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HRMO Conference
July 13, 2017

Presented by: Mary Jane R. Amarado, AO V

➔ Foreign Staff Development

➔ Local Staff Development

➔ National Human Resource Development Committee

➔ Qualification Requirements

➔ Assessment Criteria for foreign degree and non-degree programs

➔ Service Contract

➔ Financial support

➔ Post-training requirements

➔ Sanctions
Foreign Staff Development
Foreign Staff Development
Short term or non-degree programs

programs with the duration of one (1) month or less.

organized and offered by institutions and organizations in another country

and designed to share country-specific knowledge, competence and
experiences with interested overseas fellows through Bilateral

Bilateral Agreement is the Philippine government tie-up with the government of other
countries. Some of these agreements are: KOICA, ITEC, MTCP, JICA, NFP, CPSC, SEAMEO-
Foreign Staff Development
Personal or Professional Development

programs that have been searched for his/her own career advancement
(e.g. specialized upgrading or enhancement programs, IVETA Conference,

Long term or degree programs

programs with the duration that spans months or years (e.g. Masteral
studies / program – AusAID, NFP, JDS, etc.)
Local Staff Development
Local Staff Development
Degree Programs - offered by reputable schools, universities or training
institutions (e.g. Post-Graduate degrees).

In-House Programs – currently implemented by the TESDA Development

Institute (TDI).

Publicly Offered Programs – programs organized and/or implemented by

private and public institutions, professional organizations and/or
associations and made accessible to interested participants or agencies.
National Human Development Committee
National Human Resource Development Committee
The committee oversee the formulation of a Staff Development Plan (SDP)
or the Workforce Training and Development Plan for TESDA.

Created by the virtue of TESDA Order No. 559 series of 2000

Reconstituted by the virtue of TESDA Order Nos. 19 series of 2004; 167 series of 2005, 126
series of 2007, 208 series of 2009, 73 and 76 series of 2011; 328 series of 2012; 7 and 66
series of 2013
National Human Resource Development Committee
Aside from overseeing the formulation of the National TESDA WTDP, the

Review and evaluate programs, plans and budget within the committee’s
coverage for approval of the Director General;

Screen and select candidates / nominees for all bilateral foreign programs;

Cause the mobilization of graduates of SDP and prepare plans for

application of acquired knowledge and skills.
Qualification Requirements
➔Pre-qualification requirements for Degree Programs

➔Program specific requirements for Degree Programs

➔Pre-qualification requirements for Foreign Non-Degree Programs

➔For Local Non-Degree Programs

Pre-qualification requirements for Degree Programs
• Holders of permanent appointments except plantilla positions classified as co-
• Must have a rating of very satisfactory performance for the last two (2) consecutive
rating periods
• Physically, intellectually, and emotionally fit;
• With no pending administrative case/charge;
• With no pending nominations for other programs, degree or non-degree;
• Must not have refused to attend previous training opportunities without justifiable
cause; and
• Must not have been a recipient of any scholarship grant for graduate degree
program, whether overseas or local
Program-specific qualification requirements for Degree Programs

• Must not be more than 55 years of age unless specified by the country or
needs of the project

• Must satisfy the basic entry requirements of the sponsoring institutions;


• Must satisfy the service and experience requirements of the

sponsoring/hosting country/institutions and TESDA
Pre-qualification requirements for Foreign Non-Degree
Holders of permanent appointments;

For permanent position holders, must have rendered at least two (2) years
of continuous service to TESDA;

Must have a rating of very satisfactory performance for the last two (2)
consecutive rating periods;

Physically, intellectually, and emotionally fit;

With no pending administrative case/charge;

With no pending nominations for other training program/s or sponsorship;

Pre-qualification requirements for Foreign Non-Degree
For previous availers, must have already completed the implementation of
re-entry plans from their previous scholarship;

Must not have refused to attend previous training opportunities without

justifiable cause; and

Must not have been a recipient of overseas training for the last two (2)
years, degree and non-degree
Program-specific qualification requirements for Foreign
Non-Degree Programs
Must not be more than 60 years of age unless specified by the country or
requirement of the program

Must satisfy the basic entry requirements of the sponsoring/hosting

institution/s; and

Must satisfy the service and experience requirements of the

sponsoring/hosting country/institutions and TESDA.
Pre-qualification requirements for Foreign Non-Degree
Holders of permanent, casual and contractual positions;

For permanent position holders, must have rendered at least two (2) years
of continuous service to TESDA; for casuals and contractuals, at least six
(6) months in service in TESDA; and

Physically, intellectually, and emotionally fit

Program-specific qualification requirements for Local Non-
Degree Programs
Must not be more than 60 years of age; and

Must satisfy the basic entry requirements of the program

Assessment Criteria for Foreign Degree and Non-
Degree Programs
Relevance of the Job to the Program 40%

Performance 30%

Length of Service 30%

TOTAL 100%
Service Contract
Any recipient of staff development programs are being required to render
service obligation based on the amount of investment of that particular

For foreign non-degree and degree programs with training duration of less
than one month, no service obligation is being required.
Financial Support
(Degree and Non-Degree Programs) (Non-Degree Programs) (Degree Programs)

● Roundtrip Plane Ticket and Daily ● Registration/Program fees ● Tuition fees and other related
Subsistence Allowance (if plane ● Reimbursement of actual miscellaneous expenses including
fare and DSA will not be transportation expenses entrance examination, oral
shouldered by the sponsoring ● Traveling expenses and per diem defense fees/comprehensive
organization and subject to examination fee, review class fee
availability of funds) and registration fee for bar exam
● DSA and Hotel Accommodation proper
shall be in accordance with ● Book allowance of not more than
existsing UNDP Rate PhP 600.00 per subject for
● Pre-travel expenses of Php Masteral studies
1,500.00 ● Research and thesis preparation
● Travel insurance depending on the allowance of not more than PhP
number of days/duration covered 15,000.00 for Masteral studies
● Reimbursement of other related
fees incidental to the Masteral
Post-training Requirements
After the successful completion of the program, the SDP availer concerned is required to submit
the following post training documents within 15 calendar days upon return to work station:
Non-degree Programs Degree Programs

● Copy of Certificate of Attendance ● Copy of Diploma/Transcript of

● Terminal Report Records
● Learning materials obtained from the ● Terminal Report
program ● Learning materials obtained from the
● Liquidation documents of travel program
expense ● Copy of thesis or equivalent
● Re-entry Action Plan using the ● Liquidation documents of overseas
prescribed format travel expense
● Re-entry Action Plan using the
prescribed format
The following sanctions shall be applied to the availer for failure to comply with requirements:
Grounds Sanctions

Failure to complete the program without ● Refund of corresponding investment/s made by the Agency
justifiable cause

Failure to submit or implement an approved ● Refund of corresponding investment/s made by the Agency
re-entry plan ● Exclusion from nomination for future staff development programs

Failure to attend or refuses to attend the ● Exclusion from nomination for future staff development programs
program without justifiable cause

Failure to complete the service obligation ● Payment of related expenses incurred to be computed based on
the unused service obligation
● Exclusion from nomination for future staff development programs

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