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What is a widget?

A widget is a portable application filled with content

elements of a widget
the life of a widget
destinations for widgets
examples of types of widgets
elements of a widget

the life of a widget

create widget
widget is created through a widget studio or bespoke by your programmer

a widget can be flash, javascript or any code that can be edited in an HTML page
link content to widget
content is gathered from other websites/online using RSS feeds

link your content

through RSS feed

embed widget where you want
place the widget in the sites with users who you want to connect to, using the embed code

insert the ‘embed’ code

into your sites

widget displays content on page

widget is placed
into your page

widget redistributed
viewers can place the
widget into their sites

also known as
share, grab, steal, send to a friend
track widget

get information
about what’s
happening to your

This image needs

replacing with a widget
tracker this is web
tracker info in a widget!

update widget

link more information or add extra

functionality to your widget. It
updates automatically throughout
the internet

destinations for widgets
phone widgets
applications/widgets can be downloaded to your phone

desktop widgets
Use widgets on the desktop of your computer

website widgets
Download applications/widgets to your social networking site or your won website

more widget examples

More widgets

how social networks fit into the mix
“The environment is now perfect for creating and distributing branded content.
Consumers expect to see and are hapy to share it if the content is good.
Brands are part of the modern fabric of society and have as much legitimacy as consumers
to create and share content.”

•social networking and blogging stats to go here

social media tracker wave 3 Universal Mc Canns March 2008

General widgets ‘state of play’
•where are widgets being based in the uk
•Igoogle UK users pages – GC to add in data from HBOS/IC logfiles
•Netvibes and other destinations
•Facebook, Myspace, bebo etc

social media tracker wave 3 Universal Mc Canns March 2008

Sector research (types of widgets in financial

•Who has used widgets in this sector

•case study
•Other industries

social media tracker wave 3 Universal Mc Canns March 2008

Business case

•Direct response
•Link equity
•Customer retention

social media tracker wave 3 Universal Mc Canns March 2008

Examples (distribution examples – successful

•Ideas/starting points – what have we already got? – Site audits

•Bear in mind HMV project

social media tracker wave 3 Universal Mc Canns March 2008


•Types of widgets

social media tracker wave 3 Universal Mc Canns March 2008

To fit into presentation;
Social Networking Statistics
66.4% of Adults are online (16-54yrs old)
59% of the people asked, have a Social networking account an increase from 27.% last year

Social Media impacts your brands reputation

34% post opinions about products and brands on their blogs
36% think more positively about companies that have blogs

Percentage of worldwide users

My space 32%
Facebook 22.5%
Blogger 15.7%
Friendster 7.7%
Second life 6.2%
Linkedin 5.7%

UK Social Networkers
Facebook 53%
myspace 23%
social media tracker wave 3 Universal Mc Canns March 2008
Blogging Statistics
Blogs are a mainstream media worldwide and as a collective rival any traditional media

73% of Internet users have read a blog
184m bloggers (That’s 45% up 14%)

UK use
25% of internet users blog in the UK (up from 18.5% 2007)
65.8% of Uks social networkers blog
17.6 % use applications when blogging

The UK has the 5th largest blog reading population in the world with 17.8m people
It has the 5th largest for writing at 4.3m that’s 12.3%

social media tracker wave 3 Universal Mc Canns March 2008

Blogging Statistics
What bloggers write about most often

63% personal blogs (diary sites)

26% opinions on products and brands
29.1 % News and Current Affairs
13.5% Business (general news and opinion)
12.1 Business news (relevant to my current situation)
38% recommended web sites – 17.6 applications that display other site content
56% Blogging is a good way to express yourself
36% Think more positively about companies that have blogs
32% Trust bloggers opinions on products and services

Don’t forget micro bloggin 140 characters or less (twitter and Jaiku)

social media tracker wave 3 Universal Mc Canns March 2008

widget Statistics
23.3% Social Network users have installed an application (16 – 54 yr olds)
18% of bloggers have installed applications in their blog templates (16 – 54 yr olds)

Ivan putting more stats here

social media tracker wave 3 Universal Mc Canns March 2008

End note
Develop widgets, applications, services and platforms that create a genuine consumer
benefit and drive for engagement. Provide consumers with tools to manage their
personal brands online

Be inventive in connecting with consumers. Integrate it with offline communications

and use social media as a link or a story to communicate.

Our example of your widget

stuff to maybe add in
• Based on January 2008 Comscore stats, Yahoo still leads the category, although they've dipped about 6%
to 47 million monthly visitors. Their market share has dropped to 57%. Google, on the strength of
homepage promotion of iGoogle, has tripled to 22 million monthly visitors, putting them in second place
with 26% market share. MyMSN and MyAOL/MyNetscape are next, with 10% and 3.3% market share,
respectively. Then, at the end, Netvibes and Pageflakes.
Other stuff to put in for future ‘what is a widget’ section

•Showing the different platforms widgets can appear on

•More explanation of what an RSS feed is
•More demo of how easy it is to 'grab' a widget and put code in sites
•More on seeding, and gigya, sprout clearspring etc
•Credit the kickapps widget studio I used in the presentation
•More on engagement, stopping your user being bored, widget strategy stuff
•Advantages and stats around social network seeding
•smashable widgets (thanks jenny)
•Reports and what you can get out of analytics
•Other words for widgets
•Clean up the styling and consistency throughout presentation

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