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• Merupakan ringkasan dari suatu

• Dapat terdiri dari satu atau lebih
• Terbatas jumlah kata yang
digunakan, antara 200 – 400 kata
• Pada umumnya hanya 1 lembar
• Abstrak terdiri dari dua jenis yaitu
memberi informasi atau
menunjukkan isi
• Abstrak yang memberi informasi
menonjolkan informasi yang
terkandung dalam tulisan
• Abstrak yang menunjukkan isi
memuat berbagai hal yang
dikandung dalam tulisan
• Abstrak yang memberi informasi
lebih berbobot dibanding yang
menunjukkan isi
Membuat Abstrak

• Secara garis besar abstrak memuat

latar belakang, metode yang
digunakan, boleh memuat hasil akhir
(angka atau persamaan yang
diperoleh), dan kesimpulan
• Untuk membuat abstrak, anda perlu
memahami tulisan (laporan) yang
telah dibuat, anda harus mengetahui
arah penelitian tersebut
• Cari kalimat yang mewakili latar
belakang, metode penelitian, hasil
dan kesimpulan

The biaxial flexure strength and fracture toughness of Alumina have been Latar
measured at two environments i.e. dry and wet condition. The wet condition has belakang
a similarity to the hip joint when blood was filling in the hinge.
The relationship between st rength, fracture toughness, Weibull modulus of
Alumina at dry and wet conditions has been investigated by biaxial fatigue
testing. The results have been exploited to predict the lifetime if the material was
used as a hip joint. Thirty disk specimens were p repared for each test, heat -
treated and tested. The stainless steel ring on ring test rig, mounted on a
computer-controlled Instron test rig (model 4505) was operated to test the Metode
specimens. The specimens were viewed in SEM, EDAX, and X -ray diffraction Penelitian
was used to determine the composition and phases present. Weibull analysis
provided m values: dry 6.6 and wet 4.8. The fracture toughnesses were: dry test
2.4  0.6 MPa.m1/2 and wet test 2.6  0.8 MPa.m1/2. There was no significant
difference between the dry a nd wet tests. The result values were significantly
lower than the others reported.
Fatigue lifetime in dry test was found 6.18 x 105 cycles, which was longer than
wet test 2.18 x 105 cycles. If alumina was used in a hip joint, it is important to
provide a dry condition in the environment, and avoid wet conditions to make Hasil dan
the hip joint long lifetime, although from modelling calculation we found very Kesimpulan
small crack growth are in both conditions ( 1.99 x 10 m/cycle and 1.58 x 10
-9 -9

Contoh ketentuan Abstrak

• ABSTRACT dalam bahasa Inggris dan

ditulis italic, dilengkapi dengan INTISARI
berbahasa Indonesia yang memuat
permasalahan, metodologi dan hasil.
Abstract/Intisari memuat maksimal 300
kata dan dilengkapi dengan
keywords/kata kunci) sebanyak 3-5 kata
yang dituliskan dibawahnya.

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