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Amity Business School

Southeastern Sales Association

By: Dushyant Shah 14 Kartik Tewari 22 Naval Garg 44 Himanshu Parmar 46 Kunal Kaushal 51 Deepak Sharma 52

Amity Business School

‡ Question 1 ‡ How might Frieda evaluate whether or not the shortcomings she observes in a sales people is a serious problem?

Amity Business School

‡ There were various shortcomings which Frieda observed which can be evaluated from the followings: ‡ Decrease in sales volume. ‡ Decrease in profit. ‡ Brand switching of regular customers. ‡ Increase of competitors market share.

Amity Business School

‡ Question 2 ‡ Rate the situations detailed by Frieda from most serious to least serious. what course of action should Frieda take to address each and when?

Amity Business School

1. Lack of product knowledge. 2. Taking relatively new clients and their spouses to expensive restaurants. 3. Sales person appeared to be charging more for gas for their company car than seems feasible. 4. They also seems to use their company car for their personal use. 5. A few sales person appeared to concentrate more on their best buyers, ignoring difficult customers.


Amity Business School

‡ Proper technical training to the sales executives. ‡ The clients should be taken to restaurants in accordance to the magnitude of the deals. ‡ Appropriate monthly gas quota to be issued to sales reps. ‡ Special incentives should be given to the sales reps who win back the buyers who were lost to the competitors.

Amity Business School

‡ Question 3 ‡ Can Frieda compare her understanding and anticipated actions with that of her salespeople? Why or Why not?

Amity Business School

‡ No,Because each person has a different understanding about the problems and different skill sets to deal with them so she can¶t compare her understanding and anticipated actions with that of her salespeople.

Amity Business School

‡ Question 4 ‡ Do you believe Frieda has an accurate understanding of her role as a sales manager?

Amity Business School

‡ Yes, because she is started from the lower post as a sales rep. where she was a star performer. This enabled her to learn the tricks of the trade and eventually rise to the post of sales manager.

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