Ulcerative Colitis

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Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative Colitis
• Ulcerative colitis is an illness that is characterized
by inflammation in the lining of the colon and
rectum, Crohn’s disease is a similar condition and
both are a form of inflammatory bowel disease
• Ulcerative colitis causes chronic ulcers and
inflammation in the digestive tract, resulting in
poor absorption of nutrients.
• As the colon becomes swollen (edema), ulcers &
bleeding can occur leading to perforation. This is a
medical emergency.
• In acute ulcerative colitis, the patient may
develop ulcerations of the bowel,
hemorrhages, vascular congestion, and
• This condition can become debilitating to the
patient and even become life threatening.
There is no cure, however, with treatment
and care, the patient can have long remission
• While the exact cause of ulcerative colitis is
unknown, there are some theories:
• Possibly autoimmune disorder
• Genetics may play a factor
• Environmental factors are also thought to be a
possible cause
Sign and symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis:
Symptoms may vary among affected people. Studies have proved that about
50 percent of people diagnosed with ulcerative colitis may have the following
• malnutrition
• electrolyte imbalances
• increased abdominal sounds
• diarrhea
• weight loss
• bloody stools
• abdominal pain
• rectal pain
• fever
• joint pain
• joint swelling
• skin ulcers
• mouth sores
• Nausea
• Vomiting
Diagnosis of Ulcerative Colitis:
Diagnosis by exclusion is made after ruling other
possible causes out. The following tests may be
• Blood tests to include CBC, CRP, and ESR.
• Stool sample
• Colonoscopy
• Endoscopy
• CT Scan
• X-Rays
• Flexible sigmoidoscopy
• Barium Enema
Complications of Ulcerative Colitis:
• thickening of the intestinal wall
• severe dehydration
• inflammation of skin, joints, and eyes
• toxic megacolon (rapidly swelling colon)
• liver disease (rare)
• kidney stones
• intestinal bleeding (can become severe)
• perforation
• sepsis – blood infection
Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis:
• Both medications and surgery are used to treat
ulcerative colitis. Surgery is utilized for those who are
suffering from severe inflammation and life-threatening
complications. Other treatments can include:
• Anti-inflammatory drugs
• Immune system suppressors
• Anti-diarrheal medications
• Pain medications
• Antibiotics
• Iron
• Proctocolectomy – removing entire colon and rectum
Nursing Interventions:
If patient is admitted with an acute phase of ulcerative
colitis, the healthcare practitioner may order the following:
• NPO status (nothing by mouth) bowel rest
• IV fluids to maintain hydration and electrolytes
• Limit activity
• Monitor bowel sounds
• Monitor for signs and symptoms of infection
• Monitor for signs and symptoms of hemorrhage (caused
by ulcers).
• As diet advances, place on a low fiber, high protein diet
• Avoid the following foods: nuts, alcohol, caffeine
• Need instruction on smoking cessation

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