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Dimensions of Personality

Kathleen Ames-Oliver
University Of Kansas
HR - Learning & Development
Trait Theories of Personality
Measuring Introversion - Extraversion

Jung’s Type Theory

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Five Factor Model (FFM) D.W.Fiske (1949)

International Personality Item Pool (IPIP-NEO)

Eysenck Trait Theory

Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ)
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

 Based on Swiss psychologist Carl Jung’s “Type”

Theory (1920s)
 Behavior is individual and predictable
 Developed by Katherine Briggs (mother) and
Isabel Myers (daughter) (1940s)
 40+ years of research
 Most widely used personality indicator in the
 Approximately 1 to 3 million people are
administered the MBTI each year
MBTI Preference Scales

Extraversion ------------ Introversion

Sensing ------------ INtuition

Thinking ------------ Feeling

Judgment ------------ Perception


 Introversion refers to a tendency to

prefer the world inside oneself. The
more obvious features of introversion
are reserve, distaste for social functions,
and a love of privacy.

 Extraversion is the tendency to look to

the outside world, particularly people,
for one's pleasures. Extraverts are
generally sociable and they enjoy social
activities, but they don't like to be alone.
Five-factor model (FFM)

One of the more prominent models in contemporary

psychology is what is known as the five-factor model
of personality.

The five-factor model of personality is a hierarchical

organization of personality traits in terms of five basic
dimensions: Extraversion, Agreeableness,
Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Openness to
The five-factor model of personality

 The five-factor model of personality is a hierarchical

organization of personality traits in terms of five basic
 conscientiousness
 agreeableness
 neuroticism
 openness
 extroversion-introversion
 Costa, P. T. & McCrae, R. R. (1995). Psychological Bulletin,
Vol 117(2), Mar 1995. pp. 216-220.
Five Factor
Extraversion - Introversion

 Extraversion is defined as a trait characterized by a

broad disposition to experience positive affects to
seek out and enjoy social experiences, and to have
the energy to pursue goals and be engaged in life's
 Introversion (low in E) is described as quiet, reserved,
retiring, shy, silent, withdrawn, with emotional
blandness and over-control of impulses.
Eysenck’s Trait Theory

 Hans Eysenck (1916-1998)

 Eysenck focused on normal and pathological


 He felt that many traits are biologically based and

were shaped by evolutionary forces (e.g.,
extraversion, neuroticism).

 He used factor analysis to identify traits.

Eysenck's Three Personality Factors:

 Extraversion (- Introversion).

 Neuroticism.

 Psychoticism.
Extraversion -Introversion
 Extraversion - Introversion:

 Introversion: tendermindedness; introspectiveness;

seriousness; performance interfered with by excitement; easily
aroused but restrained, inhibited; preference for solitary
vocations; sensitivity to pain.

Extraversion: toughmindedness; impulsiveness; tendency to be

outgoing; desire for novelty; performance enhanced by
excitement; preference for vocations involving contact with
other people; tolerance for pain.

 Measured by Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ)

 High extraversion: Talkative, outgoing, likes meeting new

people and going to new places, active, bored easily, hates

 Low extraversion: Quiet, withdrawn, prefers being alone

or with a few friends to large crowds, prefers routines,
prefers familiar to unexpected

Eysenck’s theory
 Introverts have a higher level than extraverts of
activity in the brain’s ascending reticular activating
system (ARAS)
 People strive to keep ARAS activity at optimal level—
introverts work to decrease and avoid stimulation;
extraverts work to increase and seek out stimulation

Eysenck’s theory
 Research indicates that introverts and extraverts are
NOT different at resting levels, but introverts ARE
more reactive to moderate levels of stimulation than
 This work led Eysenck to revise his theory—the
difference between introverts and extraverts lies in
arousability, not in baseline arousal

Eysenck’s theory
 When given a choice, extraverts prefer higher levels
of stimulation than introverts
 Geen (1984): Introverts and extraverts choose
different levels of stimulation, but equivalent in
arousal under chosen stimulation

Eysenck’s theory
 Introverts and extraverts perform task best under
their chosen stimulation level, poor when performing
under a stimulation level chosen by the other group
The Culture Variable

 Western countries show a preference for


 Eastern countries show a preference for Introversion.

 United States has a strong preference for

McCrea’s Map

 16% Extravert

 68% Ambivert

 16% Introvert

Five Factor Personality Test

Eysenck Personality Test


Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking (Susan Cain)

The Introvert Advantage: How to Thrive in an Extraverted World (Marti Olsen


Do What You Are (Barbara Barron-Tieger & Paul Tieger)

Life Types (Sandra Hirsh & Jean Kummerow)

The Biological Basis of Personality (H.J. Eysenck)

The Owner's Manual for Personality at Work: How the Big Five Personality
Traits Affect Your Performance, Communication, Teamwork, Leadership, and
Sales (Pierce J. Howard )
The Introvert Advantage Video

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