3rd Sunday of Easter 2

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Introductory Rites Liturgy of the Eucharist

Entrance hymn Preparation of Gifts

Prayer over the Gifts
Sign of the Cross & Greetings
Eucharistic Prayer:
Act of Penitence/Rite of Sprinkling
Opening Dialogue
Gloria Memorial Acclamation
Opening Prayer Form A: We Proclaim…
Liturgy of the word: Form B: When we Eat…
1st reading Form C: Save us …
Responsorial Psalm Communion Rite
2nd Reading The Lord’s Prayer
Sequence Doxology of the Lords Prayer
Gospel Acclamation Lamb of God
Alleluia Communion Song
Concluding Rite:
Profession of Faith
Apostle’s Creed
Nicene Creed
Prayers of the Faithful Final Hymn`

Fire of the Spirit
moving and loving.
Warm us and lead us,
Encourage and change
Fire of the Spirit - Tinnah de la Rosa (Gaudium Mass)
Fire of the Spirit give
life to our chaos.
Drive out our
confusions and heal
our hurt world.
Fire of the Spirit - Tinnah de la Rosa (Gaudium Mass)
Fire of the Spirit join us
Dance in our churches,
transform, transform
our lives.
Fire of the Spirit - Tinnah de la Rosa (Gaudium Mass)
As we gather to give
you praise.
We give you thanks
for the life we live.
As we gather - Tinnah de la Rosa (Gaudium Mass)
Fill our minds,
Stir our hearts,
Move our being,
Nourish our spirit,
As we gather - Tinnah de la Rosa (Gaudium Mass)
Make us one body with
the story of your life.
Make us one body with
the story of your life.
As we gather - Tinnah de la Rosa (Gaudium Mass)
Bayan, magsiawit na!
Bayan, pinagpala ka.
dakilang biyayang
pangako niya sumilay
Bayan Magsiawit na – Arnel Aquino, SJ
Sinauna Mong hangarin
ang tao nga'y tubusin
Upang Siya ay
mapag-irog na Diyos
Bayan Magsiawit na – Arnel Aquino, SJ
Bayan, magsiawit na!
Bayan, pinagpala ka.
dakilang biyayang
pangako niya sumilay
Bayan Magsiawit na – Arnel Aquino, SJ
Sa aba Niyang pagkatao,
sa buhay Niya sa mundo.
Inihayag Kanyang puso,
Tinig ng Ama nating

Bayan Magsiawit na – Arnel Aquino, SJ

Bayan, magsiawit na!
Bayan, pinagpala ka.
dakilang biyayang
pangako niya sumilay
Bayan Magsiawit na – Arnel Aquino, SJ
Pananatili Niyang
'Spiritung ating gabay
Kahulugan at pag-asa,
pagmamahal at biyaya.
Bayan Magsiawit na – Arnel Aquino, SJ
Bayan, magsiawit na!
Bayan, pinagpala ka.
dakilang biyayang
pangako niya sumilay
Bayan Magsiawit na – Arnel Aquino, SJ
Dakilang biyayang
pangako niya
sumilay na.

Bayan Magsiawit na – Arnel Aquino, SJ

Cry out with joy to the
Lord all the earth, serve
the Lord with gladness.
Cry out with joy to the
Lord all the earth, come
before Him singing for
Psalm 100 - Ryan Cayabyab
Know that He the Lord is
God. He made us, we
belong to Him.
And we are His people,
the sheep of His flock,
The sheep of His flock.
Psalm 100 - Ryan Cayabyab
Cry out with joy to the
Lord all the earth, serve
the Lord with gladness.
Cry out with joy to the
Lord all the earth, come
before Him singing for
Psalm 100 - Ryan Cayabyab
Go within His gates giving
thanks. Enter His courts
with songs of praise.
Give thanks to Him and
bless His name, and bless
his name.
Psalm 100 - Ryan Cayabyab
Cry out with joy to the
Lord all the earth, serve
the Lord with gladness.
Cry out with joy to the
Lord all the earth, come
before Him singing for
Psalm 100 - Ryan Cayabyab
Indeed, how good is
the Lord. Eternal His
merciful love and He
is faithful from age to
age, from age to age.
Psalm 100 - Ryan Cayabyab
Cry out with joy to the
Lord all the earth, serve
the Lord with gladness.
Cry out with joy to the
Lord all the earth, come
before Him singing for
Psalm 100 - Ryan Cayabyab
Rise up and sing to the
Lord, come into His
presence with joy.
Open your hearts, lift up
your voice and let all the
earth rejoice.
Rise up - Arnold Zamora
We are God's people, the
sheep of His flock. He is our
maker, to Him we belong.
Sisters and brothers,
daughters and son. Sharing
together, we are all one.
Rise up - Arnold Zamora
Rise up and sing to the
Lord, come into His
presence with joy.
Open your hearts, lift up
your voice and let all the
earth rejoice.
Rise up - Arnold Zamora
God's love is ever faithful
and true. Merciful and
kind compassionate too.
Father almighty, Son
Jesus Christ. Spirit most
Holy, bringing us light.
Rise up - Arnold Zamora
Rise up and sing to the
Lord, come into His
presence with joy.
Open your hearts, lift up
your voice and let all the
earth rejoice.
Rise up - Arnold Zamora
Enter Oh people give thanks
to our God. Singing His
praises the Lord is our God.
Serve Him with gladness all
of our days. Blessed forever
His holy Name.
Rise up - Arnold Zamora
Come to the feast of
heaven and earth. Come
to the table of plenty.
God will provide for all
that we need here at the
table of plenty.
Table of plenty
O come and sit at my
table where saints and
sinners are friends.
I wait to welcome the
lost and lonely to share
the cup of my life.
Table of plenty
Come to the feast of
heaven and earth. Come
to the table of plenty.
God will provide for all
that we need here at the
table of plenty.
Table of plenty
O come and eat without
money; come to drink
without price.
My feast of gladness will
feed your spirit with faith
and fullness of life.
Table of plenty
Come to the feast of
heaven and earth. Come
to the table of plenty.
God will provide for all
that we need here at the
table of plenty.
Table of plenty
Signum Crusis et Salutatio
Signum Crusis et Salutatio
Signum Crusis et Salutatio
I confess to
almighty God and
to you, my
brothers and
Ritus Penitentialis | Actus Penitentialis
that I have greatly
sinned in my
thoughts and in my
Ritus Penitentialis | Actus Penitentialis
in what I have done
and in what I have
failed to do,

Ritus Penitentialis | Actus Penitentialis

through my fault,
through my fault,
through my most
grievous fault;
Ritus Penitentialis | Actus Penitentialis
Therefore I ask
blessed Mary ever-
Virgin, all the
Angels and Saints,
Ritus Penitentialis | Actus Penitentialis
and you, my
brothers and
sisters, to pray for
me, to the Lord our
Ritus Penitentialis | Actus Penitentialis
Signum Crusis et Salutatio
Lord have mercy
Lord have mercy
Kyrie X
Christ have mercy
Christ have mercy
Kyrie X
Lord have mercy
Lord have mercy
Kyrie X
Kyrie Eleison
Kyrie Eleison
Kyrie X
Christe Eleison
Christe Eleison
Kyrie X
Kyrie Eleison
Kyrie Eleison
Kyrie X
Glory to God,
Glory to God
Glory to God
in the Highest.
Ritus Initialis | Gloria – Ferdinand Bautista | Mass of St. Thomas Aquinas
And on earth peace to
people of goodwill.
We praise you, we bless
you, we adore you, we
glorify you, we give you
thanks for your great glory,
Ritus Initialis | Gloria – Ferdinand Bautista | Mass of St. Thomas Aquinas
Glory to God,
Glory to God
Glory to God
in the Highest.
Ritus Initialis | Gloria – Ferdinand Bautista | Mass of St. Thomas Aquinas
Lord God, Heavenly King!
O God Almighty Father.
Lord Jesus Christ, Only
Begotten Son, Lord God,
Lamb of God, Son of the
Ritus Initialis | Gloria – Ferdinand Bautista | Mass of St. Thomas Aquinas
You take away the
sins of the world,
have mercy on us.
You take away the
sins of the world,
receive our prayer;
Ritus Initialis | Gloria – Ferdinand Bautista | Mass of St. Thomas Aquinas
You are seated at the
right hand of the
Have mercy on us.

Ritus Initialis | Gloria – Ferdinand Bautista | Mass of St. Thomas Aquinas

Glory to God,
Glory to God
Glory to God
in the Highest.
Ritus Initialis | Gloria – Ferdinand Bautista | Mass of St. Thomas Aquinas
For you alone are the
Holy One, you alone
are the Lord;
You alone are the Most
High, Jesus Christ.
Ritus Initialis | Gloria – Ferdinand Bautista | Mass of St. Thomas Aquinas
With the Holy Spirit
in the glory of God
the Father.

Ritus Initialis | Gloria – Ferdinand Bautista | Mass of St. Thomas Aquinas

Glory to God,
Glory to God
Glory to God
in the Highest.
Ritus Initialis | Gloria – Ferdinand Bautista | Mass of St. Thomas Aquinas
Glory to God, Glory to God
Glory to God in the Highest

And on earth, and on earth

peace to people of goodwill.

Ritus Initialis | Gloria – Alejandro Consolacion II

We praise you, we bless
you, we adore you,
We glorify you,
We give you thanks for
your great glory.
Ritus Initialis | Gloria – Alejandro Consolacion II
Lord, God,
Heavenly King!
O God Almighty

Ritus Initialis | Gloria – Alejandro Consolacion II

Glory to God, Glory to God
Glory to God in the Highest

And on earth, and on earth

peace to people of goodwill.

Ritus Initialis | Gloria – Alejandro Consolacion II

Lord Jesus Christ,
Only Begotten Son,
Lord God, Lamb of
Son of the Father,
Ritus Initialis | Gloria – Alejandro Consolacion II
You take away the
sins of the world,
have mercy on us.
You take away the
sins of the world,
receive our prayer;
Ritus Initialis | Gloria – Alejandro Consolacion II
You are seated at
the right hand of
the Father,
Have mercy on us
Have mercy on us
Ritus Initialis | Gloria – Alejandro Consolacion II
For you alone are the
Holy One.
You alone are the Lord;
You alone are the Most
High, Jesus Christ.
Ritus Initialis | Gloria – Alejandro Consolacion II
With the Holy Spirit,
in the glory of God
the Father,

Ritus Initialis | Gloria – Alejandro Consolacion II

Glory to God, Glory to God
Glory to God in the Highest

And on earth, and on earth

peace to people of goodwill.

Ritus Initialis | Gloria – Alejandro Consolacion II

Signum Crusis et Salutatio
Responsorial Psalm:

“The Lord gave them

bread from heaven”.

Liturgia Verbi | Salmus Responsorius | Ps

Liturgia Verbi |
And with
your spirit.
Liturgia Verbi | Evangelium
Glory to you,
O Lord.
Liturgia Verbi | Evangelium
Liturgia Verbi | Evangelium
Praise to you
Lord, Jesus
Liturgia Verbi | Evangelium
Nicene Creed English Illonggo
Apostle’s Creed English Illonggo
Renewal of Baptism English Illonggo

Liturgia Verbi | Professio Fidei

I believe in one God, the
Father Almighty, Maker of
heaven and earth, and of
things visible and invisible;
Liturgia Verbi | Professio Fidei | Nicene Creed
And in one Lord, Jesus
Christ, the Son of God,
the Only-begotten,
Begotten of the Father
before all ages,
God from God,
Liturgia Verbi | Professio Fidei | Nicene Creed
Light from light, true
God from true God
begotten not made,
consubstantial with the
father, through Him all
things were made.
Liturgia Verbi | Professio Fidei | Nicene Creed
For us men and for our
salvation, He came
down from heaven. And
by the holy spirit was
incarnate of the Virgin
Mary and became man.
Liturgia Verbi | Professio Fidei | Nicene Creed
For our sake, he was
crucified under Pontius
Pilate. He suffered
death and was buried.

Liturgia Verbi | Professio Fidei | Nicene Creed

And rose again on the
third day in accordance
with the scriptures, he
ascended into heaven
and is seated at the
right hand of the father.
Liturgia Verbi | Professio Fidei | Nicene Creed
He will come again in glory
to judge the living and the
dead and His kingdom will
have no end. I believe in the
holy spirit, the Lord the
giver of life who proceeds
from the father and the son.

Liturgia Verbi | Professio Fidei | Nicene Creed

Who with the father and the
son is adored and
glorified, who has spoken
through the prophets.
I believe in one holy catholic
and apostolic church. I
confess one baptism for
the forgiveness of sins.
Liturgia Verbi | Professio Fidei | Nicene Creed
And I look forward to the
resurrection of the dead
and the life of the world
to come.

Liturgia Verbi | Professio Fidei | Nicene Creed X

Liturgia Verbi | Professio Fidei | Nicene Creed X
I believe in God the
father almighty creator
of heaven and earth.
And in Jesus Christ,
His only son, of our
Liturgia Verbi | Professio Fidei | Apostles Creed
Who was conceived by
the Holy Spirit, Born of
the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius
Pilate, was crucified,
died and was buried;
Liturgia Verbi | Professio Fidei | Apostles Creed
He descended into
hell; on the third day
he rose again from
the dead; he
ascended into
Liturgia Verbi | Professio Fidei | Apostles Creed
And is seated at the
right hand of the
Father almighty; from
there he will come to
judge the living and
the dead.
Liturgia Verbi | Professio Fidei | Apostles Creed
I believe in the Holy
Spirit, the Holy
catholic Church, the
communion of saints,
the forgiveness of
Liturgia Verbi | Professio Fidei | Apostles Creed
the resurrection of the
body and the life
Liturgia Verbi | Professio Fidei | Apostles Creed
Prayers for the faithful

Here we are Lord,

send us
Liturgia Verbi | Oratio Fidelis
Liturgia Verbi | Oratio Fidelis
Signum Crusis et Salutatio
Paghahanda ng alay
ay narito Poon.
Ang alak at tinapay dala
sa altar Mo.

Liturgia Eucharistica | Preparatio Donorum | Munting Alay – Fr. Nilo Mangussad

Anyo’y magiging tunay:
Dugo mo’t katawan.
Aming tatanggapin
ngayon, magbibigay
Liturgia Eucharistica | Preparatio Donorum | Munting Alay – Fr. Nilo Mangussad
Paghahanda ng alay
ngayon ay sisim’lan
Ang alak at tinapay ay

Liturgia Eucharistica | Preparatio Donorum | Munting Alay – Fr. Nilo Mangussad

Anyo’y magiging tunay:
Dugo mo’t katawan.
Ito’y aming tatanggapin,
sa pakikinabang.

Liturgia Eucharistica | Preparatio Donorum | Munting Alay – Fr. Nilo Mangussad

We bring unto your table
with humble hearts O
The bread and wine the
fruits of the land and of
the vine.
Liturgia Eucharistica | Preparatio Donorum | Munting Alay – Fr. Nilo Mangussad
Transformed beneath the
hands of your chosen
priest behold;
We shall receive with open
hearts eternal life
Liturgia Eucharistica | Preparatio Donorum | Munting Alay – Fr. Nilo Mangussad
Gathered now your
people bringing gifts to
Let us give you worship
for this Sacred Feast.
Liturgia Eucharistica | Preparatio Donorum | Munting Alay – Fr. Nilo Mangussad
Continuously we sing you
our praise on bended
We give you thanks revere
you for Your generosity.
Liturgia Eucharistica | Preparatio Donorum | Munting Alay – Fr. Nilo Mangussad
Itong tinapay at alak na
mula sa'yo muling ihahain
sa kabutihan mo.
Kunin at tanggapin alay
sa'yo, pasasalamat ng puso.

Liturgia Eucharistica | Preparatio Donorum | Pasasalamat ng Puso - Misa Solemne | Alejandro D. Consolacion II
Buhay mong inalay walang
kapantay. Salamat
Panginoon sa pag-ibig mo.
Walang hihigit sa binigay
mong buhay. Sa iyo puso'y
Liturgia Eucharistica | Preparatio Donorum | Pasasalamat ng Puso - Misa Solemne | Alejandro D. Consolacion II
Itong tinapay at alak na
mula sa'yo muling ihahain
sa kabutihan mo.
Kunin at tanggapin alay
sa'yo, pasasalamat ng puso.

Liturgia Eucharistica | Preparatio Donorum | Pasasalamat ng Puso - Misa Solemne | Alejandro D. Consolacion II
Basbasan mo Poon ang
aming buhay. Kupkupin
kami sa piling mo't puso.
Ang panalangin nawa ay
laging dinggin, patawarin
ang sala namin.
Liturgia Eucharistica | Preparatio Donorum | Pasasalamat ng Puso - Misa Solemne | Alejandro D. Consolacion II
Itong tinapay at alak na
mula sa'yo muling ihahain
sa kabutihan mo.
Kunin at tanggapin alay
sa'yo, pasasalamat ng puso.

Liturgia Eucharistica | Preparatio Donorum | Pasasalamat ng Puso - Misa Solemne | Alejandro D. Consolacion II
Christify the gifts we bring
to you. Bounty of the earth
received anew. Take and
bless the work of our hands.
Christify these gifts at your
Liturgia Eucharistica | Preparatio Donorum | Christify - Manoling Francisco, SJ
Sun and moon and earth and
wind and rain, all the worlds
contain in every grain.
All the toil and dreams of
humankind, all we are we
bring as bread and wine.
Liturgia Eucharistica | Preparatio Donorum | Christify - Manoling Francisco, SJ
Turn the bread and wine, our
hearts implore to the living
presence of the Lord.
Blessed and broken, shared
with all in need, all the hunger
sacred bread will feed.
Liturgia Eucharistica | Preparatio Donorum | Christify - Manoling Francisco, SJ
With this bread and wine
you christify, now our
deepest thirst you satisfy.
We who by this bread you
sanctify, draw the world for
you to christify.
Liturgia Eucharistica | Preparatio Donorum | Christify - Manoling Francisco, SJ
May the Lord accept the
sacrifice at your hands
for the praise and glory
of His name, for our good
and the good of all His
holy Church.
Liturgia Eucharistica| Prex Eucharistica | Salutatio
Liturgia Eucharistica| Prex Eucharistica | Salutatio
Signum Crusis et Salutatio
And with
your spirit.
Liturgia Eucharistica| Prex Eucharistica | Salutatio
Liturgia Eucharistica| Prex Eucharistica | Salutatio
We Lift them
up to the Lord.
Liturgia Eucharistica| Prex Eucharistica | Salutatio
Liturgia Eucharistica| Prex Eucharistica | Salutatio
It is right and
Liturgia Eucharistica| Prex Eucharistica | Salutatio
Liturgia Eucharistica| Prex Eucharistica | Sanctus
Holy holy holy
Lord, God of host
Heaven and earth are
full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.
Liturgia Eucharistica| Prex Eucharistica | Sanctus
Blessed is He who
comes in the name of
the Lord.

Hosanna in the highest.

Liturgia Eucharistica| Prex Eucharistica | Sanctus
We proclaim your
death O Lord, and
profess your
resurrection until you
come again.
Liturgia Eucharistica| Prex Eucharistica | Acclamatio Eucharistica | Form A
When we eat this
bread and drink this
cup, we proclaim
your death O Lord
until you come again.
Liturgia Eucharistica| Prex Eucharistica | Acclamatio Eucharistica | Form B
Save us, savior of the
world for by your
cross and
resurrection until you
come again.
Liturgia Eucharistica| Prex Eucharistica | Acclamatio Eucharistica | Form C
Signum Crusis et Salutatio
Our Father, who art in
Hallowed be thy name,
Thy kingdom come, thy
will be done on earth as
it is in heaven.
Liturgia Eucharistica| Ritus Communionis | Oratio Domini
Give us this day, our
daily bread, and forgive
us our trespasses.
As we forgive, those
who trespass against
Liturgia Eucharistica| Ritus Communionis | Oratio Domini
And lead us not into
But deliver us from

Liturgia Eucharistica| Ritus Communionis | Oratio Domini

For thy kingdom
And thy power
And thy glory are
Now and forever.
Liturgia Eucharistica| Ritus Communionis | Oratio Domini | Doxologia
And with
your spirit.
Peace be with
Lamb of God, you
take away the sins
of the world,

Have mercy on us.

Liturgia Eucharistica| Ritus Communionis | Fractio Panis | Agnus Dei
Lamb of God, you
take away the sins
of the world.

Grant us peace.
Liturgia Eucharistica| Ritus Communionis | Fractio Panis | Agnus Dei
Lord, I am not worthy
that you should enter
under my roof, but only
say the word and my
soul shall be healed.
Liturgia Eucharistica| Ritus Communionis | Communio
Panis angelicus fit panis hominum
Dat Panis coelicus figuris terminum.
O res mirabilis manducan Dominum
Pauper, Pauper, servus et humilis,
Pauper, Pauper, servus et humilis.

Panis Angelicus – Ceasar Frank

Kunin mo O Diyos at
tanggapin mo ang aking
kalayaan ang aking kalooban
ang isip at gunita ko.
Lahat ng hawak ko, lahat ng
loob ko, lahat ay aking alay
sa iyo.
Paghahandog ng Sarili - Eduardo Hontiveros SJ
Mula sa iyo amg lahat ng
ito, muli ko g handog sa
Patnubayan mo’t
pagharian lahat ayon sa
kalooban mo.
Paghahandog ng Sarili - Eduardo Hontiveros SJ
Mag utos ka Panginoon
Dagling tatalima ako,
ipag kaloob mo lamang
ang pag ibig mo at lahat
tatalikdan ko.
Paghahandog ng Sarili - Eduardo Hontiveros SJ
Take Lord, receive all my
liberty, my memory
understanding my entire will.
Give me only your love and
your grace that’s enough for
me. Your love and your grace
are enough for me.
Take Lord, Receive - John Foley, SJ
Take Lord, receive,
all is Yours now;
Dispose of it wholly
according to your
will, Your will.
Take Lord, Receive - John Foley, SJ
Take and receive, O Lord
my liberty, take all my
will, my mind my memory.
All things I hold and all I
are thine. Thine was the
gift to thee, I all resign.
Take and Receive - Manoling Francisco, SJ
Do thou direct and govern all
and sway.
Thou what thy wilt command
and I obey.
Only thy grace, thy love on me
bestow. These make me rich
all else will I forego.
Take and Receive - Manoling Francisco, SJ
Take and receive, O
Lord my liberty, my

Take and Receive - Manoling Francisco, SJ

Kunin mo O Diyos at
tanggapin mo ang aking
kalayaan, ang aking
kalooban, isip at gunita ko,
lahat ng hawak ko, ng loob
ko ay aking alay sa’Yo.
Paghahandog ng Sarili - Manoling Francisco, SJ
Nagmula sa’Yo ang lahat
ng ito, muli kong handog
sa’yo. Patnubayan mo’t
pagharian lahat ayon sa
kalooban mo mag utos
ka Panginoon ko.
Paghahandog ng Sarili - Manoling Francisco, SJ
Dagling tatalima ako,
ipagkaloob mo lang
ang pag ibig mo at
lahat ay tatalikdan.
Tatalikdan ko.
Paghahandog ng Sarili - Manoling Francisco, SJ
Take and receive O Lord,
my Liberty.
Take all my will, my mind,
my memory.
All that I have, you have
given all to me.
Take and Receive - Felipe Fruto Ramirez, SJ
Now I return it to be
govern by your will.
Just say your word to me
at once I will obey. Your
love is wealth enough for
me. All else will I forego.
Take and Receive - Felipe Fruto Ramirez, SJ
Lord be in my eyes.
Fill my eyes with faith.
Lord be in y looking.
May I see your face.

Lord be in my Life - Tinnah de la Rosa

Lord, be in my life.
Fill me with your fire.
Lord, be in my living.
Live O lord in me.

Lord be in my Life - Tinnah de la Rosa

Lord, be in my head.
Fill my mind with hope.
Lord, be in my thinking.
May your hope prevail.

Lord be in my Life - Tinnah de la Rosa

Lord, be in my life.
Fill me with your fire.
Lord, be in my living.
Live O Lord in me.

Lord be in my Life - Tinnah de la Rosa

Lord, be in my heart.
Fill my heart with love.
Lord, be in my loving.
Love the world in me.

Lord be in my Life - Tinnah de la Rosa

Lord, be in my life.
Fill me with your fire.
Lord, be in my living.
Live O lord in me.

Lord be in my Life - Tinnah de la Rosa

Lord, be in my

Lord be in my Life - Tinnah de la Rosa

Blest are they, the poor in
spirit, theirs is the kingdom
of God.
Blest are they full of sorrow,
they shall be consoled.

Lord be in my Life - Tinnah de la Rosa

Rejoice and be glad!
Blessed are you, holy are
Rejoice and be glad, theirs
is the kingdom of God.
Blest are they - David Haas
Blest are they, the lowly
ones, they shall inherit the
Blest are they who hunger
and thirst, they shall have
their fill.
Blest are they - David Haas
Rejoice and be glad!
Blessed are you, holy are
Rejoice and be glad, theirs
is the kingdom of God.
Blest are they - David Haas
Blest are they who show
mercy, mercy shall be
Blest are they the pure of
heart, they shall see God.
Blest are they - David Haas
Rejoice and be glad!
Blessed are you, holy are
Rejoice and be glad, theirs
is the kingdom of God.
Blest are they - David Haas
Communion Hymn
One bread, one body,
One Lord of all.
One cup of blessing
which we bless.
One bread, one body
And we though many
through out the earth,
we are one body in this
one Lord.

One bread, one body

Gentile or jew,
Servant or free,
Woman or man
No more.
One bread, one body
One bread, one body,
One Lord of all.
One cup of blessing
which we bless.
One bread, one body
And we though many
through out the earth,
we are one body in this
one Lord.

One bread, one body

Grain for the field
Scattered and grow,
Gathered to one for all.

One bread, one body

One bread, one body,
One Lord of all.
One cup of blessing
which we bless.
One bread, one body
And we though many
through out the earth,
we are one body in this
one Lord.

One bread, one body

Many the gifts,
Many the works,
One in the Lord of all.

One bread, one body

Signum Crusis et Salutatio
And with your
Signum Crusis et Salutatio
Mula sa bayan ng Diyos,
pinili ka’t hinirang.
Ikaw ay pari
Pari magpakailanman

Pari Magpakailanman – Eduardo Hontiveros, SJ

Ang Diyos na banal ang sa

Pari Magpakailanman – Eduardo Hontiveros, SJ

Isang pananampalataya,
isang pagbibinyag
Isang Panginoon,
angkinin nating lahat.

Isang Pananampalataya – Eduardo Hontiveros, SJ

Habilin ni Hesus noong
Siya’y lumisan

Kayo ay magkatipon sa

Isang Pananampalataya – Eduardo Hontiveros, SJ

Isang pananampalataya,
isang pagbibinyag
Isang Panginoon, angkinin
nating lahat.

Isang Pananampalataya – Eduardo Hontiveros, SJ

Ama pakinggan mo ang
aming panalangin

Dalisay na pag-ibig sa
ami’y lumapit.

Isang Pananampalataya – Eduardo Hontiveros, SJ

Isang pananampalataya,
isang pagbibinyag
Isang Panginoon, angkinin
nating lahat.

Isang Pananampalataya – Eduardo Hontiveros, SJ

Mga alagad ko pa’no

Tapat nilang pag-ibig wala

nang iba pa.

Isang Pananampalataya – Eduardo Hontiveros, SJ

Thanks to the Lord,
almighty God.
All the angels sing;
Alleluia, Alleluia.
Final Hymn: Thanks to the Lord - Mass for Peace | Ryan Cayabyab
O Lord, almighty
We give you
thanks. Alleluia!
Final Hymn: Thanks to the Lord - Mass for Peace | Ryan Cayabyab
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Final Hymn: Thanks to the Lord - Mass for Peace | Ryan Cayabyab
Thanks to the Lord,
almighty God.
All the angels sing;
Alleluia, Alleluia.
Final Hymn: Thanks to the Lord - Mass for Peace | Ryan Cayabyab
O Lord, almighty
We give you
thanks. Alleluia!
Final Hymn: Thanks to the Lord - Mass for Peace | Ryan Cayabyab
We give you thanks.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
We give you thanks.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Final Hymn: Thanks to the Lord - Mass for Peace | Ryan Cayabyab

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