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MCQ for Practice

Unit 1: Introduction and
natural resources
1. The term environment refers to an aggregate of
All the above

2. Biotic components DONOT include

Human beings

3. Producers DONOT include

Evergreen trees
Fir trees

4. Environmental problems are not confined to one component because of

Constant mass and energy transfer between components
Ocean currents
Soil formation
Animal migrations

5. Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies refers to the

Many different disciplines that affect the environment
All components are affected by each other
All animals affect each other
Animals and plants affect each other
6. The importance of land is because it gives us
a. Food
b. Mineral deposits
c. Shelter
d. All the above

7. Soil profile is a vertical cross section

a. From surface down to the parent rock
b. The plants species present in the soil
c. The animal species present in an area
d. Water bodies present in a park

8. The main layers/horizons for the soil profile are

a. Top soil, Subsoil and Parent material
b. Subsoil and parent material
c. Subsoil and bed rock
d. Parent material and bed rock

9. Land degradation affects the quality of land by

a. Lowering its fertility
b. Increasing its fertility
c. Replacing the soil
d. None of the above

10. Soil erosion can be caused by

a. Heavy floods in rivers
b. Overgrazing by cattle
c. Dry violent winds
d. All the above
11. Water resources are important because
a. Water forms a large part of all living creatures
b. It is essential for agriculture
c. It is essential for all life
d. All the above

12. Where does the energy that powers the water cycle come from?
a. Plants
b. Animals
c. Electrical outlets
d. The sun

13. Most of the Earth's water is in this form.

a. Salt water
b. Ice
c. Rivers
d. Fresh water

14. Ground subsidence means

(i) Lowering of water table
(ii) Reduced surface water flow
(iii) Accumulation of water
(iv) The compression of sediments in the aquifer.

15. The main reserve of fresh water on earth surface is

(a) Sea (b) Polar ice caps and glaciers (c) Lakes (d) Rivers
16. Which statement is correct?
i. Running Water Ecosystem is known as lotic ecosystem
ii. Running Water Ecosystem is known as lentic ecosystem
iii. Standing Water Ecosystem is known as lotic ecosystem
iv. None of the above

17. Which of the following is/are the type/s of Drought?

(i) Hydrological
(ii) Flash
(iii) Both
(iv) None

18. Natural environment

(i) Operates through self regulating mechanism,
(ii) Dynamic,
(iii) Any change brought by one component is counterbalanced by some other
changes in other component (iv) All

19. The types of Drought are

(i) Meteorological, flash, hydrological,
(ii) Meteorological, hydrological, Agricultural,
(iii) Meteorological, coastal, Agricultural,
(iv) Flash, hydrological, Agricultural,

20. Science dealing with land is known

(i) Geology (ii) Pedology (iii) Geography (iv) None
21. The main atmospheric layer near the earth surface
a) Stratosphere
b) Troposphere
c) Mesosphere
d) Ionosphere

22. Algal bloom and weeds in water body results in

a) Global warming
b) Salination
c) Eutrophication
d) Biomagnifiction

23. Natural environment

(i) Operates through self regulating mechanism,
(ii) Dynamic,
(iii) Any change brought by one component is counterbalanced by some other
changes in other component (iv) All

24. The types of Drought are

(i) Meteorological, flash, hydrological,
(ii) Meteorological, hydrological, Agricultural,
(iii) Meteorological, coastal, Agricultural,
(iv) Flash, hydrological, Agricultural,

25. Science dealing with land is known

(i) Geology (ii) Pedology (iii) Geography (iv) None
Q. 26: A renewable exhaustible natural resource is
a) Petroleum
b) Coal
c) Forest
d) Minerals

Q.27: The percentage of forest cover recommended by the National Forest

policy is
a) 33% for plains and 67% for hills
b) 37% for plains and 63% for hills
c) 20% for plains and 70% for hills
d) 23% for plains and 77% for hills
Unit 2: Ecosystem
Note: Answer in Red color.
Q.1: Important abiotic factors in ecosystems include which of the following?
– temperature
– water
– Wind
(A) I only B) II only C) III only D) I, II, and III

Q.2: Example of Anthropogenic Ecosystem

(a) Forest (b) Marine water (c) Grass land (d) Agricultural crops

Q.3: Limiting factors are:

a. Availability of food
b. Water
c. Shelter
d. All of the above
Q.4: Non-living Component is
a. Organic components/ factors
b. Inorganic/ components/ factors
c. Physical/ components/ factors
d. All of the above
Q.5: Factors which restrict the further growth of population is
a. Availability of food
b. Water
c. Shelter
d. All of the above
Hint: All are limiting factors
Q.6: The organisms which feed on the waste and dead products are called
(A) Herbivores B) Carnivores C) chemovores D) Detrivores

Q.7: The structural aspects of the ecosystems includes

(a) Producers (b) Consumers (c) Decomposers (d) All of these

Q.8: An ecosystem comprise of

a. Organic components/ factors
b. Photoautotrophs
c. Heterotrophs
d. All of the above
Q.9: Choose the correct statement regarding photosynthesis process
(i) Formation of food in the presence of solar energy using CO2 and H2O
(ii) Formation of glucose by plants in chlorophyll in the presence of sunlight
using CO2 and H2O
(iii) Formation of oxygen and glucose in the presence of sun light
(iv) All of the above

Q.10: Which of the following is not a classification/type of ecosystem?

(i) Natural & Engineered (ii) Lotic & Lentic, (iii) Grassland &
Desert, (iv) Biotic & Abiotic

Q.11: Various problems in environment controlled by

(i) Decreasing the demand of natural resources
(ii) Consuming nonrenewable resources
(iii) Terracing (iv) Advertisement
Q.12: A gradual change over the time is known as
a. Ecology
b. Ecesis
c. Ecological succession
d. Eutrophication
Q13. The nature’s cleaners are
a) producers b) consumers c) decomposers d) consumers & decomposers both

Q.14. The development of a bare area is called:

a. Invasion b. nudation c. ecesis d. none

Q.15. Which of the following is a difference between a food chain and a food web?
a. Food chains involve only plants, while food webs involve animals.
b. Food chains involve only plants, while food webs involve both plants and animals.
c. Food chains are linear and food webs are complex.
d. Food chains include decomposers, but food webs do not.

Q16. A series of interrelated food chains in a given ecosystem is called a __________

a)trophic level b) food pyramid c) food web d) none

Q.17. Pyramid of energy in any ecosystem is

a) Always upright
b) May be upright and inverted
c) Always inverted
d) None of the above
Q18. Contour bunding is the method to control soil erosion for area with
(i) Mild slope (ii) Gentle slope (iii) Steeper slope (iv) None

Q.19. Problem of acid rain in environment can be understand by the

knowledge of
(i)Physics, (ii) Chemistry, (iii) Geography, (iv) Biology

Q.20. The Underground layer of water sandwiched between two layers of less
permeable material is called
(i) Confined aquifer, (ii) Unconfined aquifer, (iii) Both (iv) Ground
Q.21. Leaving crop remaining on the field as long as possible to keep the soil
covered, reduced evaporation, reduce weed growth, and allow the soil
organism to decompose the plant residue is known as
(i) Stubble mulching,
(ii) Reduced tillage,
(iii) Terracing,
(iv) Strip cropping
Q.22: In an aquatic ecosystem, the trophic level equivalent to cows in
grasslands is
a) Nekton
b) Zooplankton
C) Phytoplankton
D Producers
Q.23: The type of ecosystem with the highest mean plant productivity is
a) Tropical rain forest
b) Temperate grassland
c) Tundra
d) Desert

Q.24. The final stable community in ecological succession is

a) Climax
b) Sere
c) Pioneers
d) Carnivores

Q.25: Trophic levels in ecosystem is formed by :

a) only herbivores
b) only plants
c) only bacteria
d) Organisms linked in food chain

Q.26: On earth, energy enters ecosystems as:

Q.28: The primary producers in an ocean grazing food web are usually ________.
a) plants
b) animals
c) fungi
d) Phytoplankton

Q.29: Which term describes the process whereby toxic substances increase along
trophic levels of an ecosystem?
a) biomassification
b) biomagnification
c) bioentropy
d) Eutrophication

Q.30: Which of the following statement is true regarding natural ecosystems

a) Usually contains fewer food choices

b) Inorganic nutrient are not returned to soil but carried away to other places
c) Have distinct boundaries
d) Have alternate sources of food availability in case one fails
Unit 3: Biodiversity
Q.1: Which one of the following areas in India, is a hotspot of biodiversity?
a) Sunderbans b) western ghats c) eastern ghats d) both a and b

Q.2: Levels of biodiversity include all except:

(a) Genetics (b) Species (c) Population (d) Ecosystem

Q.3: Endemic species are

a) Rare species b) species localized in specific region
c) endangered species d) none of these

Q.4: The most important reason for decrease/decline in biodiversity is:

a) habitat destruction b) deforestation
c) hunting d) All of these

Q.5: The reason for certain animals getting endangered are

a) Hunting b) Environmental pollution
c) Natural calamities d) All of these
Q.6: Endangered species can be preserved by
a) Gene shop b) Gene bank c) Gene library
d) Harbarium

Q.7: Conservation of biodiversity outside the natural habitat is called as:

(a) Ex-situ (b) In-situ (c) Conservation (d) In-vivo

Q.8: Conservation of biodiversity inside the natural habitat is called as:

(a) Ex-situ (b) In-situ (c) Conservation (d) In-vivo

Q.9: Which one of the following is example ex-situ conservation?

a) National Park b) seed bank c) Wildlife sanctuary d) none

Q.10. Which one of the following is not included under in situ conservation?
a) Wildlife sanctuary b) National Park c) Zoological gardens
d) biosphere reserve

Q.11: Biodiversity of a geographical region represents

a) Genetic diversity present in the dominant species of the region
b) Species endemic to the region
c) Endangered species found in the region
d) The diversity in the organisms living in the region
Q.12: Which one of the following is not used for ex situ plant conservation?
a) Gene banks
b) Seed banks
c) Shifting cultivation
d) Botanical Gardens

Q.13: Prolonged liberal irrigation (i.e.,) of agricultural fields is likely to create

the problem of
a) Aridity
b) Metal toxicity
c) Salinity
d) Acidity

Q.14: Wild life conservation aims at :

(a) Maintaining the ecological process
(b) To enrich the wildlife diversity with exotic species
(c) Preventing migration of species
(d) Maintaining the diversity of life

The correct statements are

(A) a, b
(B) b, c
(C) c, d
(D) a, d
Q.15: Which one of the following is not observed in biodiversity hotspots?
a) Species richness
b) Endemism
c) Accelerated species loss
d) Lesser inter-specific competition

Q.16: EGDE species are always

a) Globally Endemic
b) Evolutionary distinct
c) Globally Endangered
d) both b and c

Q.17: Eutrophication process may create the problem mainly in

a) Forest ecosystem
b) Desert ecosystem
c) Aquatic ecosystem
d) Grassland ecosystem

Q.18: A species which is confined to particular geographical area is called as

a) Endemic
b) Extinct
c) Endangered
d) Vulnerable
Q.19: The phytogeographical classification of India is related to
a) Type of animals
b) Type of vegetation
c) Type of soil
d) Type of ecosystem

Q.20: Which of the following is not a limitation of ex situ conservation

a) Not a viable option for protection of rare species due to human interference
b) Can be adopted for only a few kinds of species
c) Overprotection may result in loss of natural occurrence
d) Breeding of hybrid species is possible

Q.21: Tissue Culture Technique is a way of conservation of species of

a) In-situ conservation
b) Ex-situ conservation
c) Natural conservation
d) None of these
Q.22: Core, Buffer and transition zones are the parts of
a) National park
b) Wild life sanctionary
c) Biosphere reserve
d) All of these
Q.23: Maximum human interference can be observed in
a) National park
b) Wild life sanctionary
c) Biosphere reserve
d) All of these

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