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Accounting Equation

Accounting Equation

Accounting Equation
Learning Objectives
This Chapter would enable you to understand:
 Meaning of an Accounting Equation
 Effect of Transactions on an Accounting Equation

Accounting Equation
An Accounting Equation is a mathematical
expression which shows that the assets and
liabilities of a firm are equal.
An Accounting Equation is based on the dual aspect
concept of accounting i.e., every transaction has two
aspects-debit and credit.
It holds that for every debit there is a credit of equal
amount and vice versa.

Accounting Equation
Total Claims (i.e. Capital and Liabilities) are always
equal to the total Assets and is known as Accounting
The claims, also known as equities. are of two types:
1. Owner's equity or capital, and
2. Outsiders Equity (Liabilities or amounts due to
We can express Accounting Equation as follows:
a) Assets = Liabilities + Capital or
b) Liabilities = Assets – Capital or
c) Capital = Assets - Liabilities

Accounting Equation
Overview of the Balance Sheet that shows the Accounting
Equation discussed above.
Balance Sheet
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Capital 4,00,000 Fixed Assets
Secured Loan Land and Building 3,00,000
From Bank 2,25,000 Machinery 2,00,000
Current Liabilities Computer 50,000
Creditors 75,000 Current Assets
Expenses Outstanding 25,000 Stock 50,000
Debtors 1,00,000
Cash and Bank Balances 25,000
7,25,000 7,25,000

Accounting Equation
Effect of Transactions on Accounting Equation
The procedure to workout an Accounting Equation is:
1. Analyse the transaction in terms of such variables
as assets, liabilities, capital. revenues and
2. Decide the effect of the transactions in terms of
increase or decrease on variables mentioned in 1.
3. Record the effect on the relevant side of the
Let us take a few transactions to understand the
accounting equation.

Accounting Equation
Effect of Transactions on Accounting Equation
Suppose, Rakesh starts business and the following
successive transactions are entered into:
(1) He commences his business with Rs. 20,000 as
Effect: It means that the firm has assets totalling Rs.
20,000 in the form of cash and claims against the firm
are also Rs. 20.000 in the form of capital. The equation
stands as follows:
Assets = Liabilities + Capital
Capital Introduced 20,000 = 0 + 20,000
Accounting Equation
Effect of Transactions on Accounting Equation
(2) Purchases furniture for Rs. 500 in cash.
Effect: It means cash in hand is reduced by Rs. 500
but a new asset (furniture) of the same amount has
been purchased. Thus, total of assets remains
unchanged. The equation will now appear as follows:
Assets = Liabilities + Capital
Cash + Furniture Rakesh's
Old Balance 20,000 + 0 = 0 + 20,000
New Transaction - 500 + 500 = 0 + 0
New Balance 19,500 + 500 = 0 + 20,000
Accounting Equation
Effect of Transactions on Accounting Equation
(3) Purchases goods for Rs. 1,000 in cash.
Effect: It means cash in hand is reduced by Rs.
1,000 and another asset, i.e., stock has come into
existence but the total of assets remains unchanged.
The equation now will be as follows:
Assets = Liabilities + Capital

Cash + Furniture + Stock Rakesh's

Old Balance 19,500 + 500 + 0 0+ 20,000

New Transaction -1,000 + 0 + 1,000 0 + 0
New Balance 18,500 + 500 + 1,000 0+ 20,000
Accounting Equation
Effect of Transactions on Accounting Equation
(4) Purchases goods for Rs. 2,000 on credit.
Effect: It means the stock has increased by Rs.
2,000 making the total assets Rs. 22,000. A liability
of Rs. 2.000 to the supplier of the goods (creditor)
has arisen. The equation now will be as follows:
Assets = Liabilities +Capital
Cash + Furniture + Stock Creditors + Rakesh's

Old Balance 18,500 + 500 + 1,000 = 0 + 20,000

New 0 + 0 + 2,000 = 2,000 + 0
New Balance 18,500 + 500 + 3,000 = 2,000 + 20,000

Accounting Equation
Effect of Transactions on Accounting Equation
(5) Sold goods costing Rs. 2,500 on credit for Rs. 4,000.
Effect: It means a debtor has come into existence to the extent of
Rs. 4,000. The stock will be reduced only by Rs. 2.500, being the
cost of goods sold. The net increase in assets. Rs. 1,500. i.e. Rs.
4,000 - Rs. 2,500 (profit) will be added to the capital. The position
now will be shown as

Assets = Liabilities + Capital

Cash + Furniture + Stock + Debtors = Creditors + Rakesh's

Old Balance 18,500 + 500 + 3000 + 0 = 2,000 + 20,000

New Transaction 0 + 0 + -2500 + 4000 = 0 + 1,500
New Balance 18,500 + 500 + 500 + 4,000 = 2,000 + 21,500

Accounting Equation
Effect of Transactions on Accounting Equation
(6) Paid rent Rs.6000

Effect: cash will get reduced by 6000 and capital by 6000

Assets = Liabilities + Capital

Cash + Furniture + Stock + Debtors = Creditors + Rakesh's

Old Balance 18,500 + 500 + 500 + 4000 = 2,000 + 21,500

New Transaction -6000 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 0 - 6000
New Balance 12,500 + 500 + 500 + 4,000 = 2,000 + 15,500

Accounting Equation
Effect of Transactions on Accounting Equation
(7) Rakesh withdraws Rs. 2,000 for personal use.
Effect: Cash in hand is reduced by Rs. 2.000 and capital will also
reduced by the same amount. The new Accounting Equation will
be as follows:
Assets = Liabilities + Capital
Cash + Furniture + Stock + Debtors = Creditors + Rakesh’s
Old Balance 12,500 + 5,00 + 500 + 4,000 = 2,000 + 15,500
New -2,000 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 0 - 2,000
New Balance 10,500 + 500 + 500 + 4,000 = 2,000 + 13,500

Accounting Equation
Effect of Transactions on Accounting Equation
It will be observed from above that the total of assets will always
be equal to the total of liabilities and the capital.
The last equation stated above can also be presented in the form
of a statement i.e.
Balance Sheet
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Creditors 2,000 Cash 10.500
Capital 15,500 Furniture 500
Less: Drawings 2,000 13,500 Stock 500
Debtors 4,000
15,500 15,500

Accounting Equation
Effect of Transactions on Accounting Equation
A conclusion apparent from the transactions given
above is that every transaction has a double sided
effect. In other words, the Dual Aspect Concept will
always hold good.
A reduction or increase in an asset will have a
corresponding effect on liabilities or capital. This is
because of the rule that every receiver is a giver and
every giver is a receiver.

Accounting Equation
1. Capital: When capital is increased, it is credited (+)
and when a part of the capital is withdrawn, i.e.
drawings are made, it is debited (-).
Interest on Capital is an expense for the business, and
thus, profit is reduced by the amount and since
interest on capital is an income for the proprietor, it is
added to capital.
Interest on Drawings is a profit for the business
therefore added to profit and thus, capital. Since it is a
loss/expense for the owner it is deducted from capital.
Assets and Liabilities will not be affected by interest on
capital and interest on drawings.
Accounting Equation
2. Revenue: Owner's equity (Capital) is increased by
the amount of revenue.
3. Expenses: Owner's equity (Capital) is decreased
by the amount of expenses.
Income = Revenue - Expense
Income is the profit earned during an accounting
period. Profit increases the owner's equity (Capital)
and loss decreases the owner's equity (Capital).

Accounting Equation
4. Outsiders' Equity: When liabilities are increased,
outsiders' equities are credited (+) and when
liabilities are decreased, outsiders' liabilities are
debited (-).
5. Assets: If there is an increase in Assets, the
increase is debited (+) in the Asset Account. If
there is decrease in Assets, the decrease is
credited (-) in the Asset Account.
6. It is possible that when one asset increases, the
other asset decreases, e.g., purchase of furniture
for cash. Thus, furniture increases and cash
Accounting Equation
7. It is possible that one asset decreases, the other
asset increases, e.g., sale of furniture for cash.
Thus. cash increases and furniture decreases.
8. It is possible that when one liability increases, the
other liability decreases, e.g., on dishonour of bills
payable. the Bills Payable Account is debited and
the Creditor's Account is credited. Thus, creditor
increases and the amount of bills payable

Accounting Equation
9. It is possible that one liability decreases and the
other liability increases, e.g., creditors were made
payment by accepting bills payable. Thus, creditor
decreases and bills payable increases.
10.It is possible that when an asset increases,
liability also increases, e.g., furniture is purchased
on credit. Thus, furniture increases and the
amount of creditors also increases.
11.It is possible that when an asset decreases,
liability also decreases. e.g., cash paid to
creditors. Thus, cash decreases and the amount
of creditors also decreases.
Accounting Equation
12.Effect of Outstanding Expenses (e.g.,
Outstanding Salary): Increase in liabilities and
decrease in capital.
13.Accrued Income: Increase in asset and increase
in capital.
14.Income Received in Advance: Increase in asset
(as cash) and increase in liabilities.

Accounting Equation
15.An increase in an asset, without a corresponding
increase in liability or a corresponding decrease in
another asset, means an increase in capital.
Conversely, an increase in liability without a
corresponding increase in asset, or a corresponding
decrease in another liability, indicates decrease in

Basic Accounting Terms
Illustration 1
1. Started Business with cash Rs 5000
2. Purchased goods on credit Rs 400
3. Purchased goods for cash Rs 100
4. Purchased postal articles Rs 50
5. Withdrew for personal Use Rs 70

Ans: 5280

Basic Accounting Terms
Illustration 2
1. Commenced business with cash Rs 50,000
2. Purchased goods for cash Rs 25, 000
3. Purchased goods on credit Rs 15,000
4. Bought furniture Rs 4,000
5. Cash Paid to creditors Rs Rs 6,000
6. Paid rent Rs 1,400
7. Received commission Rs 2,000
8. Further capital introduced Rs 10,000
9. Sold goods costing Rs 7000 on credit for Rs 8,500
10. Bank Loan received Rs 8,000
11. Withdrew for personal use 1,600

Ans: 77,500

Basic Accounting Terms
Illustration 3 (Home work)


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