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The Great Man Theory

Arabe, Alyssa Moutrie D.

Saludo, Rogie R.
• The great man theory argues that a few people are born with the necessary characteristics
to be great.
• Popularized in early 19th century by Scottish historian Thomas Carlyle
• Portray great leaders heroic, mythic, and destined to rise to leadership when needed.
• The theory was formulated mainly by analyzing the behaviors of mainly military figures of
the time.
• In the 1800s, authoritative positions were held solely by men and were typically passed on
from father to son. Thus, it's not a coincidence that the theory was named "Great Man
Theory" as there weren't any women that were given the opportunity to rise when the
occasion presented itself.
• Assume that the capacity for leadership is inherent – that great leaders are
born, not made.
• The mythology behind some of the world’s most famous

Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Julius

Caesar, Alexander the Great
• Inside certain men there are leadership born
• Great for leading an army
• Great leaders will arise when needed
• Based on their ability they possessed
• Herbert Spencer created an argument ( He believed leaders
were products of their environment.In other words, society
was shaping these great men as oppose to them shaping
• Manipulate a crowd to believe you are the chosen one even if
• No scientific validity
• Declaration of and actual great man often happens after
defining act

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