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Mouse Lung Fibroblast Cell Survival and p53 Expression After Exposure to Acetophenone

Max Eismann, Alley Masocco, Eric Sprys

Division of Natural and Health Sciences, Seton Hill University, Greensburg, PA

Introduction: Results:
Tobacco products such as cigarettes contain upwards of
7,000 added chemicals and these chemicals can cause serious
health risks to humans who inhale them (FDA, 2017). There are
20 carcinogens in tobacco smoke that cause lung tumors in
humans (Hecht, 1999). One of the many chemicals found in
cigarettes is acetophenone. This chemical is a severe skin and
Figure 6: a qRT-PCR baseline showing raw data of p53 expression in mouse lung
eye irritant (HSDB, 2017). This irritation can cause severe stress fibroblast cell treated with acetophenone. The red horizontal line shows the
threshold value for GAPDH expression. The blue horizontal line shows the threshold
on cells that have had the chemical exposure. Another form of value for p53 expression. b Demonstrates the fold increase of p53 expression in the
Figure 2: The percent survival of lung fibroblast cell treated with different
stress to cells can come from changes in pH. This stress can concentrations of acetophenone. This graphs depicts slight upward trend of survival.
cells. The 40uM dosage of acetophenone had the largest fold increase value.
cause the protein, p53, to be expressed inside of the cell. This The cells treated with 0 uM and 10 uM concentrations underwent three dosages of
acetophenone. Whereas, the cells treated with the 40uM and 85 uM concentrations
protein is known as the tumor suppressor gene, and can were exposed acetophenone twice. The standard deviation bars correlate with the
number of dosage trials.
activate cell apoptosis upon cellular exposure to stress ● The percent attachment results show acetophenone did
(Alberoni, et al. 2002). The MIC-1 gene is a target protein for not have detached many cells from the pates
the p53 gene (Alberoni, et al. 2002). MIC-1 is a downstream ● The high percent survival could mean that the
concentrations of acetophenone were too low to kill
regulator for p53 gene expression (Alberoni, et al. 2002). In our
experiment we test different concentrations of acetophenone ○ Acetophenone could also not be toxic to mouse lung
on mouse lung fibroblast cells. The group predicted that as fibroblast cells
concentration of acetophenone is increased, the expression of ● Proteins were too large to travel through gel in western
p53 would increase and cell survival would decrease. blot
A B ● 40 uM concentration having the highest protein
expression could be because of errors during protein
Figure 3: a-b The percent attachment of lung fibroblast cell treated with different
Methods: concentrations of acetophenone. a This graph depicts a downward trend in attachment
amongst the acetophenone dosages. The cells treated with 0 uM and 10 uM
● The qRT-PCR data does not show a clear connection
concentrations underwent three dosages of acetophenone. Whereas, the cells treated
Cell Culture: Mouse fibroblast cells were incubated at 37OC. The cells were with the 40uM and 85 uM concentrations were exposed acetophenone twice. The between acetophenone concentration and p53
passaged using aseptic technique every 2-3 days and using a media containing standard deviation bars correlate with the number of dosage trials. b
10% fetal bovine serum. The amount of new cells being added to a dish was
determined by using a hemocytometer to count the cells. The cells were dosed
● Errors in cell plates could have been caused by
with different concentrations of acetophenone 16 hours before they were inexperience in cell passaging
studied. The concentrations were negative control, 10 uM, 40 uM, and 85 uM. ○ Could explain why 85 uM plate had a larger amount of
Trypan blue was used on the cells under a hemocytometer to determine the live cells than the other plates
number of alive and dead cells. This data was used to calculate percent ○ Also explains low number of cells in control plate
survival and percent attachment which gave a quantitative look at the impact when calculating percent attachment
of acetophenone. Future Studies:
LIVE/DEAD Viability/Cytotoxicity Assay: Cells were grown in a 4-well chamber ● Use higher concentrations of acetophenone
and dosed with the different concentrations of acetophenone. The cells were ○ May get more p53 expression
Figure 4: LIVE/DEAD Assay of mouse lung fibroblast cell treated with different
dyed with a solution containing EthD1 and Calcein AM and incubated at 37OC. concentrations of 2.6 mM acetophenone compared to the control at 100X ● Do more assays to determine percent attachment and
The cells were then observed using fluorescence microscopy. magnification showing a qualitative survival analysis. The 2 mM EthD-1 stain (red)
percent survival
illuminates the mouse fibroblast cells with broken cell membranes (dead cells) a,c, e,
qRT-PCR: TaqMan and cDNA were resuspended by gently vortexing. 2 master and g. The 4mM calcein AM stain (green) demonstrates cells that are undergoing ○ Will give us more data to see if the current data
mixes were made, 1 for GAPDH and another for p53. PCR reaction mix was intracellular esterase activity and have intact membranes b, d,f, and h. All imagines
collected is accurate
were captured at 100X magnification. Columns from left to right indicate increasing
placed in 8 wells of the reaction plate. cDNA was placed in the appropriate concentration for acetophenone 0 uM to 85 uM.
● Test how other ketone chemicals impact the cell survival
wells. Plate was centrifuged and loaded into the qRT-PCR instrument for
and p53 expression in Mouse Lung Fibroblast cells.
SDS-PAGE: Biorad Protean II Mini gel was cleaned and assembled and resolving
gel (12.5%) and stacking gel (6%) were poured into the assembly. Frame was
placed inside electrophoresis chamber, which included running buffer.
Samples were boiled for 5 minutes and centrifuged at 16,000 rpm. Wells were References:
loaded and samples were run. Acetophenone. (2017, September 14). Retrieved from https://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/cgi-bin/sis/search/a?dbs hsdb:@term @DOCNO 969

Western Blotting: Membranes were cut and presoaked in transfer buffer. Albertoni, M., Shaw, P. H., Nozaki, M., Godard, S., Tenan, M., Hamou, M., . . . Hegi, M. E. (2002). Anoxia induces macrophage inhibitory cytokine-1
(MIC-1) in glioblastoma cells independently of p53 and HIF-1. Oncogene,21(27), 4212-4219. doi:10.1038/sj.onc.1205610

Transfer cell was assembled then placed into chamber with transfer buffer and Center for Tobacco Products. (n.d.). Products, Ingredients & Components - How Cigarettes Are Made and How You Can Make a Plan to Quit. Retrieved
Figure 5: Ponceau stain protein analysis of mouse lung fibroblast cell treated with from https://www.fda.gov/TobaccoProducts/Labeling/ProductsIngredientsComponents/ucm529397.htm
ice pack. Immunoblotting was conducted to yield results of protein acetophenone using nitrocellulose membrane. The Ponceau stain indicates general Fornsaglio, J., & Sheffler, Z. (2018, May 17). Cell Biology Laboratory. Retrieved from
identification. protein expression (darker toned red) in the mouse lung fibroblast cells, it can not be https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/cell-biology-laboratory/id842833018?mt=11
determined whether or not p53 was expressed. The protein expression (darker toned
Hecht, S. S. (1999). Tobacco Smoke Carcinogens and Lung Cancer. JNCI Journal of the National Cancer Institute,91(14), 1194-1210.
red) appears to be contained in each dosage well of acetophenone (0uM - 85uM) which doi:10.1093/jnci/91.14.1194
indicates that the protein failed to run.

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