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EKG Basics # 2

That Squigglely Line -

What Does It Really Mean ?
Part # 2

David Arnall, Ph.D., P.T. (2000)

The V Leads

 The Precordial Chest Leads

Record The Heart’s Electrical
Activity In The Transverse Or
Horizontal Plane.
 To Create The Six Precordial
Chest Leads, Each Chest Lead
Is Made Positive & The Whole
Body Is Considered Negative.
Lead Positioning
 V1 Is Placed In The Fourth
Intercostal Space To The Right
Of The Sternum.
 V2 Is Placed In The Fourth
Intercostal Space To The Left
Of The Sternum.
 V3 Is Placed In Between V2
And V4.
 V4 Is Placed In The Fifth
Intercostal Space In The
Midclavicular Line Near The
 V5 Is Placed In Between V4
And V6.
 V6 Is Placed In The Fifth
Intercostal Space In The
Midaxillary Line.
 When placing the precordial
chest leads across the thorax,
the clinician places the
electrodes under the pectoralis
major & not over the breasts.
 In The Chest Cavity, The Heart
Is Positioned With The Right
Ventricle Lying Anteriorly &
Medially While The Left
Ventricle Lies Anterolaterally
& Posteriorly
 Therefore, Leads V1 & V2 Lie
Directly Over The Right
Ventricle. Their Line Of Sight
Is To View The Electrical
Activity Coming From The
Right Ventricle.
 Leads V3 & V4 Lie Directly
Over The Interventricular
Septum. Their Line Of Sight Is
To View The Electrical Activity
Of The Interventricular Septum.
 Leads V5 & V6 Lie Over The
Left Ventricle. Therefore,
These Leads View The
Electrical Activity Of The Left
 The Precordial Chest Leads
Can Be Divided Up Into Areas
Of The Heart They View.
 Leads V1, V2, V3, & V4 Are
The Anterior Leads.
 Leads V5 & V6 Look At The
Left Lateral Wall.
In Review

Anterior Chest Leads

V1, V2, V3 & V4

Left Lateral Wall Leads

aVL, Lead I , V5 & V6

Inferior Chest Leads

Lead II, Lead III, & Lead aVF

No Man’s Land

A Review Of The Waves
& Intervals Of The EKG
The P Wave
 The P Wave Is The Signal That
Electrical Potential Has Left
The SA Node, Swept Across
The Atria, & Has Initiated
Atrial Contraction.
What Is A Normal P Wave ?
 Duration : The Normal
Duration Of A P Wave is 2.0 -
2.5 mm (.04 - .1 sec)
 If It Is Greater Than 2.75 mm
(.11 sec) It Is Considered To Be
An Abnormal P Wave.

A Normal Amplitude For A

P Wave Is 2-3 mm.
The P Wave Should Always Be
Gently Rounded - Never
Pointed Or Peaked.
 Abnormal Amplitude Of The P
Wave Is Often Seen In Cor
Pulmonale, A-V Valve Disease,
Hypertension & In Patients
With Congenital Heart Disease
 P Waves Within The Same
Lead That Are Multiformic
Indicate The Presence Of More
Than One Pacemaker In The
Right Atrium.
 In The Six Limb Leads, You Will
Generally See P Waves In The
Upright Position Except In aVR &
V1 Where They Are Negatively
 You Will Frequently See
Biphasic P Waves In Lead III,
Lead V2 & Occasionally In
Lead aVL.
BiPhasic P Wave In V1
The PR Interval
 After The P Wave There Is A
“Silent Period” Where Nothing
Is Happening In The EKG
Tracing. This Quiescent Period
Is Called The PR Interval.
 The PR Interval Is A Time Lag
And Represents The Period
During Which There Is AV
Nodal Capture Of The SA
Node Signal.
 The PR Interval Allows The Atria
To Contract (atrial systole) Which
“Tops Off” The Ventricles With
Blood - An Event Called Atrial
 The PR Interval Is Measured
From The Beginning Of The P
Wave To The Beginning Of
The Q Wave Or The Beginning
Of The R Wave If The Q Wave
Is Absent.
 The PR Interval Represents The
Time Period Encompassing
Atrial Depolarization Up To But
Not Including The Start Of
Ventricular Depolarization.
 “A major portion of the PR
interval reflects the slow
conduction through the AV node
which is controlled by the
balance within the autonomic
nervous system”.
Marriott’s Practical Electrocardiography, 9th ed., Galen S. Wagner, pg 39, 1994
 Duration : The Adult PR
Interval Is Normally Between
3-5 mm Or .12 - .20 Seconds In
Duration. Some Cardiologists
Will Say It Is Normal Out To .
22 Seconds (5 1/2 mm)
 If The PR Interval Is Longer Than
5 mm, It Is Called A Prolonged
PR Interval & May Indicate The
Presence Of An AV Block.
First Degree AV Block
 The PR Interval Shortens
During Exercise Because Of
The Sympathetic Tone That
Predominates Over The
 If The PR Interval Could Not
Shorten, Along With Other
Segments In The EKG, Then
Acceleration Of Heart Rate
During Exercise Would Be
Difficult If Not Impossible.
 In Young Children, The PR
Interval Is Shorter Than In
Adults. The Child’s Heart Rate Is
Also Faster.
 In A 1 Year Old Child At Rest,
The Normal P-R Interval Is
Typically .11 sec. Or Slightly
Under 3 mm.
 For Children Who Are 6 Years Of
Age, The P-R Interval At Rest Is .13
Seconds Or Slightly Over 3 mm.
 In Children 12 Years Of Age,
The P-R Interval At Rest Will Be
.14 Seconds Or About 3.5 mm.
 In Grown Adults 18 Years Of
Age And Older, The P-R
Interval At Rest Will Be 3-5 mm
In Length.
 Prolonged P-R Intervals Are
Symptomatic Of : AV Blocks Due
To Coronary Disease &
Rheumatic Fever.
 Sometimes, Prolonged P-R
Intervals Not Related To Heart
Disease, Can Be Seen In Healthy
Athletes - An Aberration Called A
Normal Variant. This Can Be
Seen In About ~ 1% - 2% Of The
Healthy, Young Population.
Pathologies Resulting In PR
Interval Shortening
 Shortened P-R Intervals Are
Seen In Patients With
Pheochromocytoma And
 Pheochromocytoma is a tumor in
the adrenal medulla that results in
a greater-than-normal release of
catecholamines. The high blood
concentration of catecholamines
causes the heart rate to accelerate.
 Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome
is a medical condition in which
atrioventricular myocardial
accessory pathways electrically
pre-excite the ventricles to
contract producing an extremely
short PR interval.
 These accessory electrical
pathways are remnants of
fetal pathways that did not
disappear after birth. The
Bundle Of Kent has been
implicated as a common
aberrant pathway in W-P-W.
 W-P-W occurs in ~ .15% - .20%
of the population or 2:1,000
people. Patients with W-P-W
are otherwise healthy.
 W-P-W effects men more than
women and can evolve into atrial
and ventricular dysrhythmias
with a general mortality up to 4%
of the effected population.
 Patients with W-P-W often
complain of episodic symptoms
that include chest discomfort,
dizziness, and palpitations.
The Q Wave

 Definition : The Q Wave Is The

First Downward Deflection After
The P Wave & Before The R Wave.
 Sometimes Q Waves Are
Present & Sometimes They Are
Absent Depending On The
 It is common to normally see Q
waves in leads I, II, aVL and in
 A Normal Q Wave Is Not Wider In
Duration Than 0.5 mm Or About .
02 Seconds. Its Normal Amplitude
Is < 1 mm.
 Q Waves Are An Indication
Of Ventricular Septal Wall
 They Appear Before The QRS
Complex Because The Fascicle
That Conducts The Signal Is
Higher Than The Right And
Left Bundle Branch That Give
You The QRS Complex.
 Q Waves Of Normal Size Have
No Diagnostic Meaning In
Normal Hearts Except That
The Septum Has Depolarized.
Significant Q Waves

 Q waves In Leads I, II, aVF, &

aVL Can Mean Something If ...

1. They Are Between 25% - 33%
Of The Amplitude Of The R
2. They Are Greater Than 0.04
Seconds (1 mm) In Duration.
 Q waves of any size are
normal in leads aVR.
 If They Are 25%-33% Of The
Total Amplitude Of The R Wave,
Then They Are Significant For
The Presence Of An MI In The
Lead Where The Q Wave
 In Other Words, If The
Significant Q Wave Appears In
Leads II, III Or aVF, Then The
MI Must Have Occurred In The
Inferior Portion Of The Heart -
The Right Coronary Is Blocked.
 If The Significant Q Wave
Appeared In Lead I Or aVL,
Then The MI Must Have
Occurred In The Antero-Lateral
Or Lateral Portions Of The Left
 Since Lead I & aVL Cover The
Lateral Wall Of The Left
Ventricle, Then The Occlusion
Likely Occurred In The
Circumflex Or The Marginal
Branches Of The Left Coronary.
 Use The Precordial Chest Leads To
Look For Significant Q Waves For
The Presence Of An MI In The
Anterior Portion Of The Heart -
V1 - V6 - The LAD Is Occluded.
The R Wave
 Definition : The R Wave Is The
First Upward Deflection After
The P Wave.
 In the precordial chest leads,
there should be an R wave
progression - i.e. - an ever
increasing amplitude of the R
wave from V1 through V6
 R wave progression occurs
because the precordial chest
leads sweep across the thoracic
cage looking from the thinner
right ventricle across to the
thicker left ventricle.
 Loss of the R wave progression is
abnormal and signals the possible
presence of bundle branch blocks
or the occurrence of a myocardial
The S Wave

 Definition : The S Wave Is

Defined As The First Downward
Deflection After The R Wave.
 There is a normal progressive
decrease in the size of the S
wave in the precordial leads.
 V1 through V2 should have
large S waves with a
decreasing appearance of S
through V5 and V6.
QRS Complex Generalities

 Mostly Upward Deflected

QRS Complexes Are Found In
Leads I, II, III, aVF, aVL, V4,
V5, and V6.
 Mostly Downward Deflected
QRS Complexes Will Be Seen In
Leads aVR And V1,V2, And
Sometimes V3.
 The QRS Complex Signals The
Depolarization Of The
 A Normal QRS Complex Has
A Duration of ~ .06 - .12 Sec.
Or About 1.5 - 3.0 mm.
 If The QRS Is >3mm, The
Medical Staff Will Construe It
To Mean There Is An Abnormal
Intraventricular Conduction
The ST Segment
 The ST Segment Is The Pause
After The QRS Complex - The
Interval Between The End Of
The QRS Complex & The
Beginning Of The T Wave.
 It Symbolizes The End Of
Ventricular Depolarization To
The Start Of Ventricular
 It Is During This Phase Of The
EKG When The Heart Is Being
Passively Perfused - The
Windkessel Effect.
 The ST Segment Slopes Gently
Up Toward The Isoelectric
Line From The J Point And
Ends At The Beginning Of The
T Wave.
The ST Segment
Normal EKG w/ J Point In aVL
 Normal Up Sloping Of The ST
Segment May Be 1-2 mm In Indo-
Europeans And As Much As 4 mm
In African-Americans
 The Normal Duration Of The
ST Segment Is About 2-3 mm.
ST Segment Elevation
 When The ST Segment Is
Elevated In A Patient With
Known Disease, It Is Usually
A Sign Of An Evolving
Transmural Infarction - An MI
In Progress.
ST Segment Elevation
ST Segment Elevation
 So...., The Classic Signs Of An
Acute MI In Progress Are :
– Elevated ST Segment
– Inverted T Wave
– Presence Of A Q Wave
Signs Of An
Anterior Wall Infarction
Anterior Wall Infarction
 An anterior wall MI is usually
caused by an occlusion of the LAD

 EKG changes are seen in any of

the precordial chest leads - V1 - V6
ST Segment Changes
With An Acute Anterior MI
 ST segment elevation in V1-V6
and in Leads I and aVL (the
lateral wall leads).
 Reciprocal ST segment
depression in Leads II, III &
aVF (the inferior leads)
Acute Anterior Myocardial Infarction
 In An Uncomplicated MI,
These EKG Changes Will
Largely Disappear Once The
Infarction Has Frankly
Resolved - Usually In About 3
Or More Days.
Mature Anterior Wall MI
Signs Of An
Inferior Wall Infarction
Inferior Wall Infarction
 This infarction occurs on the
diaphragmatic surface of the

 It is frequently caused by an
occlusion to blood flow through
the right coronary
ST Segment Changes
With An Acute Inferior MI

 ST segment elevations in Leads

II, III and aVF
 Reciprocal ST segment changes
in Leads I, aVL, V1-V6.
Acute Inferior Myocardial Infarction
 In An Uncomplicated MI,
These EKG Changes Will
Largely Disappear Once The
Infarction Has Frankly
Resolved - Usually In About 3
A Mature Inferior Wall MI
Old Inferior Wall MI
Signs Of A
Lateral Wall Infarction
Lateral Wall Infarction
 This type of MI involves the
lateral wall of the heart - the left

 It is often caused by an occlusion

to blood flow through the
circumflex artery.
 ST segment elevations will be
seen in the lateral chest leads -
Leads I, aVL and V5 and V6.
Acute Lateral Wall MI
 In An Uncomplicated MI,
These EKG Changes Will
Largely Disappear Once The
Infarction Has Frankly
Resolved - Usually In About 3
Mature Lateral Wall Infarct
 For All Types Of MI’s, The Q
Wave Often Remains As The
Only Residual Sign That An
Infarction Has Occurred. Also,
The ST Segment May Be
Permanently Depressed.
ST Segment Depression

 When The ST Segment Is

Depressed, Then It Is Usually
A Sign Of Cardiac Ischemia.
ST Segment Depression
Types Of
ST Segment Depression
 ST Segment Depression May
Be A Permanent Part Of The
EKG Tracing.
 At Rest The Patient May Have A
Normal ST Segment. However,
It May Become Depressed As
The Person’s Exercise Level Is
Increased Above The Heart’s
Ability To Receive Adequate
 The ST segment depression
will begin to appear as the
heart becomes ischemic
 It will continue to be more
depressed the more ischemic
the heart becomes.
 The ST segment will normalize
once the exercise intensity is
reduced to a level in which the
heart receives enough perfusion
to support the work that is being
The T Wave
 The T Wave Represents
Repolarization Of The
 Repolarization Proceeds From
The Apex Of The Heart To The
Base Of The Heart.
 In Normal Hearts, The T Wave
Is Usually Upright In Leads I,
II, III, aVF, aVL, & V2-V6.
 In Normal Hearts, The T Wave
Will Usually Be Upside Down
In aVR And V1.
 The Normal Duration Of The
T Wave Is About 1-2 mm.
 Normal Amplitude For The T
Wave Is Highly Variable.
 T Waves Get Taller During
GXT’s And Exercise.
T Waves During Infarction
 With infarction, the T wave
usually becomes tall and narrow -
referred to as “peaking”.

 With time and the onset of

ischemia, the T wave will invert.
The QT Interval

 The QT Interval Encompasses

The Time From The Beginning
Of The Q Or R Wave Through
The End Of The T Wave.
 The QT Interval Represents
40% Of The Normal Cardiac
Cycle Whether At Rest Or
During Exercise.
 The QT Interval Becomes
Shorter As The Heart Rate
Summary Of Durations &
Amplitudes Of The P-QRS-T

 P Waves
 Normal Duration : 2.5 mm
 Normal Amplitude : 2-3 mm

 PR Intervals
 Normal Duration : 3-5 mm
 Q Waves
 Normal Duration : < .5 mm
 Normal Amplitude : <25% of R
amplitude or ~ 1.0 mm
 QRS Complex
 Normal Duration : < 3.0 mm
 Normal Amplitude : Variable

 ST Segment
 Normal Amplitude : 1-2 mm
 Normal Duration : 2-3 mm
 T Wave
 Normal Duration : 2 mm
 Normal Amplitude : < 5 mm in
Limb Leads & < 10 mm in
Precordial Leads

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