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Is a social institution that
refers to relations form
between members of
 It explains the nature and
reason for the formation of
different types of bonds
that exist within society.
Types of Kinship
Societies develop kin
relationship in different
ways . It can be based on
birth or blood relations,
marriage, or through the
acceptance of rituals.
Kinship by Blood
Consanguineal Kinship (base on
Is considered as the most basic
and general forms of relations.
The relationship is achieved by
birth or blood affinity.
( relationship existing between
parents and their children,
siblings, and between nieces/
nephews and aunts/uncles.
refers to a biological
 refers to an
individual’s child or
offspring or his or her
parents or ancestry .
 refersto the line where one’s
descent is traced.
 an individual’s descent can be
traced by studying either the
person’s paternal or maternal line
or both the father’s and the
mother’s line.
Principles of Descent
Unilineal Descent
 Descent is usually traced by
most societies through a single
line of ancestors from either the
male and the female line.
 both females and males are
members of a unilineal family but
their descent lines are
recognized only through the
relatives of either male or female
Two Basic Forms of
Unilineal Descent
Patrilineal Descent
 both males and females
belong to the kin group of
their father but they do not
belong to their mothers kin
Matrilineal Descent
focuses on the unilineal
descent that is traced
through the female line .
 persons are related if they
can trace their descent
through females to the same
woman ancestor.
Bilateral Descent
 societies trace their descent
through the study of both
parents’ ancestors.
 this is called as the
nonunilineal or cognatic
descent principle.
 kinship is traced through both
ancestral lines of the mother
and father.
Kinship by Marriage
• Refers to the type of relations
developed when a marriage
• When marriages takes place,
new forms of social relations
are developed.
 is an important social institution
wherein two persons, a man and
woman, enter into family life.
 it is a special contract of
permanent union between a man
and woman entered into in
accordance with law for the
establishment of conjugal and
family life. ( Article 1 of the Family
Code of the Philippines)
Marriage Across Cultures
 Different societies have
different sets of cultural
practices, norms, and rules
pertaining to marriage.
 Cultures across societies have
developed traditions, customs,
rules, and norms that
determine how marriage will be
Endogamy Marriage
 Some societies practice endogamy, or
compulsory marriage, in their own village,
community, ethnic, social, or religious
 Members of societies who do not follow
or who disobey the endogamous rules of
marriage are sometimes penalized mildly,
through others may receive more severe
sanctions like death or ostracism.
 ( ethnic groups, religious groups, and the
aristocratic classes)
 It is also practice in India until the middle
of 20th century.
Exogamy Marriage
 Refers to a marriage custom
where an individual is required
by society’s norms and rules to
marry outside of their own
group, community, or social
 Exogamous marriage prevents
incest or marriage within one’s
own family and clan.
 Came from the Greek words
monos and gamos which
literally mean “one union”.
 It refers to the marriage or
sexual partnering custom or
practice where an individual
has only one male or female
partner or mate.
 refers to the practice of having more than
one partner or sexual mate.

 If a man has multiple female partners or

 If a woman has multiple male partners and
Post marital Residency Rules

 The residence customs of most

partners who just got married are
based on well established social
 They would most often settle
independently and build a home that
is dependent from place of
residence of both of the newly
wed’s parents. This kind of set ups
is often referred to as a neo local
Three Forms Neolocal Rule of Residence

1.Patrilocal- occurs when married

couples stay in the house of the
husband’s relatives or near the
husband’s kin.
2.Matrilocal- happens when the
couples live with the wife’s relatives
or near the wife’s kin.
3.Bilocal- happens when the newly
wed couple stay with the husbands
relatives and the wife’s kin
Referred Marriage
 Finding a partner can be done
 Some find their partners through
other people like friends and
relatives who act as matchmakers.
 These matchmakers help their
single friends or relatives to find
their possible husband or wife by
referring them to another man or
woman who is also interested in
finding a life partner.
Arranged Marriage
 In this kind of marriage, the man or
woman’s parents, community
leaders, religious officials or
leaders determine the marital
partner of the individual.
 This was done to ensure that the
young man and woman will marry to
the most appropriate person
according to the dictates and rules
set by the family, community, or
religious group.
Types of Arranged Marriages
1. Child Marriage- It happens when parents arrange
for the marriage of their child long before the
marriage takes place.
2. Exchange Marriage- There is a reciprocal
exchange of spouses between two countries,
tribes or groups.
3. Diplomatic Marriage- occurs when an arranged
marriage has been established between two
royal or political families in order to forge
political or diplomatic alliances.
4. Modern Arranged Marriage- The child’s parents,
with the consent of the child, choose from
several possible mates. The parents organize a
meeting with the potential partner of their child.
Kinship By Rituals
Compadrazgo- (“ godparenthood”)- is a ritualized
form of forging co-parenthood or family.
o This can be done through the performance of
Catholic rituals like baptism, confirmation, and
o Through this set up, a relationship between the
child’s biological parents, their children, and the
persons close to the parents but not related by
blood become a family.
o These people who where chosen by the parents to
act as witnesses during baptism, confirmation, or
marriage, become the spiritual parents of the
child or co-parents.
o It is called as compadre or kumpare for the male
godparent and kumare for female godparent.
oThe godson or goddaughter
is called inaanak by the
oThis type of Kinship by
rituals system is usually
present in Latin American
countries and Catholic
countries like the

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