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 Thalassemia is a disease of blood disorders caused by genetic factors and

causes the proteins present in red blood cells (hemoglobin) does not
function normally.

 The iron obtained by the body from food is used by the bone marrow to
produce hemoglobin. Hemoglobin contained in red blood cells serves to
deliver oxygen from the lungs to all members of the body. Thalassemia
sufferers have low hemoglobin levels and can interfere with the activities
undertaken due to the oxygen levels in the body a little.

 people who have thalassemia are categorized into 2 types

 a. thalassemia major is someone who suffers from thalassemia with severe


 b. thalassemia minor, only carry thalassemia gene with mild anemia

symptoms, so they do not need thalassemia treatment.
Signs and symptoms

 color of urine is turbid.

 His face looked pale.
 Deformity of facial bone.
 The skin and the white eye become yellow (jaundice).
 Inhibition of body growth.
 The stomach becomes swollen (caused by enlarged spleen or liver).
 Deficiency of red blood cells or anemia (causing the breath to feel tight,
tired body, and lethargy).
Diagnosis examination of thalassemia

Blood tests can be performed to diagnose thalassemia. But to know the

type of thalassemia suffered, must do a DNA test. A person may be suspected
of having thalassemia if his blood test results:
 Pale red blood cells.
 Low levels of red blood cells.
 The shape and size of red blood cells are diverse.
 Red blood cells are smaller than normal.
Blood tests can also be used to accommodate hemoglobin and the
amount of iron contained in the blood. In addition, tests can also be applied
to analyze the DNA for check the type of thalassemia.
Treatment of Thalassemia

 Routine blood transfusions

treatment of a person with thalassemia is a routine blood transfusion,
because the body is always deficient in blood cells.
 Bone marrow transplant
Bone marrow donated from a proven and healthy donor is used to
replace bone marrow affected by thalassemia and is useful for producing
healthy blood cells.
 Khelation treatment
Because patients will receive excessive transfusions, a substance that aims
to bind "excessive iron" into the body. This chelation aims to prevent excessive
iron deposited in the body
healty body just need 1-2 mg iron every day
 Heart Disease
Cardiac damage due to high levels of iron can lead to decreased
cardiac pump strength, heart failure, arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), and
accumulation of fluid in the heart tissue.
 Bone Problems
Bone marrow will develop and affect bone due to the body lack of
healthy red blood cells.
 Enlarged Spleen (Splenomegaly)
Splenic enlargement occurs because the organ is difficult to recycle
blood cells that have abnormal forms. This results in an increase in the amount
of blood present in the spleen, thus making the size larger.
 Problems on the liver
Damage to the liver due to high levels of iron
Heredity formula
Thankyou 

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