbage Diamond Back Moth Mustard

6. Installation of Pheromone traps:

Pheromone traps are helpful in monitoring

pest build up. Pheromone lure releases scent
of a female moth which attracts male moths,
get trapped in Pheromone trap. Based on
moth catches in Pheromone traps, control
measures can be initiated.
Bucket Pheromone Trap Scouting for Pests
for Helicoverpa
7. Installation of Light trap:

Light Trap

A 200 watt electric bulb with a protective cover is to be arranged over

a tub at a height of 1.5 feet from the ground. Some quantity of
Kerosene is to be mixed with water in a tub. One light trap is required
for 5 hectare area. Many insects have tendency to get attracted to
light. Adult insects of Red Hairy Caterpillars, Jassids etc can be
controlled by Light traps.
8. Erection of bird perches:

Bird Perch

Insectivorous birds like Black Drango, Mynah and White Cattle

Egret feed on insects. Erecting bird perches in the field 10 per
acre attract birds which sit and feed on insects. Providing water
in earthen bowls near bird perches and spreading cooked yellow
rice attract insectivorous birds which feed on insect pests.
9. Augmentation of Parasites and Predators of insect pests:


This is a parasite lives on eggs of Bollworms and Lepidopteran

pests. Release of Trichogramma egg parasite in field at the rate
of 60,000 per acre, parasitizes eggs of Lepidopteron pests.

Tricho Card Trichogramma Parasite

Chrysopa (Green Lace Wings)
Predators like Chrysopa feeds on many sucking pests like thrips,
whiteflies, aphids, mites, small insects and eggs of many Lepidopteran
pests. Chrysopa should be released @ 2 larvae per plant.

Lady Bird Beetles:

They are important and common predators found in many crops. They
predate on sucking insects like, aphids, jassids, whiteflies, thrips and
eggs of many Lepidopteran pests.

Lady Bird Beetle

10. Spraying Botanical and Bio-Pesticides:

•5% Neem Seed Kernel Extract

•Chilly –Garlic Extract
•Tobacco decoction
•Cow dung and Urine solution
•Nuclear Polyhydrosis Virus solution
11. Mechanical Control:

Grown up larvae an adult

insects can be mechanically
removed by hand picking.

Hand collection of Insects

Preparation Method of NPM Extracts

Preparation of 5 % Neem Seed Kernel Extract

Preparation Method of NPM Extracts

Take 5 kg of dried Neem Seed Kernels and soak them

in small quantity of water.

Grind Neem Seed Kernel and keep the paste in a

cloth bag and tie, soak it for 4-5 hrs

Take a big container, fill it with 10 liters of water by

measuring with a standard vessel

Keep the bag with Neem Seed Kernel paste in the

vessel, squeeze it thoroughly for 15-20 minutes while
holding it in water.
Preparation Method of NPM Extracts

Filter the milky white suspension using a thin cloth and

add 100 gms of soap to it.

Add water to this suspension to make 100 liters of spray


Spray this 5% NSKS suspension on the crop in evening

Precautions while storing Neem Seed.

 Collect ripe Neem Fruits
 Separate the seed from Neem fruit before storing
 Store Neem Seed in gunny bags only.

 Don’t use the Neem Seed stored for more than one year.
 Don’t dry Neem Seed under sun.
 Don’t store Neem Seed in air tight polythene bags.
To store Neem Seed in large quantities
add Sulphur and China clay in ratio of
1:10 @ 0.5 kg per quintal.

Benefits of using Neem Seed Kernel Extract:

•Neem acts as a repellent for many insect pests. Adult insects

do not lay eggs on crop sprayed with NSKS.

•Neem acts as Oviposition deterrent. Spraying NSKS at

flowering stage prevent egg laying by female moths of
Helicoverpa, Spodoptera and other Lepidopteran pests.
Benefits of using Neem Seed Kernel Extract:

•Neem acts as anti-feedant. Spraying Neem prevents early instar

larvae feeding on foliage leading to starvation of caterpillars and

•Neem acts as a growth inhibitor. Azadirachtin, the active ingredient

in Neem Seed Kernels interrupts life cycle of pests resulting in
deformed larvae, pupae and adults.

•Neem is safe to mammals, earthworms and natural enemies of

crop pests.

•Neem is an environment friendly bio-pesticide

Mode of action of 5% NSKS on Spodoptera
Mode of action of 5% NSKS on Helicoverpa
Preparation of NPV – Virus Solution
NPV affected larvae are seen hanging with head
downwards in the field.

Collect 400 NPV affected larvae.

 Grind the collected larvae in a Grinder Mixture.

Filter the solution obtained using a thin cloth.

Dilute the NPV solution to 100 liters and add 100g

of Robin Blue to protect from sun light.

Spray this solution during evening hours.

Pests controlled - Helicoverpa &Spodoptera.

Important points to be noted…

 * Virus of one insect species does not kill the other insect

 * Virus infected dead larvae are observed hanging head

upside down on top branches in 2-5 days after the

 * With in 10 days all caterpillars in the field are infected

with NPV and gets killed.
Preparation of Chilli - Garlic Extract
Chilli-Garlic Extract.

•Grind 3 kg green chillies.

•Soak the grinded chilli paste in 10 liter of water overnight.
•Grind 500 g of garlic thoroughly and soak overnight in 250 ml of
•Prepare the above two extracts separately by filtering through
thin cloth.
•Prepare third solution by dissolving soap @ 75 in one liter.
• Mix the above three solutions in a container and keep it for 4
•Filter the mixture using a cloth and dilute to 80 liters and spray.

Pests Controlled : Helicoverpa, Spodoptera & other Caterpillars.

Preparation of Cattle Dung & Urine Extract
Cattle-Dung and Urine Extract.

•Collect 5 Kg Cattle Dung and 5 liters Urine and mix

them in 5 liters of water.

•Ferment the solution for 4 days in a container by

covering it.

•After 4 days filter the solution and add 100 gm of lime.

•Dilute the solution in 80 liters of water

• and spray in one acre.
How it controls insects…

•Prevents egg laying by insects.

•Protect the crop from some diseases.
•Act as a Phytotonic.

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