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Diversity Management

July 04, 2009
What is Diversity?

Diversity is ‘otherness’ or those human

qualities that are different from our
own or from the groups we belong to,
yet present in other individuals and
Types of Diversity
Diversity can be differences in:
– Age
– Ethnicity / geographical location /
race / ancestry / color
– Gender
– Physical abilities / qualities
– Sexual orientation
Types - Continued
– Educational background
– Income
– Marital status
– Religious beliefs
– Parental status
– Work experience
Why are we talking Diversity?
• Globalisation
• Opening up of economies
• Smaller world
• Working across time boundaries
• Increase of diverse people in workforce
Managing Diversity
Planning and implementing
organizational systems and practices to
manage people so that the potential
advantages of diversity are maximized
while its disadvantages are minimized
Qantas Flight Catering has sixty-six
nationalities on staff, with various
overseas-born chefs. Dedicated diverse
‘ethnic’ kitchens gave Qantas a huge
competitive edge that offers food based
on customer’s ethnic taste and
Advantages of Diversity
• Effectively managed multi culture
companies have a cost effective
competitive edge – diversity
management is a strategic concept
• It helps in promoting a minority
friendly reputation among prospective
Advantages - Continued
• Diverse cultural corporations have
larger potential to get a diverse
customer base
• Ability to manage cultural diversity
increases adaptability and flexibility of
an organization to environmental
Advantages - Continued

• Diverse group of employees /

heterogeneous groups are perceived to
be more creative and efficient in
problem solving as compared to
homogenous groups
How to manage - Basic
• Diversity is a tool for organisational
progress rather than a managerial
• There is no cook book approach to
managing diversity.
• Acknowledge people's differences and
recognize that these differences as
How to manage - Continued
• Move your frame of reference from an
ethnocentric view (our way is the best
way) to a global perspective (let's take
the best of a variety of ways)
• More than treating others the way you
want to be treated; treat others the way
they want to be treated
Skills for managing diversity

• An understanding and acceptance of

diversity concepts

• Recognition that diversity is threaded

through every aspect of management
Skills - Continued
• Self-awareness: understanding your
own culture, identity, biases,
prejudices, and stereotypes
• Willingness to challenge and change
institutional practices that present
barriers to different groups
Think about this!
• Same treatment is not fair treatment
• Ignoring diversity will ultimately increase
costs through:
– Unhealthy tension between groups
– Loss of productivity because of increased
– Inability to attract and retain talented people
of all kinds
– Complaints and legal actions
Challenges for HR

• Think Global, Act Local

• Mentoring
• Strategic talent management
• Effective Employee Assistance
Thank You

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