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What Is Certification

Certification is the procedure by which officially

recognized certification bodies, provide written
or equivalent assurance that foods or food
control systems conform to requirements of
organic operation.

All the certified organic products carry the organic labels

and certification marks.
Why Certification Is Needed………

Organic certification aims at building trust

between consumer and organic farmers.

Organic labels and certification marks help the

consumer to recognize trust worthy organic
products easily.

Important marketing tools.

Allow to achieve a better price compared to

conventional products.
Advantages of Certification…

Organic certification build trust consumer

and organic farmers.

Organic labels and certification marks help

the consumer to identify the organic
products easily.

Better price compared to conventional

International Organic

 NPOP - Indian Standards

 NOP - National Organic Program, USA
 EU norms - EEC Regulation2092/91
 JAS - Japanese Agricultural Standard
 IFOAM - International Federation for
Organic Agriculture Movement
Certification Requirements…

 Comply with the act and applicable organic

production and handling regulation.

 Complete updated organic system plan.

 Permit on-site inspections with complete

access to all facilities.

 Maintain all applicable records at least for 3


 Summit applicable fees.

What is Grower Group Certification

Grower Group Certification is the

internal quality system and shall apply
to small holding farmer groups,
farmer’s cooperatives, contract
production and small scale processing
Benefits of Grower Group Certification

For Individual farmers(More than 10 Acres)

Rs2500/- per Acre to Rs.150/- Per Acre per year.

For Grower Group FarmersRs.250/- to Rs.45/-

Per Acre Per Year.

Farmers are in a better position to conduct

collective bargaining with buyers.
Benefits of Grower Group Certification

Transportation costs incurred by group members

delivering their produce to market are reduced.

National or international buyers are able to buy

commodities in bulk.

Input providers have the opportunity to market to

group members.
Benefits of Grower Group Certification

Buyers and processors are ensured a regular

supply of produce, maintained at a consistent

Information can easily be disseminated

amongst large numbers of farmers.
Definition ICS

An Internal Control System (ICS) is a

documented quality assurance system
that allows the external certification body
to delegate the annual inspection of
individual group members to an
identified body/unit within the certified

General Population of

Farmers Registered in ICS

Formation of Group

ICS Coordinator/Approval

Apply for organic certification

Certification Body
Role of ICS – Grower Group
Internal Control System (ICS)
• Manage the Grower Group
• Internal inspection and field advise for farmers
• Internal approval and handling of non-compliances
• Documentation of farmer and farm data
• Product flow control

Farmers in the organic project

How ICS Reduce The Cost of
Responsibilities of ICS
 Identification of farmers
 Develop the grower group
 Registration of grower group
 Manage the Grower Group
 Internal inspection and field advise for farmers
 Internal approval and handling of non-compliances
 Documentation of farmer and farm data
How Grower Group Get
 Small land holding farmers make a group and
apply for organic certification
 Trader can apply for certification of grower group
 NGO’s can manage the grower group and apply for
 The State Government has developed many
schemes to support Smallholder Group certification
Documentation – Farmers &
Records kept by farmer Records kept by ICS Operator
 Contract  Contract
 Day-to-day field records  Basic data form with farmers
and yield Data; details crops, area, yield etc.
consolidated field data  Overview maps
 Farm map (s)  Internal inspection reports with
 Internal inspection report agreed improvements to be
(from previous year) with made and discussed sanctions
details of sanction  Details of sanctions and
 Sales receipts external inspection reports
Grower Group Certification
Grower Group Certification Procedure

Applicants Call

 Telephone
 Applicant visit to certification body
 Through extn. Worker
 E-mail
 Written request

Entry into
Enquiry Register
Grower Group Certification Procedure

Application Packet
• Application for Certification
• Certification Agreement
• Fees Schedule
• Organic Farm Plan Questionnaire/
• Organic
OneCert Asia Application
Handling Packet
Plan Questionnaire/
• Organic Livestock Plan Questionnaire
• Field History Form
• Farm Products and Inventory List
• Organic Product Profile
Grower Group Certification Procedure

Sending Complete / duly signed

application packet to Certification
Grower Group Certification Procedure


For Administrative Completeness and Technical Completeness

Grower Group Certification Procedure
Grower Group Certification Procedure
Grower Group Certification Procedure

EU 2092 / 91
Records for Organic

Complete Updated Field maps.

Field Activity Log (s).

Field History Sheets (Previous three years.)

Compost Production Records.

Monitoring Records (soil tests, tissue tests,

water tests, quality tests, observations).

Harvest Records.

Input Record.

Source of Organic Seeds and

Planting Stock Record.
An Organic Certification Agency

Accredited as per
– ISO-65/EU-2092/91
–certified Organic Products to JAPAN
as per JAS
Certifications for

Crop Production Livestock

Wild Craft

Processing and
Handling Horticulture
Certifications for

Plantation- Controlled
Tea/Coffee Climate


Beekeeping Aquaculture

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