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By: Mackenzie MacNeil

All about Jordan
• Capital: Amman
• Population: 11.702 million (2017)
• Currency: Jordanian dinar
• Area: 89,342 km2
• officially name: the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
• Annual Growth: 3.06%
• Urbanites: 78.5%
• HDI Rank: 96 of 182 (UN Human Development Reports 2009
Where is Jordan
• Jordan is in the middle of Asia, Africa and Europe.
• it similar in size to Austria or Portugal.
Climate of Jordan
• The Jordan Valley, which is the country’s most distinctive natural
feature. The Jordan Valley forms part of the Great Rift Valley of
Africa, which extends down from southern Turkey through
Lebanon and Syria to the Dead Sea, This fissure was created 20
million years ago by shifting tectonic plates.
History of Jordan
• The capital is really, really old
• It may be one of the oldest cities on the planet, in fact.
Archaeological evidence suggests that what is now Amman
witnessed human settlement as early as 200 million BC.
Water sources
The Jordan river The dead sea
• he Jordan river appears as • The water of the Dead Sea is
the scene of several miracles, known to make you float.
• And the baptism s of Jesus That’s because it’s 9.6 times as
• baptism salty as the ocean.
• The surface of the Dead Sea is
423 (1,388 ft.) below sea level,
making it Earth’s lowest
elevation on land.
Traditions of Jordan
• When you’re having coffee as a guest in Jordan, you need to
shake your cup from side to side to let the host know when
you’ve had enough. Or they’ll just keep refilling it.
• In Jordan, it’s considered polite to refuse a meal three times
before accepting it.
Food and drinks of Jordan
Food drinks
• Fresh sugar cane juice
• Mansaf

• Falafel
• Coffee
• Hummus

• Shawarma
The end

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