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Chapter 6

Lying to your Forging your
parent about your Skipping mass
whereabouts signature on a to sleep in from
form for school a late night
Cheating on a Desecrating
test Not telling your the
Having something they Eucharist
Gossiping about a should know
teacher premarital sex
Looking lustfully at a
Driving drunk
Sin in Your Life
As an
As an action or attitude
a failure

As an
abuse of

Ways Sin is Present Sin in Your Life

people from

of Sin
Alienates Alienates
people from people
God from

The Reality of sin

Jesus saves us from our sins

Sacrament Jesus'
Sin Conversion
of Penance mercy

Interior Led through

Commission Eternal
judgment of Christ to
of sin Salvation
conscience forgiveness

The Reality of sin

Speaking to the serpent, God
said, "I will make you enemies of
each other; you and the women;
your offspring and her offspring.
It will crush your head and you
will strike its heel" (Genesis

Traditionally the woman and her

offspring have been understood
to mean Mary and her Son.
What the Bible says about sin
Old Testament New Testament
Sins Sins
• Hattah: missing the mark • Lawlessness: contempt for
• Pesha: rebellion God and his Law
• Awon: guilt or iniquity • Injustice: a failure to do
right, especially toward
• Falsehood or darkness: sin
that opposes God’s truth,
which can be found only in

What the Bible says about sin

The Sins Jesus Strongly Condemned
Sin Meaning Scriptural basis
Actions Bad examples that “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to
cause others to sin sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone hung
around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”
Matthew 18:6
Failure Not responding to “For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you
to Act God’s people gave me no drink, a stranger and you gave me no welcome, naked
and you gave me no clothing…. ‘Amen, I say to you, what you did
not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.’”
Matthew 25: 42, 43, 45

Attitudes For example, anger “But I say to you, whoever is angry with his brother will be liable
leading to violence to judgment, and whoever says to his brother, ‘Raqa,’ will be
answerable to the Sanhedrin, and whoever says, ‘You fool,’ will be
liable to fiery Gehenna.” Matthew 5:22

What the Bible says about sin

Three actions essential for salvation
• Repent your sins.
• Believe in the Gospel
message of the coming of
God’s Kingdom.
• Love God and love others
with the help of the Holy

What the Bible says about sin

Mortal Sin
A grave infraction of the law of
God. Mortal sin is personal sin
that involves serious matter,
sufficient rejection, and full
consent of the will. It results in
total rejection of God and
alienation from him.

Different Kinds of Sin

Venial Sin
Personal sin that weakens
but does not kill a person’s
relationship with God.
Venial sin is the failure to
observe in lesser matters
the obligations of the moral

Different Kinds of Sin

Combat the Seven Sins with Seven Virtues
Pride – Humility Gluttony – Temperance

Covetousness – Liberality Envy – Brotherly love

Sloth – Diligence
Lust – Chastity

Anger – Meekness

Different Kinds of Sin

Original Justice—Three Harmonies

between man Harmony
and woman between the
Inner Harmony
first couple and
all of creation

Different Kinds of Sin


Grave Matter Full Knowledge

Different Kinds of Sin

Love Hate

Obey Ignore
God God

Do good Harm
to others
Different Kinds of Sin
Result of mortal sin
Loss of Charity

Loss of Loss of friendship

sanctifying grace with God

Excluded from Eternal death of

heaven hell
Different Kinds of Sin
“When the Son of Man comes in
his glory, and all the angels with
him, he will sit upon his glorious
throne, and all the nations will be
assembled before him. And he
will separate them one from
another, as a shepherd separates
the sheep from the goats. He will
place the sheep on his right and
the goats on his left. Then the
king will say to those on his right,
‘Come, you who are blessed by
my Father. Inherit the kingdom
prepared for you from the
foundation of the world.”
Matthew 25:31
Different Kinds of Sin
If your mortal sin has separated you from God . . .

Make a thorough examination of conscience.

Confess your sins at the Sacrament of Penance.

Receive absolution.

Now you are free to receive Holy Communion.

Different Kinds of Sin

The statement by which a priest, speaking as the official minister of
Christ’s Church, declares forgiveness of sins to a repentant sinner in the
Sacrament of Penance.

Different Kinds of Sin

Fraternal Correction
• “Admonishing the sinner” is a spiritual work of mercy that includes
instructing, advising, consoling, and comforting others, as well as
praying for others and forgiving and bearing wrongs patiently.
• Admonishing the sinner must be done in a Christlike manner, with
humility and true love.
• You must never approach another person with smugness or disdain.

Different Kinds of Sin

5 steps of Penance
1. Examine your conscience: Seek the Holy Spirit, reflect on Christ’s Law,
review how you have not followed the Ten Commandments.

2. Have contrition for your sins Show genuine sadness for not loving God
and others.

3. Confess your sins: Own your sins with maturity and sincerity.

4. Receive absolution: Accept the assurance that God has forgiven you.

5. Do the penance assigned: The sacrament is not complete until the

penance is completed.

Conversion and the Sacrament of Penance



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