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Why Organizations don't Learn


The learning organization

The 5th Discipline
Bias! Bias!! Bias!!! Bias!!!!
the Learning organization

“Organizations where people continually

expand their capacity to create the results
they truly desire, where new and expansive
patterns of thinking are nurtured, where
collective aspiration is set free, and where
people are continually learning to learn
The Fifth Discipline
the skill of
the ability to unearth our
clarifying and
internal pictures of the world, to
deepening our Personal Mental
scrutinize them, and to make
personal vision. Mastery Models them open to the influence of

the discipline that Learning

integrates the Organization the practice of unearthing
others, fusing them Systems Shared
shared “pictures of the
into a coherent Thinking Vision future” that foster genuine
body of theory and commitment.
the capacity to think
together which is gained
by mastering the practice
of dialogue and
so why don't organizations
...toward Success
Learning from failure vs. Preoccupation with success !

Challenge #1: Fear of Failure

Challenge #2: A Fixed Mindset
Challenge #3: Over-reliance on past performance
Challenge #4: The attribution bias
...toward Action

aversion to inaction

Challenge #1: Exhaustion

Challenge #2: Lack of reflection
...toward Fitting in

Natural tendency to fit in

Challenge #1: Believing we need to conform.

Challenge #2: Failure to use one’s strengths
...toward Experts

• Challenge #1: An overly narrow view of expertise

• Challenge #2: Inadequate frontline involvement

Overcoming the Challenges

 Destigmatize failure.
 Embrace and teach a growth mindset
 People who are taught a growth mindset see more
opportunities for improvement.
 Build breaks into your schedule.
 Take time to just think.
 Encourage reflection after doing.
 Encourage people to cultivate their strengths
• introspection and daily goal setting -10mins
• goal setting 1-3 years - 10mins
goal setting 3-5 years - 10mins
Path to knowledeg - 15mins
path to God - 15mins

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