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Rofp v]tLsf] kl/ro, dxTj P+j

g]kfndf ;Defjgf
Rofpsf] kl/ro
• d;?d k’/fgf] km]|Gr zAb (moisseron) af6 d;?d eGGf] u/]sf] kfOG5 .
Rofpsf] cWoog ug]{ ljifonfO{ dfOsf]nhL elgG5 .
• ;fdfGotof vfg x’g] RofpnfO{ d;?d / ljiffn’ RofpnfO{ 6f]8:6’N; (Toad
Stools) elgGg5 .
• cfFvfn] b]Vg / l6Kg ;lsg] km|’l6ª j8L ;lxtsf] Dofs|f] kmª\u;nfO{ Rofp
e;gG5 .
•Scientifically – Saprophytic Fungus
•ljleGg k]zfn]
Botanist- lbg] kl/efiff
Chlorophyll M
less plant.
•Food Technologist- Nutritious Food
•Entrepreneur – Emerging Business
•Business Man – Highly Perishable but Profitable
•Health – Valuable Medicine
•Diabetes /Heart and several other Patient – God Gift
•General Consumer- Nice Vegetable/Testy Dices.
•Natural Mushroom Hunter – Most Risky activity
•Farmer/ Producer – A means of Income Source.

• Matured spore → primary mycellium –→secondary mycellium xF’b} ;a:6|]6sf]

;txdf a9]sf] x’G5 . (optimum temperature, moisture and humidity)
• mush growing is an art & science .(science
–research, art –practice)
• g]kfndf &^) k|hftLsf hª\unL Rofp /x]sf 5g\ .
• o; dWo] !&) k|hftL vfgof]Uo 5g\ .
• Rofpv]tLdf lrg cuf8L dflgPsf] 5 .
• ;a}eGbf klxn] s[lqd t/Lsfn] v]tL ul/Psf] Rofp cl/s’n]/Lof xf] .
• uf]a|] Rofp ;a} eGbf klxn] 3f]8fsf] dnsf] sDkf]i6df :kf]/af6 pdf/]sf]
:6f6{/af6 v]tL z’? ePsf] xf] .
• g]kfndf )#$÷#% ;fnaf6 s[ifs:t/df v[tL ug{ z’? ul/Psf] xf] .
Gf]kfndf v]tL ul/g] Rofpsf k|hftLx? M

 कन्ये च्याउ (Pleurotus spp. and Lentinus sp.)

 गोब्रे च्याउ (Agaricus spp.)
 पराले च्याउ (Volvariella spp.)
 मृगे (सिताके) च्याउ (Lentinula edodes)
 डाडु रातो च्याउ (Ganoderma lucidum)
Parts of Mushroom

Matured spore → primary mycellium –→secondary mycellium xF’b} ;a:6|]6sf]

;txdf a9]sf] x’G5 . (optimum temperature, moisture and humidity)
g]kfndfdf Rofp v]tLsf] O{ltxf;
• g]kfndf Rofpv]lt cg';Gwfgsf] yfngL lj=;+=@)#).#!
df afln/f]u lj1fg dxfzfvf v'dnf6f/af6 ePsf] xf].
• 3f]8fsf] dndf z'? ePsf] uf]j|] Rofp v]tL kl5 k/fnsf]
sDkf]i6df ug{ yflnof] .
• s[ifs:t/df Rofpv]ltsf] k|ljlw lj=;+=@)#$.#% df
nluPsf] lyof] .
• cg';Gwfg ub}{ hf+bf uf]j|] Rofpv]lt jif{df @ k6s
ug{ yflnof] .
• To;kl5 v'dn6f/df s[ifsnfO{ tflnd lbg / jLp pTkfbg
u/L ljs|L ljt/0f ug{ yflnPsf] xf] .
• sGo]Rofpsf] v]tL @)$).$! df z'? ePsf] xf] . of] Rofp
v]tL ug{ ;lhnf] / 5f]6} cjlwdf Rofp pTkfbg u/]/ vfg
kfOg] ePsf]n] s[ifsx? dfem l56} nf]slk|o eof] . 5
• g]kfndf Rofpv]tLsf] yfngL eQmk'/sf] bwLsf]6 /
sf7df8f}+sf] anDj'jf6 ul/Psf] xf] .
• xfn sf7df8f}+ pkTosf leqdfq} sl/j ^ xhf/ / Tolt g}
;+Vofdf pkTosf jflx/sf lhNnfx?df Rofp s[ifsx? o;
Joj;fodf ;+nUg 5g\ .
• If]qLo jfnL ;+/If0f k|of]uzfnf, lhNnf s[lif ljsf; sfof{no,
s[lif ;]jf s]Gb| / ljleGg u|}x| ;/sf/L ;+:yfx? Rofpsf] lj:tf/
ug{ tfnLd lbg], ljp pTkfbg / ljt/0f ug]{ ub}{ cfO/x]sf
5g\ .
• g]kfndf Rofpv]tL ljsf;sf nflu hfkfg / rLg ;/sf/sf] ljz]if
;xof]u k|fKt x'b} cfPsf] 5 . hfkfg / rLg ;/sf/n] g]kfnL s[ifs
/ sd{rf/LnfO{ tflnd k|bfg ub}{ cfPsf 5g\ .
• g]kfndf Rofp s[ifs / Rofp aLp pTkfbsx? lbg k|lt lbg
a9\b} uO{/x]sf 5g\ .
Rofp v]tLsf] dxTj
• Rofp Ps kf}li6s cfxf/ xf] . o;df vfB a:tdf kfO[g] ;a} tTj kfO{G5 . ;a} tTj kfO{g]
ePsf] / o;sf] cf}iflwo'Qm u'0f klg ePsf] x'+bf o;sf] ;]jg u/L u/La hgtfsf]
s'kf]if0fsf] ;d:of ;dfwfg ug{ ;d]t 7"nf] d2t k'U5 . h'g;'s} ;fwf/0f s[ifsn] klg
o;sf] v]tL ug{ ;S5 / cfk\mgf] kl/jf/sf] vfgfdf kf}li6s tTjsf] cfk"lt{ x'g ;S5 .
To;}n] u/La hgtfsf] nflu / u/LaL lgjf/0fsf] nflu hgtf cfkm}n] ug{ ;Sg] ;fwf/0f
pBf]u aGg ;S5 .

• ;an / ;Ifd v]/ uO{/x]sf] hgzlQmnfO{ k|of]u u/L o; Rofp v]tLaf6 cfly{s pTyfg
ug{ ;Sg] 7"nf] ;Defagf 5 . o; Joj;fo cg';/0faf6 ;s[o hgzlQm ljb]z hfg'sf] ;6\6
:jb]zdf g} /x]/ b]zsf] ;|f]t / ;fwgsf] ;b'kof]u x'guO{ o;af6 cyf]{kfh{g x'G5 .

• Rofp v]tLjf6 kZrft afFsL dnnfO{ c? ;8fP/ sDkf]i6 dn agfO{ cGo t/sf/L
nufotsf ljleÌ v]tLsf nflu pkof]uL x'G5 . To:t} u/L Rofp pTkfbg u/L;s]sf]
k/fnsf] kfs]6x? ufO{ e}+;Lx?nfO{ v'jfp+bf w]/} g} kf]lifnf] x'G5 . t;y{ o;
v]tLaf6 ar]sf] a:t' klg v]/ ghfg] ePsf]n] jftfj/0fdf cfpg ;Sg] k|b'if0f 36]/ cem
• Rofpv]tL ubf{ cGo afnLdf eGbf a9L cfly{s nfe x'g] ePsf]n]
u/Lj s[ifsju{sf] pTyfgsf] nflu dxTjk"0f{ cfDbfgLsf] ;|f]t aÌ
;S5 .

• Rofpv]tL u/]sf] pTkfbg :jb]zdf dfq vkt ug{sf] ;6\6 ljb]zdf

klg lgof{t ug{ ;lsG5 . o;/L Rofpsf] pTkfbsTj a9fO{ ljb]z
lgof{t ug]{ Joj:yf ug{ ;s]sf] v08df ljb]zL d'b|f b]zleq
leq\ofpg] dfWod x'G5 .

• v]taf/Ldf pTkfbg ug]{ Rofp afx]s vfgsf nflu cf}iflwhGo

dxTj ePsf hËnL Rofpx? h:t} u'RrLRofp, of;f{u'Daf h:tf
RofpnfO{ Jojl:yt tl/sfn] ;Íng / ljb]z lgof{tdf /fd|f] Joj:yf
ug{ ;s]sf] v08df xfd|f] b]zsf tL Rofpjf6 /fli6«o cfodf
s|dz ===

• k|fËf/Ls v]tL -ljiffbLsf] Go’g k|of]u_

• :jf:Yo aw{s, kf}i6Ls Pj+ :jflbnf]
• cg]s kl/sf/ agfP/ vfg ;lsg] - Rofp Ps kl/sf/ cg]s _
• pTkfbg a9fP/ df;’ tyf cGo k|f]l6g hGo vfWo jit’sf] dfunfO{ k|lt
:yfkg ug{ ;lsg] .
• jif]{gL 7”nf] kl/0ffddf cfoft ul/g] a§f RofpnfO{ k\lt :yfkg ug{ ;lsg] .
• /f]huf/sf] cj;/ l;h{gf x’g] .
• Rofpsf] jLp pTkfbg , s]Gb tyf Jofj;flos v]tL ug{] :yfgdf /f]huf/L
ldNg] .
• ljz]ifu/L dlxnfx?sf] nflu ldNbf] /f]huf/L .
• v]tL kftLaf6 lg:sg] pTkfbgnfO{ ;A:6]|sf] ?kdf k|of]u u/L ;/;kmfO{df
;d]t dbt k’Ug] .
• t’ngfTds ?kdf sd k|b’if0f .
• v]tL ubf{ :yfgLo >f]t ;fwgsf] k|of]u x’g] .
• h}jLs ljeLbtfsf] ;+/If0f x’g] .
Nutritional Value
• Protein - Most mushrooms have a high protein content, usually around 10-
13% by dry weight. This can be useful for vegetarians or anyone looking to
increase the protein content in their diet.
• Fiber - Helps lower cholesterol and is important for the digestive system.
• Niacin and other important B vitamins - As certain B vitamins are found
in animal tissue but not plants, this can be another good supplement for
• Vitamin D - Essential for the absorption of calcium.
• Copper - Aids in helping the body absorb oxygen and create red blood
• Selenium - An antioxidant that helps neutralize free radicals, thus
preventing cell damage and reducing the risk of cancer and other diseases.
Mushrooms contain more selenium than any other form of produce.
• Potassium - An extremely important mineral that regulates blood pressure
and keeps cells functioning properly.
• Other important minerals - Such as phosphorous, zinc, and magnesium.
• Low levels of fat, calories, and sodium
• No cholesterol
Medicinal Mushrooms
Cordyceps sinensis (Yarsagumba)
• The fruitbody of the Cordyceps sinensis mushroom
originates at its base on an insect larval host (usually the
larva of the Himalayan bat moth, Hepialis armoricanus)
and ends at the club-like cap, including the stipe and
• It grows only at elevation 3500m - 4500m altitude of
Nepal, China (Tibet), Bhutan and North-East India.
• Found many places across Nepal, notably western Nepal
and Dolpa
• It is known as a winter worm and summer grass.
• It is used as a curative to many diseases, anti- aging, and
also treatment against cancer.
• It serves against kidney and lung problems and stimulates
the immune system.
• It is used for treatment of fatigue, night sweating,
respiratory diseases.
• It is used to treat heart diseases and liver disease.
People Collecting Yarsagumba at High Altitudes of Nepal
Ganoderma lucidum
• Ganoderma is a genus of polypore mushrooms
which grow on wood, and include about 80
species, many from tropical regions.
• Anti-bacterial
• Anti-inflammatory
• Anti-oxidant
• Anti-viral
• Blood Pressure Moderator
• Blood Sugar Moderator
• Cholesterol Reducer
• Immune Enhance
Wild mushroom Species found in Nepal
1 Agaricus campestris 20 Laccaria laccata
2 Amanita caesarea 21 Ramaria formosa
3 Amanita hemibapha 22 Laetiporus sulphureus
4 Cantharellus cibarius 23 Meripilus giganteus
5 Polyporus varius
(=Polyporus leptocephalus) 24 Xerula radicata (=Oudemansiella radicata)
6 Craterellus tubaeformis 25 Cantharellus subalbidus
7 Craterellus cornucopoides 26 Polyporus arcularius
8 Clavulina cinerea 27 Ramaria botrytis
9 Artomyces pyxidatus
(=Clavulina cristata) 28 Pleurotus pulmonarius
10 Ramaria flava 29 Pleurotus cornucopiae
11 Laccaria amethystina 30 Pleurotus ostreatus
12 Lentinellus sp. 31 Scleroderma citrinum
13 Ramaria aurea 32 Scleroderma cepa
14 Clitocybe sp. 33 Suillus bovinus
15 Termitomyces eurhizus 34 Agaricus bisporus
16 Coprinus comatus 35 Auricularia polytrica
17 Grifola frondosa 36 Lentinula edodes
18 Hricieum erinaceus 37 Hydnum repandum
19 Auricularia auricula-judea 38 Meripilus jiganteus
39 Cordyceps sinensis (Yarsagumba in Nepali)
Chinese Name: Dong Chon Xia Cao
Edible 110
Medicinal 13
Toxic 45
Others 6
(Source: Adhikari M.K., 2012)

Some of the Wild species

Cordyceps sinensis (Yarsagumba) Guchi Chyau

US $ 9,000 - 18,000 / Kilogram

US $150-300 / Kilogram 15
Rofpv]tLdf ;+nUg ;F:yfx? / aLp
pTkfbg lgsfo Ifdtf -k|lt jif{_M
= Rofp aLp -af]tn kfpr_

 afnL/f]u lj1fg dxfzfvf, v'dn6f/ -s[lif cg';Gwfg kl/ifb_ ^,)))
 s[lif k|ljlw tflnd s]Gb|, Ujfsf]{ @&,)))
 Rofp k|ljlw s]Gb| If]qkf6L #),)))
 Rofp k|ljlw s]Gb| uf]bfa/L !%,)))
 Rofp aLp pTkfbg s]Gb| anDa" !$,)))
 If]lqo afnL ;+/If0f kof]uzfnf
-;'Gb/k'/, g]kfnu~h, kf]v/f xfnsf] :jLs[t nIo _ $,%))
 klZrdf~rn Rofp ljsf; ;|f]ts]Gb|, kf]v/f @),)))
 Pu|f]ljlhg]z ;]G6/ km/ l/;r{ P08 l8enkd]06 sflndf6L -kfpr_
 hDdf -af]tn . kfpr_ !,%^,%))

g]kfndf Rofp pTkfbgsf] jt{dfh cj:yf

jfifL{s pTkfbg Rofpv]tL u/LPsf lhNnf

• != sGg] @!() d]= 6= ^#
• @= uf]a|] #^% d]= 6=
• #= l;Qfs] !% d]= 6=
g]kfndf Rofpv]tLsf] ;DefJotf (Scope) / r’gf}tL

• ef}uf]nLs ljeLwtf ;a} Rofp k|hftLx?sf] ljeLWftf ePsf] . - of;f{u’Daf ,

Uofgf]8df{ , u’R5] Rofp _
• cWoog cg’;Gwfgsf] nflu /fd|f] If]q .
• :yfg ljif]zsf] cfwf/df df};dL / a]df};dL pTkfbg u/L jif{} e/L v]tL ug}
;lsg] .
• xfn;Dd ahf/df vf;} ;d:of gcfPsf] .
• cf}ifwL of]Uo Rofpsf] vf]h Pj+ lj:tf/ u/L lgof{t ug{ ;lsg] .
• rf8kj{ Pj+ ;fdflhs ef]h et]/df Rofpsf] k|of]u lbg k|ltlbg a9\b} hfg’
• xfn;Dd tfhf Rofpg} cfk’lt{ ug{ g;lsPsf]n] 7”nf] kl/0ffd pTkfbg u/L
8f|Oª , Koflsª , Soflgª u/L cfoft k|lt:yfkg ug{ ;lsg] ;Defjgf /x]sf] .
wGojfb Û

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