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Chapter 6

Chapter 6
 Types of discrimination
 Harassment and bullying.
 In the workplace, it’s and employer responsibility
Another type of discrimination

 Person with disability.

 To talk of “people with disabilities” is generally preferable to identifying
“handicapped” or “disabled” people.

 Why?
 What sort of ethical concern does this distinction reflect?
Glass Ceiling, Glass Walls

 What is a ‘glass ceiling’?

 Institutionalized bias against qualified people on the
basis of characteristics not related to the ability to
perform jobs.
 Glass ceiling  Figure 6.1
Glass Ceiling…counter-arguments

 Some suggest that ‘glass ceiling’ are not entirely reflective of individuals
employer discrimination
 What other explanations have been offered by people such as ‘Pinker’.
Why Equality?

 Possible position:
 In life, outcomes are not equal
 On the other hand:
 One of the ideals of democracy is equality of people.
 Moral equality (pg. 136)
 Personal differences should not be the bias for
treating people unfairly.

 Ideas of equality behind anti-discrimination laws, equal

opportunity and affirmative action is fairness.
 Hence, people who have been disadvantaged must be
sometimes treated “unequally”.
 Examples?
 Reserved seating on public transit.
 Maternity leave.
 Free spaces to practice religious rituals.
 Smoking areas environment.
Disabilities- Employer Obligations

 Employers have an obligation to know something about disabilities.

 Canada: such responsibilities are supported by a legislative
 The Canadian Charter of Rights and freedoms,
 The Canadian Human Rights Act
 The Employment Equality Act.

 In Ontario: Accessibility for Ontarians Act

 Employment Equity Act requires employers to modify the workplace to
accommodate persons with disabilities, provided the costs are not
Character of Rights & Freedom
 Section 15.1: “ Every individual is equal before and under the law and has
the right to the equal protection and equal benefits of the law….”
 Section 15.2: “ Subsection 1 does not preclude and law, program or
activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of
disadvantaged individuals or groups…
Equal Opportunities Programs

 Prejudices obscure respect for persons and limit the capacity to access
their abilities.
 Thus, prejudice is not morally objectionable; it is bad for business.
 In your own words, explain this concept.

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