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What do you know about...?

Turtles belong to one of the oldest reptile groups in the world – beating snakes, crocodiles
and alligators! These creatures date back to the time of the dinosaurs, over 200 million years

Just like your bones, a turtle’s shell is actually part of its skeleton. It’s made up of over
50 bones which include the turtle’s rib cage and spine.

What a turtle eats depends on the environment it lives in. Land-dwelling turtles will munch on
beetles, fruit and grass, whereas sea dwellers will gobble everything from algae to squid and

Some turtles are carnivores (meat eaters), others are herbivores (plant eaters) and some are
omnivores (a mixture of the two!). Many baby turtles start life as carnivores but grow to eat
more plants as they mature.

Turtles are ‘amniotes’ – they breathe air and lay their eggs on land, although many species
live in or around water.

Even though they cannot speak, great apes can be taught sign language.
What's even more amazing is that when they don't know the word for an
object, they will combine other words to describe it.

All great apes have one of four blood types: A, B, AB, or O, just like
humans. This means that in theory, a human could get a blood transfusion
from an ape, but more research is needed to determine whether it's
medically possible.

Because their DNA is so similar to that of humans, apes can come down
with the same infections we get, like the common cold, the flu,
and pneumonia.

They’re actually not flies—they’re beetles.

A firefly's glow is a chemical reaction—which makes

them bioluminescent.

Each species has its own flash pattern.

They can be poisonous.

Female fireflies can be cannibalistic.

Identify the elements of the story.
Group 1, 3 and 5 - The Boastful Turtle
Group 2 and Fire - The Ape and the Firefly

The triad will present their findings afterwards.

the ability to understand and
share the feelings of another.

How was empathy mentioned in the selection?

How can they show empathy to others?

Romans 12:15

Be happy with those who are happ

y, and weep with those who weep
Figures of Speech:
It is comparing two unlike things using the
words as, like, than, similar to, resemble
or seem.
Her eyes were like stars.

Darren is as gentle as a kitten.

It is comparing two unlike things without using as, like,
than, similar to, resemble or seem.
It is saying one thing is something else.
He’s a lion when he fights.

Her eyes were sparkling emeralds.

My love is a red, red rose.
It is used when something that is not human
is given human-like qualities.
The angry flood waters slapped the house.

The sun smiled down on us.

Identify the figurative language
used in the sentence.
1. The sunflowers nodded in the wind. Personification
2. The clouds were like ice cream castles in the sky. Simile
3. Laughter is the music of the soul. Metaphor
4. The teacher plants the seeds of wisdom to every child. Metaphor
5. They say this city never sleeps. Personification
6. Her hair was as soft as spider's web. Simile
7. He is blind as a bat. Simile
8. He is diamond in the rough. Metaphor
9. The sun hid behind the clouds. Personification
10. Her hands brushed the keys with velvet grace. Metaphor
List down 2 examples of simile, metaphor and
personification from The Boastful Turtle and
The Ape and the Firefly
The Boastful Turtle The Ape and the Firefly
1. 1.
2. 2.

1. 1.
2. 2.
1. 1.
2. 2.

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