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Industrial Networks Vs.

Commercial Networks
Jorge Avila
Mario Erazo
Christian Tapia
Principals differences
Industrial Networks Vs. Commercial Networks
• (Implementation) Industrial networks can be broadly grouped into
the following domains discrete manufacturing, process control,
building automation, utility distribution, transportation and
embedded systems.
• (Architecture)

A power generating utility will retain independent control networks in order to retain a logical separation
between units both at mechanical and control level.
Industrial Networks Vs. Commercial Networks
• Failure Severity: Due to the fact that industrial control networks are
connected to physical equipment, failure of a system has a much
more severe impact than that of commercial systems.
• Real Time requirement: Industrial networks require much lower
response times than in commercial networks.

• Determinism: The variance of time must be low in industrial networks

since it affects control loops, in commercial networks it is not relevant
except for voice over IP for example in a speech
Industrial Networks Vs. Commercial Networks
• Data size: The size of the data in industrial networks is usually small, they can
even be bits, however in commercial networks more information is transmitted
• Periodic and Aperiodic Traffic: data in industrial networks should be sampled
periodic or aperiodic depending on the conditions of a device, clocks or protocols
are used to facilitate it. In commercial networks this is not considered, in case of
requiring it, it uses delays prior to sending information.
• Temporal Consistency and Event Order: Industrial networks it is necessary to
determine the time and when the transmissions occur use time multiplexing or
synchronized clock, this is not usually necessary in commercial networks, example
• Ruggedness: Industrial networks are implemented in aggressive environments,
while in commercial networks they are usually returned in friendly environments

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