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Module 3

Challenges of Parenting

SWO III/ Standards Unit
Sessions in this Module

1. My Role as a Parent
2. Filipino Laws on Parenting
3. Parenting Styles
4. Strengthening Husband-Wife Relationship
through Gender Sensitive Partnership
5. Strengthening Parent-Child Relationship
6. How to Raise Children with High Spiritual
Session 1
My Role as a Parent

Estimated Time : 1 hour and 30 minutes

Required Materials: Taped song “ The Greatest
Love of All”
Marking Pens/Pencils
Manila Paper
Session Objectives

The parents should be able to:

* Clarify the meaning of parenting
* Analyze the importance of parenting skills
* Discuss the 3 basic needs of children
* List Parents roles as caregivers in the family
* Identify the appropriate behaviors that can
help guide the children
Content Outline

I. Definition of Parenting
II. Importance of Learning Parenting
A. Ensure the best possible development
of children.
B. Be better prepared in dealing with trials
and triumphs of child-rearing
III. Parenting Skills are Necessary to
help meet the children’s 3 Basic
3 Basic Needs
A. Physical Needs
- Good Nutrition
- Shelter
- safety
- Medical care
- rest and exercise
B. Emotional Needs
- Love
- Acceptance
- Security
- Praise
C. Intellectual Needs
1. Open communication with your children
2. Concern for your child’s education
3. Mental Stimulation
4. Provisions for learning aids
IV. Your Role as a Caregiver

A. Total Caretaker
B. Teacher
C. Counselor
IV. Appropriate Behaviors to Guide
Your Children
A. Discipline with Love
B. Teach Social Skills
C. Encourage Independence

Individual Reflection
Activity 1

• Divide the group into three. Provide each

group with manila paper, pencils, marking
pens and crayons. Tell them to create skeletal
drawings or caricatures of their concepts of
showing parenting. After 10 minutes, each
group will show their work and explain their
Draw out the participants insights by asking:

What is your definition of Parenting?

Why is it important to learn parenting skills?

As they answer, provide more inputs on the importance

of learning parenting skills. Emphasize that the more
they will be insured of the best possible development
for their child. It will also better prepare them in
dealing with trials and triumphs of child rearing
Key Learning Points

• Parenting is raising children

• Parenting takes time, attention, patience, strength
and most especially love.
• To learn parenting skills, you have to be prepared in
facing all the challenges of child rearing.

• After the discussion, tell them to go back to their

groupings. Tell them to recall their most joyful
experience as well as their most difficult experience
as a parent. Then take a vote within the group as to
whose experience will be reported to in class. Each
group shall be represented by one or two oral
reporters after 10 minutes of sharing. Each group
should share one most joyful and one most difficult

• Parenting skills can be learned over time. They can

help you become a parent, more relaxed and
confident. Even your children will achieve their full
potential to learn and grow.
Activity 2

• Ask the class to countdown 1-2-3. Then have all the

ones stay together, all the twos and all the threes
together. Ask each group to think of a typical scene
at home performing their parenting roles. Group 1
should role play scenario that focuses on physical
needs of the children, while group 2 should focus on
emotional needs and group 3 on intellectual needs.
After 10 minutes every group will present their short
skit to the class.

• After each of the presentation, draw out more

insights or questions from the other groups. You can
use the following guide questions.
> What are the basic physical needs of the
> What are the basic emotional needs of the
> What are the basic intellectual needs of the
Key Learning Points

*Parenting skills are necessary to help you meet

children’s basic needs
*Basic children’s needs include physical, emotional and
*Physical needs include good nutrition, rest and
exercise, shelter, safety and medical care.
*emotional needs include love, acceptance, security,
guidance, order and praise to ensure a wholesome
home life.
*Intellectual needs include communication, stimulation.
challenge the parents by asking them:
* How do you cope in your multi-faceted role
as a parent.
* Can you recall a most challenging need of your
child? How did you manage it?
Ask for volunteers to answer your questions in
order to get the discussion started. Stress that
each child is an individual with unique needs. Each
family has a unique way of coping with these
different needs. Share and learn from one another.

As an assignment, observe one of your children

at home and try to identify some of his/her
basic needs. Reflect and check if you are
answering these needs. If you feel that you are
inadequate in dealing with the need, seek help
from the other parents or facilitator in the next
Activity 3

Tell the class you will have a contest in listing as many

roles and ideas on how to guide your children to
appropriate behavior. Divide the class into two groups
only. Draw 2 columns on the board. Give each group a
piece of chalk. The members should run to the board
one by one and write down as many roles and ideas in
guiding children to appropriate behavior. They have to
do this in a span of 3 minutes. Give the go signal when
they are ready. Tell them to stop writing when the
time is up. Make it clear that only one member at a
time is allowed to write on the board.
Ask everyone to settle down then check
the listing together. The group with the
most number of correct answers is the

After enumerating the different roles and ideas

on how to guide your child to appropriate
behavior, request for concrete examples. Ask
them the following questions:
What do you do to show that you are a
total caregiver? Teacher? counselor?
How do you show appropriate behaviors
that will guide your children?
Encourage them to use creative thinking by
imagining real life situations. Cluster their
answers into: total caregiver, teacher, and
counselor. Have them describe how they can
discipline with love for instance or why they
should consider themselves as teachers or as
total caretakers
Key Learning Points

• A Total Caretaker – this is during your child’s infancy

and toddler years. You have to meet all his/her
needs; feeding, changing, cleaning, dressing,
cuddling and loving.
• Teacher – as your child grow older. You explain
things, answer questions, share joys and wonders of
the world.
• Counselor – guide them through good and bad
times; give love, support, understanding and
directions be sensitive to your child’s feelings and
needs, listen to his/her help and solve problems as
they arise.
Key Learning Points cont…

• You can help guide your child to an appropriate

behavior and encourage consider for others.
• Always discipline with love
• Teach social skills like good manners, sharing,
listening and respecting others.
• Encourage independence and exploration.
Key Learning Points cont…

• Encourage independence and exploration

• Deal with frustration by talking and not physical
• Always talk to your children. Take the time to
explain. Be objective and calm when your child
learns to argue.

There are more resources available for parents

to learn more about parenting skills. To
enumerate a few; your own experiences when
you were living with your parents,
television/radio programs, classes, workshops,
manuals, pamphlets, magazines, comics, tis
from friends. As parents, you should always be
diligent and resourceful in fulfilling your roles
and responsibilities.
Ask participants to recall some practical or
important parenting skills they learned and
identify the source where they learned or heard
about it. Praise them if it is good practice, give
other suggestions if it is not a good practice.

End session by asking the participants to sit and

relax and tune into the song you are about to
play or to sing as a group. “The Greatest love of
all” encourage them to sing along particularly
the chorus line of the song.

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