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Do vs.

Do "and" make "are two verbs that are frequently confused in
English. Both can be translated as "to do", but there are some
differences in their meaning. In general, "do" considers the
action more, while using "make" we refer more to the result of
the action.

"Do" is used for actions, activities and jobs. It is used in a broad

sense, as to "perform". In general, these actions and activities
do not produce a physical object.

do homework

do a job

do the dishes

do housework

do exercise
• "Do" is used when we talk about things in general, when we do
not specify the activity. In this sense, it is used a lot with
undefined pronouns like "something", "anything", "nothing",
• Examples:
• What are you doing today? I'm not doing anything. (What are
you doing today? I'm not doing anything.)
• He's always doing nice things for his girlfriend (He always does
good things for his girlfriend.)
• Are you doing anything important right • do one's best (do everything possible)
now? (Do you do something important
right now?) • do please (do a favor)
• Expressions • do justice (do justice)
• do good (do good) • do research (investigate)
• do right (do well) • do harm
• do wrong • do business
• do damage • do one's hair (trim your hair)
• Are you doing anything important right • do wonders (do wonders)
now? (Do you do something important
right now?)
• "Make" is used in the sense of "manufacture", "elaborate" or "create". It is used
for activities that create something that can be touched, a physical object.
• Examples:

• make breakfast / lunch / dinner

• make a dress

• make furniture
Note: There are many expressions that use "make". In many of these, the meaning of "make"
is not "manufacture" or "do" and very often "do" seems more appropriate, but they are
established expressions, so you have to memorize them.

 make a decision (make a decision)

 make a choice (make a choice)

 make a plan (draw / make a plan)

 make arrangements (make preparations)

 make an appointment (request appointment / time, make an appointment)

 make a mistake (make a mistake)

 make money

 make an excuse (give an excuse)

 make an effort
 make an attempt (make an attempt)

 make fun of (laughing / mocking)

 make progress (make progress)

 make an offer (make an offer)

 make [a] noise (make [a] noise)

 make peace (sign peace)

 make war

 make a phone call (make a call)

 make an exception (make an exception)

 make a confession (make a confession)

 make a discovery (make a discovery)


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