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Coal And Ash Handling


Faculty Name: P.THARUN SAI

Branch: Mechanical
College : LBRCE
Semester: 8th Semester
Name of Subject: Power Plant Engineering
• Introduction
• Coal handling
• Coal storage
• Burning systems
• Types of stokers and their working
• Pulverized fuel handling systems
• Pulverized mills
• Pulverized coal burners
• Oil burners
• Ash Handling Plant
• Dust collection and its disposal
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Coal Handling :
• Coal delivery:
• Unloading
• Preparation of coal
• Transfer of coal
• Storage of coal
• Inplant handling
• Weighing of coal
• Magnetic separators
• Crushers

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Requirement of good coal handling :

• It should have minimum maintenance.

• It should be simple
• It should be reliable
• It should supply coal continuously as per the demand
of power plant.
• It should have minimum wear in running the

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Coal storage:
• To store the coal for a period of 30 to 90 days.
• To permit the choice of the date of purchase.
• Coal is stored in the form of heaps up to a height of 10
to 12 m directly on concrete ground.
• The pile top should be given a gentle slope in which
the rain may be drained off.

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Coal storage:
Under water storage:
• The possibility of slow oxidation and spontaneous
combustion can be completely eliminated by storing
the coal under water.
Live storage or active storage:
• The coal is usually stored in vertical cylinder bunkers
or coal bins.
• Live coal storage bunkers are normally constructed
with a diamond-shaped cross section storage area.
• The storage bunkers are made of steel or reinforced
concrete to store the live coal.
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Coal storage:

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Burning systems:
• Fuel is burnt in a confined space known as furnace.
The furnace provides support and enclosure for
burning equipment.
• Solid fuels such as coal, wood are burnt by means of
stockers whereas burners are used to burn pulverized
coal and liquid fuels.
• Solid fuels require a grate in the furnace to hold the
bed of fuel.

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Selection of fuel firing methods:
• The characteristics of the available coal
• Capacity of the plant
• Efficient operation of the system.
• Reliability of the equipments
• Nature of load fluctuation.
• Cost of equipment and maintenance.

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Solid fuel firing :
Hand firing system:
• It is simple and suitable for small power plant. Since
it is difficult to achieve the uniform combustion and it
gives low combustion efficiency.
Stoker firing:
• Stoker is a power operated fuel feeding mechanism
and grate. With stoker firing , it allows to burn large
quantities of fuel, with easy in controlling the
combustion with higher efficiency, less labor of
handling ash and are self cleaning.

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Advantages of stoker firing :
• Ease of control of combustion
• High combustion efficiency
• Cheaper grade of fuel can be used
• Smokeless combustion
• Less labor required
• System is reliable

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Disadvantages of stoker firing:
• Capital cost is high
• Loss of coal through the grates
• Steam demand due to load fluctuations on plant can
not be met efficiently
• Complicated construction and arrangement
• Excessive wear of parts

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• A grate is used at furnace bottom to hold a bed of fuel.
• There are two ways of feeding coal on to the grate
– Over feeding
– Under feeding
• Therefore automatic stockers may be classified as
overfeed and under feed stockers.

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Principles of Overfeed Stokers :
• It receives the coal on its top surface and is
characterized by the following five zones from top to
the bottom.
• A layer of fresh or green coal - Fresh CoalZone
• A layer of coal losing moisture - Drying Zone
• A cooking layer of coal losing its volatile content -
Distillation Zone.
• A layer of incandescent coke where the fixed carbon is
consumed - Combustion Zone
• A layer of ash progressively getting cooler - Ash
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Principles of overfeed stokers :

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Principles of overfeed stokers :
• Pressurized air --- FD Fan --- Bottom of the grate ---
Heated by absorbing heat from ash and grate --- Ash
and grate are cooled --- Hot air --- Incandescent
coke --- O2 reacts with C --- CO2 --- Hot gases ---
Distillation zone --- Volatile matter added --- Drying
zone --- Moisture is picked up --- Finally come out
from the bed containing N2, CO2, CO, H2 ---
Secondary air supplied --- High speed ---
Turbulence --- complete combustion.

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Types of overfeed stoker :
It may be classified as
• Travelling grate stoker
• Spreader stoker

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Travelling grate stoker :

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Travelling grate stoker :

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Travelling grate stoker :
• Simple in construction
• Maintenance cost is low
• Initial cost is low.
• Self cleaning stoker
• Heat release rate can be controlled just by controlling
the speed of chain.
• Ash crushers are not required.

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Travelling grate stoker :
• Always some loss of coal in the form of fine particles
carried with the ashes.
• Temperature of preheated air is limited to 180°C.
• Not suitable for high capacity boiler
• Clinker trouble are very common.

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Spreader stoker :

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Spreader stoker :

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Spreader stoker :
• A wide variety of coal can be burnteasily
• It can respond quickly with load changes as it has a
small depth of furnace bed on grate.
• Operation cost is low
• Use of high temperature preheated air is possible.
• Clinkering difficulties are reduced.

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Spreader stoker :
• Work satisfactory with 40 mm or small size of coal.
• Fly ash is more, dust collector is needed.
• Clinker problem can not be avoided.

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Principle of underfeed stokers :

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Types of Underfeed Stokers :
• Single retort underfeed stokers.
• Multi retort underfeed stokers.

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Single retort stoker :

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Single retort stoker :

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Multi retort stoker :

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Underfeed stoker :
• Coal can be used directly from mines.
• High combustion efficiency.
• Can be used for medium sized plants.
• Space requirement is less
• Variation in load can be met easily.
• Dust collection problem is less.

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Underfeed stoker :
• Initial cost high
• Wear and tear is high
• Low grade fuels can not be burnt efficiently
• Clinker formation can not avoided.
• Loss of coal take place.

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Pulverized Coal System :

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Pulverized Coal System :
• Any type of coal can be used.
• Complete combustion is possible.
• Reduces air requirement, grater surface area.
• Fast response to variation in load.
• No clinker formation.
• No moving parts in furnace, Life of system is high.
• No ash handling problem.
• Less furnace volume required.

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Pulverized Coal System :
• High capital cost
• High operation cost
• Special equipments required to remove fly ash
• Due to high furnace temperature needs cooling
• Maintenance cost is high
• Skilled labor needed
• High air pollution
• Necessity of special starting equipment.
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Pulverized Fuel Handling System :
• It is further divided into two types:
– Unit System
– Central System

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Unit System :

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Unit System :
• Simple and cheaper than central system
• Operation and transportation is simple
• Direct control of combustion
• Maintenance charges are less

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Unit System :
• Poor performance due to variable load on plant
• Degree of flexibility is less
• Exhaust fan is subjected to excessive wear as it
handles dust particles also.

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Central (Bin) System :

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Central System :
• Continuously coal supply possible due to reserve coal.
• Pulverizing mill grinds coal at steady rate
• Less operators are needed.
• Power consumption per ton of coal crushed is less.
• Coal and air supply is controlled separately
• No wear and tear of fan since it handles only air

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Central System :
• Initial cost is high
• Coal transport system is complicated
• System requires more space
• Operation and maintenance cost is higher.

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Pulverized mills:
• Pulverizing mills called Pulverizer, which are used
to convert the crushed coal particle into fine dust
• It is of following types:
– Attrition Mills
• Ball and Race Mill
• Bowl Mill
– Impact Mills
• Ball Mill
• Hammer Mill

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Ball & race mill:

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Bowl mill:

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Ball Mill:

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Ball Mill:

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Impact or hammer mill:

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Pulverized coal burners:
Requirements of pulverized coal burners :
• Stable ignition
• It should thoroughly mix the coal and primary air.
• Ensure complete combustion.
• Control flame size and shape.
• Protection against overheating and excessive power.

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Pulverized coal burners:
Factors affect the performance of Pulverized Burner:
• Characteristics of coal used
• Grain size of powder coal.
• Quantity of volatile matter in coal.
• Geometry of coal burners.
• Quantity of primary and secondary air used.
• Furnace design.
• Load on plant.
• Method of mixing of coal and primary air.

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Classification of pulverized coal burners :
• Vertical long flame burner
• Turbulent (short) flame burner
• Tangential burner
• Cyclone burner

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Vertical Long Flame Burner:
• It is also known as
U-flame or Stream
lined burners.

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Turbulent (Short) Flame burners :

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Tangential burners:
• Flame produced by the burners at four corners is tangential
to the imaginary circle at the centre.
• It produced high degree of turbulence at the centre.

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Tangential burners:
Advantages :
• Simple operation
• High rate of energy release
• Complete combustion
• No additional turbulence
• Can be used with liquid, gaseous and pulverized coal

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Cyclone Burners:
• To avoid cost of pulverization crushed coal can be used in
cyclone burner instead of pulverized coal.

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Cyclone Burners:
• Simple coal crushing equipment can be used
• Operation cost reduce
• Can burn low grade fuels
• Rate of combustion can be controlled by adjusting the rate
of fuel and air flow.
Disadvantages :
• High power required for fan
• NOx emissions are high.

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Oil burners:
• Required to be used for small capacity boilers.
• Purpose :
– To receive supply of oil
– Meter it according to load
– Atomize and vaporize completely
• Classification :
– Vaporizing burner
– Atomizing burner

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Oil burners:
• Vaporizing burner:
– Used for domestic and industrial application
– Not used for steam generation in boilers
• Atomizing burner:
– To atomize the fuel into fine particles and mix with air.
– Used for oil fired furnaces in boiler
– High pressure air burner
– Mechanical burner

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Oil burners:
High pressure air burner:
• Also known as steam atomizing burner and Blast
• The high velocity of steam or air divides the oil into very
fine particles which are sprayed into the furnace.

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Oil burners:
Mechanical burner:
• Further classified as:
– Spray nozzle
• The oil is injected under high pressure and high
temperature through small nozzle. The oil leaves the
nozzle in atomized form.
– Rotary burner
• The oil is passed under pressure into conical chamber due
to centrifugal action the oil leaves the orifice in the form
of a hollow cone of fine particles.

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Oil burners:
Mechanical burner:

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Necessity of Ash Disposal :
• Irritating and annoying to handle to eyes.
• Forms clinkers by fusing
• At outlet ash is hot so quenching is necessary
• It will wear the conveyor parts in contact with it in
case of relative motion
• Produces corrosive acids when mixed with water.

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Ash Handling System :
A good ash handling system shouldhave:
• Large quantity of ash should be removed at high rate
• Load the ash collected on conveyor system
• Deliver the ash from conveyor to ash storage
• Disposal of stored ash
• Equipments should be corrosion and wear resistant
• Plant should be noiseless
• Equipment should be able to handle clinkers, dust etc
• Capital investment, operating and maintenance cost
should be low.
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Ash Handling System :

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Ash Handling System :
Types of ash handling system :
• Hydraulic ash handling system
– Low velocity
– High velocity
• Pneumatic ash handling system
• Mechanical ash handling system

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Hydraulic Ash Handling System :
Low velocity Hydraulic system:

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Hydraulic Ash Handling System :
High velocity Hydraulic system:

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Hydraulic Ash Handling System :
Advantages :
• High capacity, more suitable for super plants
• Clean and dust free operation
• Handle molten ash
• No working parts in contact with ash so minimum
erosion problem
Disadvantages :
• In contact with water ash forms corrosive acids
• Water channel and pump must be made of wear resisting

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Pneumatic Ash Handling System :

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Pneumatic Ash Handling System :
Advantages :
• Dust free operation
• No rehandling trouble
• Dry ash handling eliminates chances of ash freezing,
sticking in the storage bin
• Less installation cost per ton of ash handled
Disadvantages :
• Noisy in operation
• High maintenance due to wearing of pipelines by ash

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Mechanical Ash Handling System :

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Mechanical Ash Handling System :
Advantages :
• Low power consumption
• Continuous ash removal
Disadvantages :
• Suitable for low capacity plants
• Life span is about 5 to 10 years

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Dust Collection and Disposal:
Requirements for a good dust collector :
• Able to remove fine particles
• Low operation and maintenance cost
• Low capital cost
• Resistant to erosion by fly ash
• Occupy minimum floor space
• Operate at high efficiency at all loads

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Dust Collection and Disposal:
• In coal fired boilers the flue gases have certain
particles of solid matter, called Smoke or Dust.
• Particle size 1 to 100 microns - Dust
•Particle size more than 100 microns – Cinder
Types of dust collector:
– Mechanical dust collector
– Electrostatic dust collector

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Mechanical Dust Collector:
• Dry type Dust Collector
– Gravitational Separator
– Cyclone Separator
• Wet type Dust Collector
– Spray Type Scrubber
– Packed Bed Scrubber

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Mechanical Dust Collector:
Gravitational Dust Collector

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Mechanical Dust Collector:
Gravitational Dust Collector :
Advantages :
• Simple arrangement
• Less capital and operating cost
Disadvantages :
• Only large size and heavy particles can be removed
• Bulky and requires large space

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Mechanical Dust Collector:
Cyclone Separator :
• Laden gas is made to flow
in the inner vortex
• Performance depends on
volume of gas handled, gas
characteristic, inlet velocity
and size of chamber.

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Mechanical Dust Collector:
Cyclone Separator :
Advantages :
• High efficient for bigger particles
• Low maintenance cost
• Simple, cheap and easy to operate
• With increasing load, efficiency increases
Disadvantages :
• Require more power to produce high vortex
• Require more space
• With increasing fine particles, efficiency declines
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Mechanical Dust Collector:
Wet type Dust Collector :
• Not suitable for large power
• Chemical neutralization
needed before polluted
water discharged

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Electrostatic Precipitator:

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Electrostatic Precipitator:

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Electrostatic Precipitator:

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Electrostatic Precipitator:

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Electrostatic Precipitator:
Advantages :
• Fine dust particles can be removed efficiently
• Low maintenance
• Easy to operate
• Dust is collected in dry form
Disadvantage :
• High capital cost
• High operational charge
• Space requirement is high
• With increase in gas velocity dust collection efficiency
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