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Values, Attitudes, and

Job Satisfaction

Prof. Kailash Tuli

Understanding Cultural Diversity
“American Eat oysters but not snails,
French eat snails but not locusts,
The Zulus eat locust but not fish,
The Jews eat fish but not pork,
The Hindus eat pork but not beef,
The Russians eat beef but not snakes,
The Chinese eat snakes but not people,
The Jale of New Guinea find people delicious”
What are Values?
Values are a specific mode of conduct or end-state
of existence is personally or socially preferable to
an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end-
state of existence. -Rokeach
To hold something in Esteem based upon one’s
evaluation of it. -Reber & Reber
Values are culturally defined standard of
desirability, goodness, and beauty that serve as a
broad guideline for social life. --Macionis
Significance of Values
Conceptualization of thinking
Determinants of overt and covert behavior
Guiding direction of personal development
Effect on Judgmental process
Influence on Psycho physiological Emotions and
expressed behavior
Individual values contribute in making of socio-
cultural value systems
Types of values
According to Rokeach, there are 2 types of Values.
These are:

Terminal and instrumental Values

Terminal values are the desirable end state like
Wisdom, Equality, Salvation, Inner harmony,
Freedom, Mature love etc.
Instrumental values are preferable modes of
behavior or means of achieving one’s terminal
values, like helpful, loving, polite, logical etc.
Values classification

Values can be at Individual, Family, social &

Cultural, National, and Religious levels

Values are collective if shared by many

Aesthetic, Theoretical, Political, Religious, Social,

economical (Concept by Spranger, and Study of
Values Test by Allport, Vernon and Lindsey)

Cardinal, Primary & Secondary values

What are beliefs?
A belief is the emotional acceptance of some
proposition, statement or doctrine. Reber & Reber
Beliefs are deeper in human psyche and have very
potent effect on behavior
Belief Bias Effect is a situation that occurs when a
person’s prior knowledge, attitude, or values
distort the reasoning process by influencing the
person to accept invalid arguments. --Zimbardo
Characteristics of Beliefs
Based on deep-rooted values
Beliefs are often not questioned or doubted
Normally unchangeable concepts
“The belief-bias effect occurs when a person’s
prior knowledge, attitudes, or values distort the
reasoning process by influencing the person to
accept as valid those arguments that are invalid but
believed to be true or as invalid those arguments
that are believed to be false (Evans et al., 1983)
Psychology of Beliefs
Develops over a period of time
Become very much deep rooted in psyche
There is effect of Consonance and Dissonance
Core determinants of behavior
Have Physiological, Psychological, social and cultural
strong foundations and support
Values and Beliefs at Individual and
organizational levels
Analyze their nature and impact on individuals and
They develop through the process of Socialization,
Enculturation and based on Terminal and Instrumental
Through this process develops the Organizational

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