Professionalism in Workplace

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Development of Your Professional Self

Carol Britton Laws, MSW

What is a Professional?
Professionals have a body of knowledge
scope of practice
agreed upon values
oath or code
and accountability to our society for our
profession and our professional behavior.
What is Professionalism?
Describes a certain type of behavior in
the workplace
Based on our values and understanding
of our professional roles
Evidenced in our behavior
How is Professionalism Judged?
Against a set of expectations or
From our own personal values
set and understanding of what
“professionalism” means
May be situational in nature
Strongly influenced by culture
is in the eye of
the beholder…
Professionalism is Determined By:
Our Image
Our Communication
Our Competence
Our Demeanor
From the Client’s Perspective
Unprofessional Behavior - Clients

Non-therapeutic relationships
Inappropriate communication
Inappropriate self-disclosure
Exploitation –money, gifts
Breaches of confidentiality
From the Co-Workers Perspective
Unprofessional Behavior - Coworkers

Inappropriate relationships
Disengagement – texting, inappropriate
use of internet, phoning
Provision of misleading information
Qualities and Characteristics of a
Professional Social Worker
Competent Courteous
Trustworthy Dependable
Respectful Cooperative
Act with Committed
Getting There – 6 Phases
Always do your best.
What you plant now, you will harvest later.
Og Mandino

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