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Priority Setting Criteria

Priority Criteria for classification of identified issues

Very high Has or will have a critical impact on the going live
R of the business processes and their operations

High Has or will have an impact on business operations (severe


Medium Has or will have an impact on business operations (functional


© SAP 2007 / Page 1

High Issues Identified
After the clear package some accounts display small values not 0

SSAS precision / Measures of SAP BPC cube has doing wrong calculation for
aggregate values because of Measure DataType

 After executing a clear package some accounts are not 0.

 Actually the value is 0.000001

 Into Excel if we are doing a vale format we can see the value 0.
 If we are speaking about a validation account then 0 has to be 0 not 0.000001 because in that case
the validation will not be pass

 Note 1269768 provide details about issue

 Solution is to run full optimize

 Possible work around to be tested

 Change the format of SignedData from Double to Currency

 Status
 In process

© SAP 2007 / Page 2

High Issues Identified
Copy Opening Package doesn’t check the work status

DM Copy Opening package doesn’t check the work status

 If the power users will select the wrong month for destination of copy opening – month already
approved - package is running normal instead to fail because of work status

 Because the package is not verifying the work status this can cause problem with reported
data in case of human error.

 This issue was corrected into 5.1 SP10.

 Status
 In process

© SAP 2007 / Page 3

High Issues Identified
Currency translation precision

Currency translation precision for SAP BPC is 2 decimals.

 Because the reporting is done in millions like units the precision has to be at least 8 decimals

 Note 1319088 is providing detailed information about Currency translation precision into SAP

 This issue will be address into 5.1 SP10 where the precision of currency translation we will
use the SIGNED_DATA_FORMAT application parameter

 Status
 Closed

© SAP 2007 / Page 4

Medium Issues Identified
DM consolidation package fail

DM consolidation package fail / Error – Out of memory

 Running the consolidation package for all entities is failing

 Issue is coming from execution of script logic

 Package has to run for all entities

 Use instructions XDIM_MAXMEMBERS sociedad = 10

 We did tests into preproduction environment and solution proposed seems to fi the issues

 Status
 In process by customer

© SAP 2007 / Page 5

Medium Issues Identified
Reporting Services User to add templates

Add new admin user for Reporting Services

 Because during the development it is necessary to add new templates into reporting services
it was necessary to add new admin user for reporting services because the installation user
can not be used by development team
 Add an existing domain user to be admin for reporting services

 We provided details about steps to be done to add a new administrator for reporting services

 New user added has no other special rights except that the user is able to do all admin tasks
into Reporting Services

 Status
 Closed

© SAP 2007 / Page 6

Summary KPIs
Use if SAP recommendations are already implemented and show clear
positive effects. Otherwise delete this slide.

KPI Before BPPO (CWxx) After implementations of

BPPO recommendations

Average Dialog Response Time 1,640 ms 1,190 ms

Average Update Response Time 5,867 ms 497 ms

Average Background Response Time 7,581 ms 5,113 ms

Average CPU Idle (database server) 0% 30 % - 50+ %

Average Data Buffer Quality (database) 90 % 95 %

PRIV mode (memory error) Multiple None

ABAP Dumps 100 – 200 per day 20 – 40 per day

Note: Not all BPPO recommendations have been implemented in system xxx yet. Further performance
improvements are expected.

© SAP 2007 / Page 7

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